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| NM2
# Statistics
Favourites: 153; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 24
Watching: 40; Pageviews: 15719; Comments Made: 387; Friends: 40
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Bob fuckin' Ross. Let's put a happy little tree here. :DFavorite movies: The Prestige, V for Vendetta, Fight Club
Favorite TV shows: Breaking Bad
Favorite bands / musical artists: Sabaton, Iced Earth, Helloween, the Ayreon project, more
Favorite writers: Valerio Massimo Manfredi
Favorite games: The World Ends With You, Ace Attorney Series, Pokémon series, SSBB
Favorite gaming platform: Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS
Other Interests: Metal, nickel, iron, fire and steel, zinc, uranium, titanium, metal's their will.
# About me
Σουτζουκάκια Γεμιστά------------------------
Υλικά για 4 μερίδες
250 γρ. κιμάς μοσχαρίσιος
250 γρ. κιμάς χοιρινός
3 κουταλιές σούπας τριμμένη φρυγανιά
1 σκ. Σκόρδου λιωμένη
½ κουτάλι γλυκού κύμινο
1 αυγό
½ φλυτζάνι φέτα
½ φλυτζάνι κεφαλοτύρι
½ φλυτζάνι φρέσκο μαϊντανό ψιλοκομμένο
ελαιόλαδο για το τηγάνισμα
Για τη σάλτσα ντομάτας:
400 γρ. ντοματάκι ψιλοκομμένο με το χυμό του (κονσέρβα)
1 ξερό κρεμμύδι τριμμένο
4 κουταλιές σούπας ελαιόλαδο
1 ζωμός λαχανικών Knorr «σπιτικό»
1½ φλυτζάνι νερό
1 πρέζα ζάχαρη
Σε ένα βαθύ σκεύος ανακατεύουμε τα δυο είδη κιμά, το αυγό, τη φρυγανιά, το σκόρδο, τον ψιλοκομμένο μαϊντανό, το κύμινο, αλάτι και πιπέρι. Ζυμώνουμε το μίγμα ώσπου να αναμιχτούν καλά τα υλικά. Αφήνουμε το μίγμα για μια ώρα στο ψυγείο, αν υπάρχει δυνατότητα.
Τρίβουμε τα δύο είδη τυριών και τα ρίχνουμε σε ένα μπολ.
Πλάθουμε με τα χέρια μας μια κουταλιά από το μίγμα του κιμά. Το απλώνουμε στην παλάμη μας σε σχήμα δίσκου, παίρνουμε λίγο από το μίγμα των τυριών, το βάζουμε στη μέση του δίσκου από κιμά και κλείνουμε γύρω γύρω καλά, εγκλωβίζοντας το τυρί στο εσωτερικό του κιμά. Συνεχίζουμε τη διαδικασία ώσπου να τελειώσει ο κιμάς.
Σε μια κατσαρόλα ζεσταίνουμε το ελαιόλαδο και σοτάρουμε το κρεμμύδι για 3-4 λεπτά ώσπου να μαλακώσει. Προσθέτουμε τις ντομάτες με το χυμό, το 1,5 φλ. νερό και το ζωμό λαχανικών. Αλατοπιπερώνουμε. Βράζουμε τη σάλτσα για 15 λεπτά σε χαμηλή φωτιά.
Σε ένα τηγάνι ζεσταίνουμε λίγο ελαιόλαδο και ροδίζουμε τα σουτζουκάκια για 4-5 λεπτά από όλες τις μεριές. Στη συνέχεια ρίχνουμε τα σουτζουκάκια στη σάλτσα ντομάτας και τα αφήνουμε να σιγοβράσουν για 15-20 λεπτά. Τα σερβίρουμε με ρύζι πιλάφι ή τηγανιτές πατάτες.
# Comments
Comments: 82
Britnita [2013-04-16 19:44:54 +0000 UTC]
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just-irene [2011-07-06 17:29:59 +0000 UTC]
E dx, tha itan grousouzia! Xronia polla k apo 'do, panta xaroumenos
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NM2 In reply to just-irene [2011-07-06 19:00:16 +0000 UTC]
Έτσι έτσι, ευχαριστώ! Πάλι καλά που έχω και γενέθλια για να θυμάμαι ότι έχω και dA account. xD
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PanosMC55 [2011-07-06 13:08:32 +0000 UTC]
Xronia Polla NM2!
