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| UKeru-u

UKeru-u ♂️ [16362104] [2011-01-26 12:52:10 +0000 UTC] "Semmel" (Germany)

# Statistics

Favourites: 70; Deviations: 37; Watchers: 41

Watching: 33; Pageviews: 7405; Comments Made: 213; Friends: 33

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: many, much, a lot.
Favorite movies: Old boy- Vanilla Sky
Favorite bands / musical artists: HIM,my chemical Romance, Oomph
Favorite writers: J.k. Rowling- Terry Pratchett - Paul Stewart
Favorite games: Baten Kaitos, Baldurs Gate, Zelda-
Other Interests: Living and enjoying

# About me

So, instead of saying, "I have the opinion that..."
Just say, "I have taken the Ideas of millions of people, their books, their music and other cultural signifcant outlets,
to form a mutated opinion that lets me think that...."

because every Person is a puzzle of one-thousand-million pieces of influence wich takes a form over time.

Never will you truly be an original- but all the collected memories you possess make you one unique Person out of all of them.


Current Residence: Bed-cave
Favourite genre of music: nearly all - but no Rap/Techno stuff
Favourite photographer: -
Favourite style of art: strangely realistic
Operating System: -
MP3 player of choice: mine.
Skin of choice: Skin on chocomilk
Favourite cartoon character: changes to often, as to keep track of : )

# Comments

Comments: 70

BlueBloodBreaker [2012-07-01 19:31:55 +0000 UTC]

ich weiß es ist zwar schon VIEL zu spät dafür

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Amalika [2012-06-25 18:24:53 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaaaalles Gute zum Geburtstag wünsche ich dir!

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ASB-Fan [2012-06-25 16:36:31 +0000 UTC]

lichen glückwunsch zum GEBURTSTAG

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LunaLix3 [2012-06-25 13:56:12 +0000 UTC]

alles gute zum geburtstag ^,^

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ASB-Fan [2012-06-11 18:39:39 +0000 UTC]

aww schade dass ich dich bei skype nie erwische ^^"

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3vr4 [2012-06-06 08:55:49 +0000 UTC]

Sry fürs fangirlism /D ahhaahhaa <3

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3vr4 [2012-06-06 08:55:03 +0000 UTC]

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ich hab dich auf der DoKoMi gesehen :>
Du warst so süßß >.<

Ich war das Dave >D Das mit John unterwegs war

Ich hab das Foto von dir ner Freundin gezeigt und sie fand dich so knuffig 8DDDD
Wir haben ganz Aniemxx umgeschmissen um dich zu finden, bis heute kein Erfolg...und dann jetzt grad auf Deviantart holy shit 8D
Hab dich auf der Watchlist ♥ So knuffig ;_;!

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UKeru-u In reply to 3vr4 [2012-06-06 11:25:31 +0000 UTC]

Aw, wie lieb von dir!
Hab ich dich auch gesehen..? Ich kann mich nicht erinnern >-<
Hatte dein John ein Casey-plush dabei?

Heh~ ich kann dir auch gerne mein Mexx geben, aber ich antworte da im Moment recht langsam X3
Ich heisse da einfach AT

Dein Gamzeecos ist ausserdem unglaublich cool *_*

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3vr4 In reply to UKeru-u [2012-06-06 12:05:07 +0000 UTC]

Neind as war noch ziemlich am Anfang >.<
Du hast mir kurz ne Rose geschenkt und dann seid ihr gegangen :C
Wir sind ab und an an euch vorbeigelaufen D:
Mein John trug die eine Vriska-Version, mit blauer Hose und grünem Hemd >.<
Hab dich mal bei Mexx im GB angeschrieben 8D
ich heiß da....wow was n Wunder : Makara 8D

Ohje danke Q_Q ♥
Aber ich find dein tav so süß.....du bist...perfekt dafür ;_; Sogar das Lächeln <3 Meh D:

