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Lingobeat ♂️ [1980785] [2005-10-18 16:01:02 +0000 UTC] "Paulo Freitas" (Portugal)

# Statistics

Favourites: 36; Deviations: 87; Watchers: 4

Watching: 9; Pageviews: 6300; Comments Made: 364; Friends: 9

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: Dali, Da Vinci, Raphael, Pollock, Frida,
Favorite movies: Snatch, Serindipity, Shreck, Gladiator, Chocolat , Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, etc
Favorite bands / musical artists: DMB, Ben Harper,
Favorite writers: Paulo Coelho, Bernard Weber
Tools of the Trade: Canon 450D and Nikon F80 and panasonic F70
Other Interests: Photography, Dancing, Martial arts

# About me

I'm interested in learning about perspective and point of view, changing my own and others.

Current Residence: the world
Favourite genre of music: Folk, brasilian popular music and good rock
Favourite photographer: searching...
Favourite style of art: Waterscapes
Operating System: XP
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Nano
Shell of choice: coquiles St Jacques
Skin of choice: smooth
Favourite cartoon character: Gromit,
Personal Quote: Change is the only constant that we encounter in live

# Comments

Comments: 67

Intergrativeone [2007-04-04 13:58:11 +0000 UTC]

Hey Paulo,
That's great.... you should follow your desires and dreams, but always be the leader... Being .... is so important in life. Take it from a old hippy chick.... Be safe and enjoy the ride... stay in touch when you can.
Cheers!!! gisela

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Lingobeat In reply to Intergrativeone [2007-04-05 17:47:39 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the good wishs I shall try to lead and not follow

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Aardvarkmask [2007-04-04 12:18:34 +0000 UTC]

cheers!, glad and happy you appreciate my mad work!.

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MarksontheStreet [2006-08-11 20:24:05 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fave, and great gallery you've got here

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poezja [2006-08-11 12:13:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for fav
Beautiful gallery.

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Lingobeat In reply to poezja [2006-08-11 14:34:27 +0000 UTC]

thank you
and you have a beautiful photo

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MichaelLaird [2006-03-18 18:06:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the !!!

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ninoux [2006-03-08 16:32:50 +0000 UTC]

hey thanks very much for the i really apreciate it

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anlis [2005-12-09 14:41:43 +0000 UTC]

muito obrigada plo

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capn-flappy [2005-12-07 11:13:24 +0000 UTC]

will YOU come to see i walk the line with me?

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Lingobeat In reply to capn-flappy [2005-12-08 12:16:22 +0000 UTC]


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capn-flappy In reply to Lingobeat [2005-12-10 03:01:35 +0000 UTC]

the movies. you can get popcorn OR a choc-top... but not both

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Lingobeat In reply to capn-flappy [2005-12-10 17:06:31 +0000 UTC]

you could also get some nachos with the popcorns

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capn-flappy In reply to Lingobeat [2005-12-11 08:24:28 +0000 UTC]

nachos in a movie theatre... your crazy man

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wbcfor [2005-12-06 11:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comments, visit!

I love your work.
I'll be back...

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Lingobeat In reply to wbcfor [2005-12-06 13:31:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Your welcome to come by whenever you want

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IronLady [2005-12-04 12:46:04 +0000 UTC]

Obrigado por teres passado na minha galeria!
Agradeço também o e o em Tempo.

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Lingobeat In reply to IronLady [2005-12-05 09:49:18 +0000 UTC]

your welcome

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anlis [2005-12-02 09:21:46 +0000 UTC]

a pagina continua em grande movimento!! tou a gostar de ver...só faltam mesmo os comments....eu sei....

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Lingobeat In reply to anlis [2005-12-02 14:56:58 +0000 UTC]

Se queres ver movimento checa o meu blog, é so seguires o link para website aki
E sim comments please hehehehe e para quando umas devs?

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anlis In reply to Lingobeat [2005-12-09 17:15:09 +0000 UTC]

as devs....eu digo sempre para mim..."tenho que por umas devs..." e dps....o work....consome o meu tempo...e deposi o ~alaves !! claro
mas eu prometo....vou pro uams devs!!

ja vi o teu blog...nao li...vi....mas vou ler!!!

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SeveralNerves [2005-11-29 21:05:31 +0000 UTC]

Tens fotos muito interessantes. Acho que vais ter mais observadores dentro de pouco tempo

gostei do que vi!

