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| TeodoCake
# Statistics
Favourites: 378; Deviations: 67; Watchers: 36
Watching: 117; Pageviews: 13933; Comments Made: 1318; Friends: 117
# Interests
Favorite movies: AvatarFavorite TV shows: Two and a Half Men, Full Metal Alchemist, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory.
Favorite bands / musical artists: Kamelot, Poets of the Fall, Queen.
Favorite books: Harry Potter 1-7, The Bartimeaus Trilogy (+ The Ring of Solomon).
Favorite writers: J.K. Rowling, Jonathan Stroud.
Favorite games: At the moment, probably Portal and Portal 2.
Favorite gaming platform: PC and Wii
Tools of the Trade: A crap camera xD, my computer (Writing), bunch of leather tools, my voice (singing).
Other Interests: Music, Singing, Art, Firefighting, Ambulances, Roleplaying, Medicine
# About me
28 year oldDenmark
Something something, a lot of stuff *insert here*
Medical student at University of Southern Denmark
Educated firefighter and ambulanceassistent (Like an EMT).
Spents time at singing, listening to music, writing, playing computer, watching TV and having fun with friends. Oh, and of course LARP.
My work in here is mostly either pictures or the crafts I make for LARP. In most cases, the crafts are leather work.
# Comments
Comments: 445
vonPipkin [2016-08-04 13:18:47 +0000 UTC]
Hej Teo! Håber det går dig, konen og ungerne det godt
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TeodoCake In reply to vonPipkin [2016-08-04 20:54:26 +0000 UTC]
Hej Pip! Det gør det vi har det hårdt, da mindstemanden græder meget og har svært ved at sove. Så det er hårdt lige pt... Men det er jo en del af gamet nogle gange.
Hvordan står det til hos jer? Det er så lang tid siden vi har set hinanden!
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vonPipkin In reply to TeodoCake [2016-08-04 21:09:58 +0000 UTC]
Ja, det sker jo en gang imellem at de får svært ved at finde ro, men det lyder da som om I kommer igennem det. Held og lykke
Det går helt fint hos os! Jeg er endelig landet i et job hvor vi taler samme sprog, og er super glad for det. Jesper og jeg snakker om at rejse til Japan igen, men det lægger et år ude i fremtiden. Der skal først lige spares færdig til nyt badeværelse. Og ja, det er sørme lang tid siden! En lille håndfuld år efterhånden? Tiden går bare stærkt.
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TeodoCake In reply to vonPipkin [2016-08-07 14:28:18 +0000 UTC]
Det skal vi nu nok gøre
Ej hvor godt! Det er jeg glad for at høre Så gør det også dagligdagen bedre. Spændende, en længere tur der skal planlægges, eller hvad?
Hvert i fald et godt stykke tid. Tiden går nemlig bare hurtigt.. Jeg har boet i Odense i 4 år nu, det synes jeg selv er lidt vildt.
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vonPipkin In reply to TeodoCake [2016-08-07 19:05:16 +0000 UTC]
Ja, det er rart med jobbet
Og ja, sidst vi planlagde en tur dertil tog en god del tid, da jeg også skulle lære lidt mere af sproget (der er ikke særligt mange der taler engelsk i Japan). Så jeg/vi skal nok lige have ridset sproget op igen, og så skal vi selvfølgelig finde ud af hvor vi tager hen. Jeg ved Jesper gerne vil have et par dage i Tokyo, og jeg vil gerne en enkelt dag til Noda og træne i vores stormesters dojo dernede, men ellers er der vidst frit spil.
Jesper og jeg havde 5 års bryllupsdag i går. Alt går bare mega stærkt når man har det sjov
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TeodoCake In reply to vonPipkin [2016-08-11 09:20:49 +0000 UTC]
Arh ja. Sproget er klart en barriere. Har en ven som selv er i gang med samme projekt inden han kan tage afsted
Så er det da bare om at få planlagt en god tur! Der er sikkert utrolig mange spændende ting at se i Japan, når man først får kigget efter tingene.
Ej, sejt! Kæmpe tillykke med det Det er helt vildt det er så lang tid siden allerede.
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SunnYx3 [2014-08-08 19:24:39 +0000 UTC]
Hi, you are still following my old deviantART page - please watch my new one: aheartfullofpixels.deviantart.…
Thank you very much!
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AncillaTheBlackAngel [2012-10-25 09:17:37 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the Llama! May I ask why the honor? Thanks for the Llama! May I ask why the honor?
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TeodoCake In reply to AncillaTheBlackAngel [2012-10-25 09:22:44 +0000 UTC]
Haha, llamas are awesome?
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AncillaTheBlackAngel In reply to TeodoCake [2012-10-25 10:41:35 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha one bloody hell good reason
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TeodoCake In reply to AncillaTheBlackAngel [2012-10-25 13:07:13 +0000 UTC]
Too bad you can't spam people with llamas
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AncillaTheBlackAngel In reply to TeodoCake [2012-10-25 17:52:14 +0000 UTC]
You can but it costs points
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AncillaTheBlackAngel In reply to TeodoCake [2012-10-25 18:59:43 +0000 UTC]
Yeah what I also thought
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TeodoCake In reply to AncillaTheBlackAngel [2012-10-25 19:12:16 +0000 UTC]
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HelleStenberg [2012-08-17 07:49:45 +0000 UTC]
LASSE! Gider du godt lade være med at snige dig rundt på DA uden at jeg ved det =O
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TeodoCake In reply to HelleStenberg [2012-08-17 07:52:35 +0000 UTC]
Det er fordi jeg er en ninja!
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DieValkyrja In reply to TeodoCake [2012-02-02 12:07:40 +0000 UTC]
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DieValkyrja [2011-10-12 14:54:19 +0000 UTC]
amazing gallery!!!
i love all your winter photos ^^
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TeodoCake In reply to DragonsTrace [2011-10-09 20:21:28 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot! Glad you like it!
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BrookeDibble [2011-08-03 23:14:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the +fav on [link] I really appreciate it!
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TeodoCake In reply to BrookeDibble [2011-08-04 06:49:58 +0000 UTC]
Anytime Gotta keep track of it ya know
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ThePrincessNightmare [2011-07-13 14:09:24 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the fav!
if you are interested in the rest of the set of photos check out my website along w/more fun costume pix! @ [link]
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TeodoCake In reply to ThePrincessNightmare [2011-07-15 18:38:04 +0000 UTC]
Uh, my pleasure ^^ I will take a look at it!
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TeodoCake In reply to Silver786 [2011-02-26 17:18:51 +0000 UTC]
Any time! I love the picture ^^ Where you get that mask from? Or is it digital?
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Silver786 In reply to TeodoCake [2011-02-26 17:21:36 +0000 UTC]
It's digital yeah, I used some nice stocks that you can find in the autor's comment ^^
I'm glad you liked it, thank you
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TeodoCake In reply to Silver786 [2011-02-26 18:27:45 +0000 UTC]
That's cool. I always loved masks ^_^ Thanks for the favs also!
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TeodoCake In reply to Silver786 [2011-02-27 09:05:30 +0000 UTC]
Love your sunset pics btw ^^ Just saw them. Really great.
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Silver786 In reply to TeodoCake [2011-02-27 09:09:09 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot ! I'm never weary to see the sunsets here, all of them are wonderful ^^
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TeodoCake In reply to Silver786 [2011-02-27 09:30:20 +0000 UTC]
Hehe Well, they tend to be here too at least ^^ Most of the time!
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