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ASB-Fan [2012-06-04 14:17:41 +0000 UTC]

danke für den watch

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ASB-Fan [2012-06-04 13:36:07 +0000 UTC]

hall0 tavr0s 0u0

xD ich war die ohne-grau-aradia die meistens neben der kleinen Jade stand ( )

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UKeru-u In reply to ASB-Fan [2012-06-04 13:40:59 +0000 UTC]

aw, hallo!

ihr beiden wart ja so nett Q_Q
ich hab gestern mit meinen Eltern die Fotos die ihr gemacht habt, durchgeschaut und mein Vater meinte:
Wer ist das mit den runden Hörnern? Sie ist hübsch !

haw..das feuerwerk war so schön~

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ASB-Fan In reply to UKeru-u [2012-06-04 14:13:17 +0000 UTC]


wirklich miteinander geredet haben wir 2 ja nicht xD
ich wollt dich nicht belästigen //D
ohh dann hat messa sie dir schon gesendet? :3
hat deine Freunding Gamz die auch schon gesehen? :3

xD ja das war es <3

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UKeru-u In reply to ASB-Fan [2012-06-04 19:35:26 +0000 UTC]

eig. schade~
du hättest mich doch nicht belästigt! >w<
Ja, messa hat sie mir uns Gam schon geschickt : )

was hast du denn noch so vor zu cosplayen?

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ASB-Fan In reply to UKeru-u [2012-06-04 19:45:58 +0000 UTC]

>///< bin schüchtern

ich hab noch mehr fotos von euch :3
außer wenn messa die uach shcon gesendet hat xD aber die hab ich ihr heute erst gegeben o.o

uff ich wollt mal ein homestuck kid cosplayen weiss aber nicht wen
und wenn dann mit perücke xD

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Amalika [2012-06-03 20:46:06 +0000 UTC]

Hiii! Du bist der FourChords Tavros von gestern, oder? Du und Gam, ihr wart beide cool! 8D Ich war Vriska! xD (Die ohne grau, es waren ja mehrere unterwegs o.o)

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UKeru-u In reply to Amalika [2012-06-04 13:42:56 +0000 UTC]

Du warst zwar eine böse Vriska, aber du warst trotzdem total nett! (Der Satz macht Sinn)
warst du eig. auch noch beim Feuerwerk?

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Amalika In reply to UKeru-u [2012-06-04 15:55:12 +0000 UTC]

Haha danke xD Auch wenn der Satz komisch klingt macht er doch irgendwie auch Sinn Ich habs geschafft, böse zu sein? Dann war ich nicht so schlecht wie ich befürchtet hatte Es war schwer, böse zu sein, wenn man so glücklich ist q__q xD Und du warst total lieb und nett! 8D Was ja auch gepasst hat xD Wo hattest du den Rollstuhl eigentlich her? o:
Jaaa, das Feuerwerk darf man einfach nicht verpassen! >o< Allerdings musste ich direkt danach abhauen, weil ich sonst nicht mehr nach hause gekommen wäre x__x Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt gar nicht mehr, wann du gegangen bist o__o" Bist du auch bis zum Feuerwerk geblieben?

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UKeru-u In reply to Amalika [2012-06-04 19:11:22 +0000 UTC]

ja stimmt~ X3 ich weiss nicht, du hattest irgendwie eine gute Vriska-Aura, warst aber doch total nett : D
Den hab ich jemandem abgekauft X3 das ironische ist , dass ich ihn fast direkt danach gebraucht hab, weil ich mir ein Bein gebrochen hab
Ja, ich war noch da, ich sass mit Gamzee und ein paar anderen auf der Wiese~
Der Goldregen war so schön beim Feuerwerk *_*

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Amalika In reply to UKeru-u [2012-06-06 17:07:13 +0000 UTC]