Polyxronos ^^
~Master Chef from LP
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NM2 In reply to PanosMC55 [2011-07-06 15:38:36 +0000 UTC]
Πού εξαφανίστηκες εσύ ρε;
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PanosMC55 In reply to NM2 [2011-07-06 15:58:30 +0000 UTC]
Eh, edo ekei para peeera xD
Tora tha arxisei ki i 3i Lykeiou kai prepei siga-siga na aneksartitopoioumai apo to PC
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just-irene [2010-07-06 21:07:41 +0000 UTC]
Den eimai sigouri, exo allaxei kai kinito opote den exo ipenthimiseis kai tpt, alla exo mia entiposi oti esi k i Siadora exete genethlia simera [dld stis 6] ...?
Xronia sou polla loipon Thanooooo ^^
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NM2 In reply to just-irene [2010-07-06 23:10:10 +0000 UTC]
Euxaristw poly! Esy ti leei? Pws ta phges me tous va8mous?
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just-irene In reply to NM2 [2010-07-06 23:35:27 +0000 UTC]
Ego genika den ta piga kala, kai idi apo ta Math Kat iksera oti den epiana Arxitektoniki. Sto telos eixa ipologisei giro sta 17900 oti evgaza, kai telika exo vgalei 17580 kathara sto 4o kai 18315 sto 5o [pou vsk den me endiaferei]..
Pao gia Pliroforiki tou EKPA, elpizo na pesoun oi vaseis, allios tha pao stin Pliroforiki tou Peiraia (:
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NM2 In reply to just-irene [2010-07-07 19:45:55 +0000 UTC]
Ela s' emas, asoee, exei ki ekei plhroforikh. Den kserw an leei to tmhma alla h sxolh exei gelio.
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just-irene In reply to NM2 [2010-07-07 23:03:52 +0000 UTC]
Haha to xero oti exei k ekei Pliroforiki [k gia tin akriveia oson afora ta metaforika i asoee me voleuei perissotero ap' ta alla], alla to skeftomai sovara giati den exo akousei k ta kalitera logia sxetika me to programma spoudon..! Aurio tha miliso sovara me anthropous pou xeroun, opote tha do an tha ti valo 3i i 4i epilogi
Esi ola ok me ti sxoli sou, euxaristimenos?
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Myselfsquared [2010-04-30 12:48:36 +0000 UTC]
Well I googled "I hate panellhnies" and your journal was the first thing that came up, so woot!
Glad to see you did so well - even though it was about a year ago. I have panellhnies in like 2 weeks O.O This is horrible!
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NM2 In reply to Myselfsquared [2010-04-30 17:48:45 +0000 UTC]
Axaxaxaxaxaxax, den perimena na me vrei pote kaneis etsi. xD
Thanks, kai mhn anhsyxeis idiaitera, pera apo to diavasma klp, ola einai 8ema autopepoi8hshs. An pisteueis oti 8a ta pas kala, teleiwse, 8a ta pas kala. Good luck though, I'll be checking for updates in a few weeks.
In other news, very interesting gallery, vlepw to katexeis to eleu8ero sxedio. Pas gia kamia arxitektonikh/kalwn texnwn h mpa?
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Myselfsquared In reply to NM2 [2010-05-01 16:42:03 +0000 UTC]
Sketomoun kalwn texnwn, alla telika katelh3a sthn arxitektonikh! Esi twra pou eisai? Eida pws xreiazosoun pshlous va8mous...
Euxaristw! Exw kairo na anevasw kati Love your gallery too - always had a soft spot for pokemon! The emo ones are awesome xD
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NM2 In reply to Myselfsquared [2010-05-01 17:29:09 +0000 UTC]
Lol tous ypshlous va8mous tous h8ela gia na thn pw ston kosmo pou elege oti den diavaza ka8olou olh th xronia kai paw apla na dwsw san na einai ka8hmerina test sto sxoleio. xD
Telika Logistikh-Xrhmatooikonomikh sthn ASOEE perasa, kala pane ta 2 prwta eksamhna, elpizw apla na mhn frikarw sthn poreia me ola ta oikonomika pou 8a faw sth mapa.
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Myselfsquared In reply to NM2 [2010-05-01 18:47:03 +0000 UTC]
Se katalavainw apoluta To akouw ka8hmerina!
ASOEE... na mia sxolh sthn opoia den 8a mporousa pote na paw!
P.S. I hate AODE. With passion.
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NM2 In reply to Myselfsquared [2010-05-01 22:27:20 +0000 UTC]
That's normal, to periergo 8a htan na mhn to miseis. Exei ftiaxtei gia na to sixainetai o kosmos. Kai kala, pes emena pou eimai ASOEE kapou mou xreiazetai. Esy pou pas gia arxitektonikh, o X pou paei gia plhroforikh kai o Y pou paei gia gymnastikh akadhmia h o,ti allo telos pantwn, ti skata to 8elei?
