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Xhaey17 โ™€๏ธ [22771397] [2012-07-16 17:21:29 +0000 UTC] (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 53; Deviations: 10; Watchers: 13

Watching: 17; Pageviews: 4755; Comments Made: 2602; Friends: 17

# About me

I FREAKIN LOVE DOODLING (Is there such word? LOL)
And i have no tablet so all art i made n here's mouse drawn.

I dont really know what else t' write in here.. Do i really have to make this? Geezus.

HEY THERE FOLKS, who randomly got hooked in with my art or by me, myself!


# Comments

Comments: 3422

Miikage [2015-04-18 19:40:03 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

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Miikage [2014-11-21 15:35:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the watch!

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sayuri1018 [2014-04-18 02:30:00 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday padz!!

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sayuri1018 [2013-05-18 23:01:52 +0000 UTC]

quick question bro. Ever played or heard of Mass Effect? :3 Cause its awesome and it made me write a very short yet very detailed fanfic a few months ago.

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-19 05:34:53 +0000 UTC]

Heard of it, But i rarely, almost never, play video games nowadays. SHARE IT. GIMME THE LINK TO THE FIC. IM OUT OF FICS TO READ.

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-19 10:42:59 +0000 UTC]

Okay, but before you read I gotta explain a few things.
1st - Mass Effect is a sci-fi game. Aliens and all that shit, but it can really draw you in that universe, since they give you a lot of choices, from the gender of the main character, to his/her aesthetics and to his/her past. Bottom line, it's a highly immersive game, you can have many in game choices that ultimately decides if you are a bad guy or a good guy, and have many different endings and love interests, but your last name will ALWAYS be "Shepard." It's really highly recommended that you play the game first, but here's a short synopsis just in case>> [link]
Yeah, just the top part. Mass Effect is actually a VERY LONG read.

2nd - Shepard, the main character, is genderless in my fanfic. You can choose if it's a he or a she, and also whatever he/she looks like. It's kind of engineered like the game.

3rd - This is what Liara looks like, but I doubt you'll understand why I love her. You HAVE to play the trilogy for that. [link]

4th - Don't laugh at the last part, it's unnecessarily detailed. It was rushed cause I was writing it at 2am in the morning, and I never bothered to fix is since my sudden burst of passion died down.

BTW, my beloved Liara T'soni is an Asari. Yeah, that's what her race is called~ <3
Anyway, without further ado, [link]

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-25 10:48:26 +0000 UTC]

READ IT! ITS GREAT, ITS WONDERFUL AND ITS SO SWEET! Ive rarely read Les fics but yours is so good! its short though!!! I WANT MORE. CONTINUE IT. MAKE A SEQUEL!!!!

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-25 12:19:57 +0000 UTC]

LOL. Sequel? I don't have enough "inspiration" to make something like that. Damn I can't even get out of bed without that. Ahahahaha!
Glad ya liked it though. XD
Now... the bed beckons...

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-29 06:22:39 +0000 UTC]

Friggin Snorlax. Dont leave me hanging. *pouts*

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-29 19:20:50 +0000 UTC]

Wild Snorlax appears!
Hershey uses pouts!
It was ineffective!
Snorlax remain unaffected.

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-30 11:55:00 +0000 UTC]

*uses masterball*
Go Sayuri1018!
*Uses Make Sequel*

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-30 17:21:34 +0000 UTC]

Sayuri1018 uses teleport and disappears into the wild.

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-06-01 06:11:41 +0000 UTC]

*Use 'RUN' I meant.

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-06-01 05:58:51 +0000 UTC]

Snorlaxes dont have a TELEPORT skill. > USE FLED. DO IT RIGHT. HAHAHA

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-06-01 06:31:46 +0000 UTC]

No, cause I have cheats! >:3

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sayuri1018 [2013-05-12 02:54:52 +0000 UTC]

heyy bro. been a while! again. been through a rougher spot lately. problems and such. my grades are totally plummeting. i got an F in design 1 from excessive absence and now I don't know how to tell her. Im ashamed. and now im just drinking at a party she brought me to. worse than that my moms best friends sons girlfriend(?) seems to like me or wants to be friends with me. but more likely the first one. ( maybe its the alcohol talking but thats what i think right now.) shes pretty but its kinda awkward plus shes older.

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-14 15:49:32 +0000 UTC]

WHAT? YOU GOT AN F? HOW? Youre bright, you get A's without even studying, so why the F? If its a minor, its okay. if its a major you gotta lot of catching up to do and YOU SHOULD BE,WOMAN. Dont neglect your studies. you need THAT. and bro, draw a line, once you notice shes hittin on you, DRAW THE LINE. You dont wanna get into those situations, You KNOW what complicated shitty drama happens during those times. If she wanna be friends then okay, be friends and just friends. but if you wanna raise another hell, well its up to you! and NO MORE DRINKING, BEING IN THE LEGAL AGE DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO DRINK. STOP IT. or atleast moderate your drinking. someone might take advantage of you, remember youre a FUCKING LADY. and YEP! Its been a damn long time, Yshould leave me more msgs. BTW I got a tumblr now! (everyonelikesthebootie.tumblr.com) Elly named it. made it. Pretty much everything, the posts are mine tho! Beautiful isnt it! So proud of it! and Im more active there now. message me there! >:I
or here. If you prefer DA, its fine.