Haha, das freut mich!
Das ist ein doofer Zufall >__< Aber immerhin hattest du den dann schon o.o" Wie hast du dein Bein denn gebrochen, wenn ich fragen darf? o.o
Ahh, also seid ihr oben geblieben? Wir sind nach unten gegangen, damit die Bäume nich "im Weg" sind. War auch richtig schön <3 Und der Goldregen am Ende ist jedes Jahr mein Favorit >u<

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UKeru-u In reply to Amalika [2012-06-11 01:23:53 +0000 UTC]

ich habs irgendwie hinbekommen, von einem Baum zu fallen >w<
ja~ aber wir haben die ganze Zeit versucht die Symbole zwischendurch zu erkennen...die Herzchen waren noch erkennbar, aber der rest? ...blumen? Katzen? X3

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Amalika In reply to UKeru-u [2012-06-22 22:10:18 +0000 UTC]

Aua, das klingt schmerzhaft q__q
Ich hab nachher nochmal auf YouTube geguckt und angeblich waren dort auch Zwerge (Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge) oder auch Süßigkeiten (Hänsel und Gretel) und jegliche andere Sachen, die ich ohne die Kommentare definitiv nie im Leben gesehen hätte Wie manche Leute gesagt haben: Es sind einfach Feuerwerke! Teilweise sieht man leider nicht mehr als das xDD aber wenn doch, dann freut man sich! xD Allerdings hab ich gedacht, dass dort Schmetterlinge gewesen wären... und nachher waren es doch Süßigkeiten! Dann sieht man etwas und es war falsch! xD

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nyukoART [2012-05-28 16:52:00 +0000 UTC]


this is aradia 0_0

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UKeru-u In reply to nyukoART [2012-05-28 19:55:59 +0000 UTC]

ohh, Aradia!

you were so exstremly awesome at the con~ : )

and your gallery is full of great photos *_*

nehehe- im so gonna stalk you~

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nyukoART In reply to UKeru-u [2012-06-05 18:49:54 +0000 UTC]

oh thank you so much <3 you are cute as hell and totally the best tav ever (:

just wait for the photos we took at the con <3

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UKeru-u In reply to nyukoART [2012-06-06 22:04:22 +0000 UTC]


and you know you´re totally the best Aradia ever!

haw~ i´m so excited to see those photos!

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LunaLix3 [2012-05-27 11:29:25 +0000 UTC]

ahh >__< wieso kann ich dir kein lama mehr gebn?? .__.
chuuu!!! das doch doof >.< ... danke !!! <3

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UKeru-u In reply to LunaLix3 [2012-05-27 12:22:33 +0000 UTC]

weeeil, du mir schon eins gegeben hast? : D auch danke, übringens! ^^

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LunaLix3 In reply to UKeru-u [2012-05-27 15:23:18 +0000 UTC]

nya aber aber >.< das müsste eigl trzd gehn oO >.<

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UKeru-u In reply to LunaLix3 [2012-05-27 15:42:06 +0000 UTC]

huh...vielleicht nur eins pro tag? weiss auch nicht >-<

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LunaLix3 In reply to UKeru-u [2012-05-27 18:58:37 +0000 UTC]

ne >.< hab dir ja eins vor laaanger zeit oder so mal gegebn <.< die sind doof!!! ^^

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UKeru-u In reply to LunaLix3 [2012-05-27 21:27:12 +0000 UTC]

ja stimmt auch wieder- humpf- ich weiss auch nicht weiter : D

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LunaLix3 In reply to UKeru-u [2012-05-28 20:24:05 +0000 UTC]

hmm nyaayaaa =33

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Sparks-Frost [2012-04-10 21:05:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the watch!

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TheStalkerNextDoor [2012-03-01 23:30:19 +0000 UTC]

Hello. I am the MYSTERIOIUS LILY who submitted that poem to Horrorstuck; Welcome To the Jolly Fuck Me Rainbow. I thank you and commend you for the musical peice of it.