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Myselfsquared In reply to NM2 [2010-05-02 06:09:41 +0000 UTC]
Auto anarwtiemai ki egw apo thn arxh ths xronias! Alla paei pia, se liges meres to vivlio paei gia... anakuklwsh!
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NM2 In reply to Myselfsquared [2010-05-02 11:24:24 +0000 UTC]
Anakyklwsh, cool, toulaxiston den se pianei to persino 8ema ek8eshs gia to kapsimo twn vivliwn. xD
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EkoGlitch [2010-03-15 09:12:00 +0000 UTC]
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NM2 In reply to FlamingClaw [2009-10-23 18:38:14 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome man, awesome card fakers ought to be watched.
Also, random fact, I think I had met you at some totally random invisionfree forum some years ago, but even I don't remember my nick there. xD
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FlamingClaw In reply to NM2 [2009-10-23 19:02:19 +0000 UTC]
was it Lugia's island? That's the only IF forum I remember, although I know i have been on more. I don't think I remember ya, if ya remember your nick / the forum it'd be cool if you let me know
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NM2 In reply to FlamingClaw [2009-10-24 09:16:31 +0000 UTC]
Freakin' found it.
I've been searching for more than an hour. The place is closed now so I can't see my nick but yeah. Funny thing, I found it through Lugia's island after googling the owner's name.
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FlamingClaw In reply to NM2 [2009-10-24 10:07:23 +0000 UTC]
Ah right, I remember it, but it's not open so I can't check anything. I hate it when people close dead forums - might as well leave it open for the occasional nostalgia.
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velisianna [2009-08-25 07:23:27 +0000 UTC]
heyo!i see u here and there (LP), so why not adding u!congrats for ur results, u must feel really revived now..
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NM2 In reply to velisianna [2009-08-25 12:21:57 +0000 UTC]
Yup, epitelous mporw na lew oti eimai kai epishma foithths. :Ρ
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Nyx-Aeterna [2009-07-27 06:24:59 +0000 UTC]
FAQ #8: What does deviantART consider to be Art Theft?
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NM2 In reply to Nyx-Aeterna [2009-08-25 12:43:23 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, hadn't checked my comments in quite some time. Do explain please.
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NM2 In reply to Adept-eX [2009-07-20 22:32:17 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, those 'Great City' Pokémon were just awesome man!
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Kevrekidis [2009-07-18 20:57:09 +0000 UTC]
Έλληνες του deviantART [link]
Τόπος συνάντησης και γνωριμίας των Ελληνίδων και Ελλήνων του deviantART στο Facebook.
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Void-Wolf [2009-07-07 12:45:01 +0000 UTC]
Hey man, do you still have those pokemon crad blanks made by fréon?
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NM2 In reply to Void-Wolf [2009-07-08 06:56:16 +0000 UTC]
Though I can't find them in the internet anymore, I have them saved in my PC. Either add me in MSN so I can send them, or tell me to upload them somewhere.
Glad to see another card faker.
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Void-Wolf In reply to NM2 [2009-08-12 22:31:52 +0000 UTC]
MSN doesn't work on my PC anymore I think. You could upload them [url=[link] I suppose. You could even join my forum [url=[link]
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NM2 In reply to Void-Wolf [2009-08-25 12:32:09 +0000 UTC]
Sorry man, I haven't seen this thing. There ya go: [link]
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NM2 In reply to Love-Injection [2009-05-13 18:11:33 +0000 UTC]
Heh, saw this comin'
So, what do you want me to draw, in my excellent stickman-style? xD
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NM2 In reply to Love-Injection [2009-05-13 18:15:37 +0000 UTC]
I could kill you for making me lose the game and draw this mass of spaghetti, but I'll give it a shot. Not now though, after exams.
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Pyrokatt [2008-09-14 13:25:41 +0000 UTC]
I will make it a print eventually. Sadly, I'm awfully busy now and don't have time to refine and resize it. I'll try to get to it soon.
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NM2 In reply to Pyrokatt [2008-09-14 20:58:02 +0000 UTC]
Pardon my noobness, but by "it" you mean?
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Pyrokatt In reply to NM2 [2008-09-14 23:16:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh, sorry. I'm not a fan of nouns. I was thinking of the abstract eyeball thingy. I didn't realize that I left the word out there.
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NM2 In reply to Pyrokatt [2008-07-14 20:37:21 +0000 UTC]
At least one full year... Anyway, glad you remember me!
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