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-15 06:07:30 +0000 UTC]

bro this>> "F due to excessive absence"
and yeah its not even part of my graduation requirements but i guess its gonna count in my overall grade.
not a big problem but my mom will be.
even when I have all A's and B's, she'll be up my ass about one little thing. no, actually EVERY little thing. (btw I DON'T need THAT. all I need is an interesting subject and a book about it.)
and yeah about my drinking. it's not like I do it everyday. it's an occasional occurrence. besides I know when to stop. I give myself a limit of 3-4 bottles tops.
and also
this>> "draw a line, once you notice shes hittin on you, DRAW THE LINE. You dont wanna get into those situations, You KNOW what complicated shitty drama happens during those times. If she wanna be friends then okay, be friends and just friends. but if you wanna raise another hell, well its up to you!"

draw the line? bro I don't even talk to this chic. I just picked up something she dropped at a party and now it feels like she's thinking "Ah~ This must be fate. Now, I must pursue her to the depths of hell."
But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe, I'm just biased because of my past experiences. Then again, I don't think I've ever been wrong.
On that note, it always feels like this when some guy or girl tries to get close to me. I ignore him/her in every way I can. Suddenly, I do something nice, cool or "out of character." Then the next time you notice him/her, you realize he's/she's staring you down until your soul melts. I just don't know what to do, dude. I ignore em, but shit keeps happening. Is it because I act so calm, cool and collected? Is it my mysteriousness that intrigues them? Is it because they feel like I'm such a nice person? Is it because of my not so sexy body or cute face? Is it because my pure awesomeness is seeping out of my mask? Is it because of my overwhelming charm? I dunno... Something, tells me that it's my own fault though. Like my persona is fine tuned to adjust to a likeable character from person to person. Meh, I should stop talking about this, if not, I'm gonna keep rambling on and on about my theories and shiz. I need to sleep...

p.s. I already told you I wouldn't be on for a while. and now I'm telling you again. I have a lot of things to sort out, so keep your hat on.

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-16 04:24:53 +0000 UTC]

I do keep my hat on. all the time. >3>

So you dont need it, then i suppose its fine. You have the major ones to work your ass for, which you dont. not that much i presume?
but i guess you can handle a bit more of her bitching? cuz i did. with mine.

Yeah, i know. as long as you know your limit when it comes to drinking, i wont nag you bout it anymore. *'im watching you' gesture*

Okay now dont get so cocky. You are in fact, awesome and mysterious and a smooth talker at that, which attracts them all cuz they got no 'mysteriousness' left in them because they used it unwisely to gather attention. but you, You are nothing like them, you dont want attention, you already have it the moment you enter the room and this strikes to them as 'whats in this girl?' and they get interested and it'd be like receiving an oscar for them once you give them a bit of your attention, i.e picking up her handkerchief. which is RIDICULOUS.
(JUST A LIL THEORY THO. I DONT KNOW BOUT THIS, How to get rid of their unwanted attention but IGNORING them is one of the BEST. So SHOUT OUT FOR THE WISE YOU. but if you want a concrete answer, ask them? test your theory.)

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-16 05:48:12 +0000 UTC]

lol. you keep your hat on? i'll believe it when i see it.

yeah i didn't even want that awfully boring subject. in fact, i don't think i even want to be in college. i wonder if this is how Bill Gates or Zuckerberg felt? meh. i'll be rich eventually.

also bro. you know all to well that i can't stop being cocky. yes, i'm awesome and mysterious, but i'm most certainly not a smooth talker. i just y'know, have a way with words. and what's this about having attention when i enter the room? did you pick that up from a One Direction song? haha.

this>> "How to get rid of their unwanted attention but IGNORING them is one of the BEST. So SHOUT OUT FOR THE WISE YOU. but if you want a concrete answer, ask them? test your theory."