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UKeru-u In reply to TheStalkerNextDoor [2012-03-02 12:58:31 +0000 UTC]

Hey! Nice to finally meet you in...uh..well..person?
Internetperson at least : ) And thnx for the watch!

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TheStalkerNextDoor In reply to UKeru-u [2012-03-02 19:31:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh, also, you're welcome. And I must thank you again for that wonderful composition of my poem. I'm a singer and in college for Music Education, but I'm not at that level yet to compose such lovely melodies. You really captured the silly and scary whimsical feel I had for the poem, and really made me think of Gamzee singing this on a guitar of some sorts when he sees Tavros...The clown, just sitting there, watching Tavros as he sings this.

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UKeru-u In reply to TheStalkerNextDoor [2012-03-05 23:52:13 +0000 UTC]

Wow, you study music? That is quite awesome.
actually I intended to make a melody similar to a carousel-tune, but my midi-keyboard did´nt want to do what i wanted it to ._.
Thats a nice image you thought of there.. I really hope Pbj will be a pairing in Horrorstuck...but it just has to be! Why else would Tavros be wearing a clown costume? X3

I´m just happy you liked it! And it´s your birthday soon? so your a lil Feferi X3 I try to remember to Congratulate you : )

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TheStalkerNextDoor In reply to UKeru-u [2012-03-06 00:03:18 +0000 UTC]

Yeh, I sing too. I sing Opera.
It was a lovely tune nonethelesss, so...fitting...like a nightmarish lullaby...
My friend, Scammychan, said the same thing by the way. About the clown costume Tavros is in. I KNOW! There must be Pb&j with that foreshadowing. HEHEHHEH!

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UKeru-u In reply to TheStalkerNextDoor [2012-03-06 07:28:47 +0000 UTC]

ohhhh *_* Opera! That has to be fun!
I just somehow Imagine Tavros coming into that tent and Gamzee seeing the costume and being all like:
tHe MeSsIaHs sEnD mE A mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaClE.

nice of your friend referring to you, by the way : )

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TheStalkerNextDoor In reply to UKeru-u [2012-03-06 07:37:46 +0000 UTC]

It is, tricky though if your health is like mine; sporadically declining and inclining...Argh...Awful for the voice...You need your whole body for Opera.
And really? Wow! That's part of the image I meant to convey. Can you tell me exactly what you imagined when reading my poem? Aside from what you've told me, which is VERY accurate so far.
I also wanted to ask, erm, if its not too much trouble, I wrote a sonnet of sorts (altered quite a bit for symbolic measures) for AradiaxEquius in Horrorstuck. Could you...perhaps...? If I post it and all, tell me what you think? If it's worthy to be turned into a song?

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UKeru-u In reply to TheStalkerNextDoor [2012-03-06 10:18:38 +0000 UTC]

Aw, poor you- i guess it affords a lot of effort to sing so powerful as opera-singers do-

Hm..well...I kinda thought that Tavros would stumble into that tent and see Gamzee there- (some haunting music playing in the background) and as soon as Gamzee notices him too, he is totally amazed and stares at the clownsuit-cladded-Tavros with his wide-opened eyes. Maybe Gamzee speaks a few words before he steps towards Tavros slowly- mumbling parts of your poem or similar, simply facsinated by the "visitor". Tavros is obviously completly stunned and can´t even mutter out any kind of question. I imagined that the circus-director would walk around Tavros and lay a hand on his cheek, or run a finger over his face (Your face is a beautiful, white canvas -Paled by fear, and sickened with grim grief)
Gamzee would lead Tavros to that platform he was sitting on- first of all talking to him (but probably really creepy things- like what a delicate miracle life is and that it could end every second)then maybe showing him what he can do with fire and terrifying Tavros whilst doing so.
and when Tavros finally speaks up and says that he wants to go home and he´s scared and hurt..ect.- Gamzee lulls him in, tellling him he doesn´t have to worry and he won´t have to suffer any longer, tells him that he will help him, because he is way to precious for this rotten world-
And..well, thats the part where Gamzee swings over to getting mad and even creepier-
i´m not sure how I exactly imagined that part- Probably a mixture out of an angry Gamzee wanting to kill Tavros and drgging him aroound and hurting him - (so he can stay with him and doesn´t run away) and on the other part a sad Gamzee telling Tavros that he has to run away, get away from him, so he can´t hurt him-
And maybe even something in between that- some kind of- "yOu AnD mE aRe mEaNt To FaCe ThIs MoThErFuCkInG tHiNG tOgEtHeR. wE cAn LeAvE aLl ThIs. We CaN fInD rEaL mIrAcLeS sOmEwHeRe ElSe.