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Lingobeat In reply to SeveralNerves [2005-11-30 10:15:08 +0000 UTC]


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spinklefinkle [2005-11-12 04:36:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank yo so much for adding me to your friends list.. Means lot's ot me..

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Foxfires [2005-11-12 02:15:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the fav!

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Lingobeat In reply to Foxfires [2005-11-13 18:19:16 +0000 UTC]

your welcome!

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nicolaskern [2005-11-10 20:32:01 +0000 UTC]

Good to have you here!

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Lingobeat In reply to nicolaskern [2005-11-11 10:54:12 +0000 UTC]


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asiantuntija [2005-11-10 15:02:58 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for your support

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Lingobeat In reply to asiantuntija [2005-11-10 19:47:57 +0000 UTC]

well you deserve it!

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vdevil [2005-11-10 12:16:25 +0000 UTC]

Quis ser a nº 100 a ver e decidi registar que estive aqui no teu canto...***continuação de bons trabalhos

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Lingobeat In reply to vdevil [2005-11-10 12:21:07 +0000 UTC]

Obrigado! e parabens pelo no.100! Obrigado pela visita

Sem querer parecer arrogante (pois sei que vai soar como tal) na tua frase em ingles apos a virgula queres dizer que ter classe é intemporal? se sim sugeria uma pequena alteraçao "but class is timeless espero que nao leves a mal a sugestao, é so o habito do trabalho a impor-se

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vdevil In reply to Lingobeat [2005-11-10 12:46:04 +0000 UTC]

Não parece nada arrogante, este sitio é para opinar a nossa vontade gostes ou não tens de levar c/ os outros (a meu ver) a minha frase "but class don´t have times..." significa não tem tempo ou seja a moda vai e vem, mas a classe de cada um não tem tempo, ou seja não é moda (será que me fiz entender)

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Lingobeat In reply to vdevil [2005-11-10 12:53:17 +0000 UTC]

sim foi o que pensei. E tens de gramlar com a opiniao dos outros sim mas a vantagem so aceitas se quiseres
sendo assim aqui vai a minha neste assunto: frase genial, mas incorrecta gramaticalmente em ingles, times nao existe o plural the time é time
dai aminha sugestao de mudares para "but class is timeless" que é exactamente o mesmo que queres dizer! Isto de corrigir o ingles é so uma mania minha, desculpa-me a presunçao

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vdevil In reply to Lingobeat [2005-11-10 13:58:53 +0000 UTC]

Só te tenho a agradecer e txaraaaaaaam já está aceitei a tua opinião...

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Lingobeat In reply to vdevil [2005-11-10 15:16:43 +0000 UTC]

ok fiz me entender mal: a frase correctamente em ingles é:

Fashion comes and goes, but class is timeless...

sucinto e directo!

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SecretMorning [2005-11-10 03:51:05 +0000 UTC]

You've been to Scotland? Oh gosh! Petit Chanceux!
I wish i'd been there. But I will go, next time I hit Europe! hehe!

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Lingobeat In reply to SecretMorning [2005-11-10 12:03:39 +0000 UTC]

I lived in Scotland for a year! and 6 months in England Highly recommend visiting Scotland specially the West Coast, so wild and beautiful and full of wildlife

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SecretMorning In reply to Lingobeat [2005-11-10 15:31:03 +0000 UTC]

I lived in England for 6 months too! When where you there? And where were you living?
I was in Buckinghamshire, near London. I was there last year, sept-march

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Lingobeat In reply to SecretMorning [2005-11-10 19:45:04 +0000 UTC]

Well I was up north in Harrogate from nov-may last year than went down to peterborough and then jump the channel to come here to france

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SecretMorning In reply to Lingobeat [2005-11-11 03:08:42 +0000 UTC]

Oh cool! has your journey any specific purpose? Or are you simply enjoying to discover the world?

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Lingobeat In reply to SecretMorning [2005-11-11 10:42:49 +0000 UTC]

hmm very curious aren't you? Well In fact It is the nature of my job or better saying the difficulties in it that led me to travelling this much. I was in the Uk after a MSc degree in Scotland, just trying to get a decent job in Marine Biology. And I'm in France because of a job I was offered, and since temping is definitly not my thing I just came over and it is great! I think I'm becoming a nomad just jumping around and to be honest I quite enjoy the travelling and getting to know new people and new cultures. How about u? Your 6 months were just a discovery trip of UK?