And Tavros is scared, obviously, but also feels pity for Gamzee- and well- I don´t know how it ends..

Ah! Sorry, I hope i haven´t wrote too much, but thats kind of what I thought reading your poem-

I would love to read the sonnet very much- If you want to post it, I will -
I can´t say for sure about the song, but please post it- that would be great <3

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TheStalkerNextDoor In reply to UKeru-u [2012-03-06 14:15:45 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that was very thorough. Very similar to my original setting for it, but wow, that is wonderful perception you had.

Okay, if its not posted on the Horrorstuck tumblr, I might post it on DevArt since I don't have a tumblr.

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UKeru-u In reply to TheStalkerNextDoor [2012-03-06 23:34:34 +0000 UTC]

how was the poem intended? could you maybe also tell me your version? : )

ok, i´l be waiting for it, thank you <3

and...could I ask you a favor? could you maybe..listen to this, and tell me if it´s okay or needs working on? it was originally also intended for Horrorstuck- and I´m not happy with the vocals ~ [link]

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TheStalkerNextDoor In reply to UKeru-u [2012-03-07 01:42:14 +0000 UTC]

I meant painted in the blood of previous trolls.

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TheStalkerNextDoor In reply to UKeru-u [2012-03-07 01:28:49 +0000 UTC]

Hm, well, my version of it was Gamzee in his room (or tent, whichever) and admiring his walls. The walls of his room are painted in the trolls that came before Karkat and his group. The walls are peeling, and the shades are fading...Yet the memory of his miracle-makking remains. Then Tavros is dragged in to be punished by him. He sees Tavros as a miracle in and of itself, a different hue to paint the walls of his heart in. The fear on Tavros' face provides a new canvas, to paint a new miracle on...And Tavros is afraid, he needs comfort that can be absolute...So he gives himself to Gamzee in shame...To try and find some comfort. He cannot stand being with a killer though, it goes against his better will...So he fights, but gives in and almost starts to see the "rainbows" that Gamzee does. Gripping him close at the height of orgasm; of their faded passion. Gamzee sees Tavros as a part of his miracles, that they should create miracles together and paint them on the walls of his room/tent after making love to him...Despite the bull's reservations about it. And well, Gamzee of course is possessed of a miraculous madness. A madness that caused him to deliver Tavros, rather painfully, instead of blackening his white face with his walls. It's...hard to explain...

And that was lovely, it had an interesting sound.

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UKeru-u In reply to TheStalkerNextDoor [2012-03-09 07:38:12 +0000 UTC]

I like the original intent of the poem even better - sounds slightly more mad and sensual at the same time~
btw... Equius in the new Horrorstuckpost is beyond adorable.

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TheStalkerNextDoor In reply to UKeru-u [2012-03-09 18:58:09 +0000 UTC]

And I know! XD! But, it's gonna end bad...I know it...It just is...Dolls is NEVER a good sign in the long run.

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TheStalkerNextDoor In reply to UKeru-u [2012-03-02 19:12:43 +0000 UTC]

lolz. Yeh, true. I was very flattered with what you did with my poem...And so close to my birth day...This is the best gift EVER.

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LunaLix3 [2012-02-17 12:22:38 +0000 UTC]

nich dafür ;D

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