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SecretMorning In reply to Lingobeat [2005-11-11 15:36:34 +0000 UTC]

Yes I AM curious! But you touched two strings that interests me a lot, languages, then travelling! hehe!
I always wanted to visit England, then I had finished college, wasnt suer what to do at university.. found this thing Au Pair, so I decided to go! I don't regret it at all! And I will keep on travelling, in two years for university (Spain!) and then I don't know when but I'll eventually visit every places int he world! Yup Yup

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Lingobeat In reply to SecretMorning [2005-11-11 23:07:01 +0000 UTC]

hehehehe it is said that curiosity killed the cat, but I think curiosity is essential in life! If you are going to Spain I highly recommend that you pay a visit to Portugal, if you have the chance Sintra is one of the most magical and beautiful places in the planet and deserves visiting, I shall post a pic or 2 if I can found any decent ones in my photos. Although Spain is very interesting I think Portugal as a lot to offer too. I share the same entusiasm as you for travelling, its quintessential to me, it is just great to get to know new people newx places, see different things look at life in different ways, a bit like taking various photos of the same subject but just changing the perspective/point of view

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SecretMorning In reply to Lingobeat [2005-11-13 04:22:28 +0000 UTC]

Wow that is well said! hehe!

I'll take a not about Sintra. If I get a chance! I'm goign to Spain because it's Spanish I'm studying. But as I said, I will visit any places I can! I too want to take pictures from every angle! (and not just figuratively)

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Lingobeat In reply to SecretMorning [2005-11-13 18:01:56 +0000 UTC]

muy bien! te desejo buena sorte con tos estudos.

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SecretMorning In reply to Lingobeat [2005-11-14 04:11:48 +0000 UTC]

gracias. pero yo puedo ayudarme. como se llaman los dos espanol idiomas. yo pienso que uno es el castilano, pero no soy muy (sure) !

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Lingobeat In reply to SecretMorning [2005-11-14 13:26:49 +0000 UTC]

I'll help you, just a few remarks in your sentence (yo is me not you) and it should be idiomas espanols. I'll do it in english because it is actually easier for me ! In Spain you have a series of different languages depending of the region you are going. The official is castelaño which is the basis for the spanish spoken in America. You have others like catalan, galego and I believe there is also others in andalucia e leon but I am not aware of their names. Galego is spoken in Galicia (it is a language that is closer to the ancient spanish and portuguese) in fact is so close that they use same words and structure than portuguese. Well our country actually started from the North which makes frontier with Galicia.
In Cataluña you have catalan. And if you go to the basque coutnry they speak basque which as nothing to do with spanish, or in fact to any modern european language (it derives from an ancient indo-european language). Just a word of caution, spanish people are very proud of their language, specially at regional levels were they try an preserve their specific culture. So if you plan to go to Barcelona (which is in Cataluña) be aware that they speak mainly catalan, and are some people that are quite adamant on using this idioma on classes etc. In galicia they are a bit less adamant in the use of galego. (by the way if you receive this twice is just an error of this reply thingy)

I'm leaving you some essential phrases/words for your survival in spain:

dos cañas por favor! (two half-pints please)
dos cervezas por favor! (two beers please! - normally bottles is cerveza)
dos canecas por favor! (two pints please)

And if you go to Portugal
duas imperiais se faz favor!
duas cervejas se faz favor! (it is normally bottles or cans, you maybe be asked if you want garrafa (bottle) or lata (can))
Duas canecas se faz favor!

Or if you don't like beer:

una copa de viño (glass of wine - not usual to find but exists in some bars) or the more common
una botela de viño por favor
- very good white: Albariño
- good red: Rioja

em português:

um copo de vinho
uma garrafa de vinho ( you speak it with similar entonation as in spanish the word nh is the same as ñ)

very good young white - Alvarinho, Casal Garcia (we call them green wine) excelent with seafood)
very good red - wines from the Alentejo region a good one is "Monte Velho" or a "Vasco da Gama"
excellent rose - Mateus rosé

Well this is all for now, but if you need more help in this mother just drop me a line

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SecretMorning In reply to Lingobeat [2005-11-14 17:28:47 +0000 UTC]

My god! That is service!
I thought I was annoying you.. btu you seem to take a pleasure to answer me! And with all those tips and historical info! Hehe! That's exactly what I'm studying in linguistic, and vocab, the origins of Indo-Europeans languages and all. Thanks a lto anyway and I think that was quite complete and nice from you

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Lingobeat In reply to SecretMorning [2005-11-15 08:13:45 +0000 UTC]

your welcome, as I said languages and other cultures fascinate me. And I like to promote my lovely little country and continent.

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