what? i don't quite understand. you said to ignore them but then ask them about my theory?? that's quite confusing. anyways if i do talk to her or anyone who likes me for that matter, it'll end up the same.
it usually goes like the pattern above but with me interacting. after getting unwanted attention, we talkd and become fast friends. eventually we become best friends. a few months pass by i can feel someone constantly staring at me. then a few more months i notice their possessiveness growing and growing. so i break away and after a year or so he/she brings me chocolate on valentines day and expects me to feel the same back. when i don't like them back, they start being more possessive. they're always there with you. always getting in the way of conversation with other friends etc. and then in desperation he/she will start getting in the way of me and crush. when that happens we both lose friends and he/she, me or both of us start treating each other like strangers. i wouldn't know why they would ignore me afterwards but as for me I ignore them for betraying me. sigh~
I've been through quite a few of these. same start. same pattern. same end.
but, I would definitely ask them (except those people who I'm ignoring the hell out) for a concrete answer, well.. if i could. I mean. If I ask them what it is they like about me it'll feel to them like I'm flirting with them, and I don't want to be in that kind of awkward situation. sigh~ if only social interaction didn't appall me as much as it appalls Sheldon Cooper I woulda already known what to do and what not to do around people. and possibly become a goddamned adulterer like my father. .-. woulda saved me a lot of meaningless worrying. but then again at least i'm not bedding everything that moves and get std's. wait... the first part doesn't seem so bad... maybe I'll...
nah. too goddamned lazy... LOL

also, bro... stop staring at me your creeping me out. -.- i can handle mah liquor. you don't have to act like my mom. I have more than enough moms and Jesus how I wish I were dead or at least deaf and mute. I just can't handle the nagging, since I'm a covert perfectionist and all. now if you'll excuse me I might try finding myself a therapist, since I've been crazy for a long time and I ain't getting any better.

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-16 10:14:14 +0000 UTC]

I wouldnt be here, if i didnt.

SUBJECT: Yeah, You'll get there evenually.


THEORY: That line's a stupid ignorable taunt. you didnt have to take it seriously :I

PATTERN: Did you tell them that their growing possessiveness is getting out of hand and its making you uncomfortable before you left, even once? It couldve avoided that..(i think) or you just misunderstood their growing 'friendly' affection since theyre gettin more and more comfortable with you as a friend? I mean it happens? Most/Some girls are very affectionate and clingy once they get comfortable with friends afterall? And im no expert at this.

DAD: Mmyeah, To which you'll end up being one used woman, no different from those in the red light district. You're better than that/him.


NAGGING: Pssh- She can nag all she wants. Youre not hearin them anyway. Shes just wasting time and saliva.

CRAZY: You're just thinking that cuz youre in the middle of an endless storm right now. It'll pass.

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-16 13:44:22 +0000 UTC]

Wha? how can i possibly be a smooth talker? I don't even talk much. โ€ข_โ€ข

and what taunt? i didn't even understand what it meant.. bah! nvm.

and about the pattern. I HAVE confronted some of them about their possessiveness and asked to be left alone. but i guess they don't have the same meaning for "left alone" or rather they don't like the idea. And those other people I haven't confronted. well... they were getting on my nerves. acting as if they own me. it's somewhat of a psychological complex. add that with my burning hatred for anyone who stands in the way of me and my crush. and also my secret disgust of physical contact. and were set on a path of no return. but honestly though, when someone close falls for me the only reason I stop being friends with them is because I feel betrayed. I know they have no control over that but thats just how I feel. It's like they became friends with me for the sole purpose of getting something they want. And when I realize that that is the case, I feel like I've never known them from the start. How would you feel if a stranger knows almost everything about you? That's way creepy right?

anyways about my mom. I DO hear her bro. no matter what I do. I am a perfectionist and I always want to fulfill expectations even if it IS unreasonable. that's just how I am.

and I AM crazy, I'm just very good at hiding it. LOL. but seriously though, I need some counseling or I WILL be in the red light district. possibly somewhere in vegas or something.

and about me being and adulterer. No, I don't think I'm better than him. My family hates his guts for abandoning us, but I don't. I consider it a normal everyday thing. Maybe it's cause I take after my Dad, but the thrill of two timing is very alluring. More so if I get to keep both and maybe more. hahaha!! I think I really AM messed up.

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-17 16:13:47 +0000 UTC]



REL: Yep. it sure is. worse it that the stranger has a history with you. who knows what they tell behind your back. Thinking bout it though, If things like these keep happening..youd end up alone or prefer to be.

MOM: Of course you do even if you do a deaf ear on em, you cant avoid it, so what some do after is ignore it and act like they didnt hear anything at all. And i have nothing against you being a perfectionist but you can heed her words constructively and not let it drag you to hell cuz it hurt your pride or sumthing..

CRAZY: Goddamn, maybe you really are losing it. You even CONSIDERED being in the RLD. NO. NO! You should go. Avoid that life.

ADULT: Its your choice, if you wanna have a harem, your choice. As much as possible i want you to avoid that no matter how wrecked and crazy you are.

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-17 18:21:45 +0000 UTC]

hahaha if i weren't laying on a public bench alone I would've believed that.

and exactly i really prefer to be alone or at least have a few choice friends. better that way.

and being a perfectionist isnt all to easy bro. i cant just say fuck her opinion. once she says something it will always be there in my mind. and will continue to brand me a failure unless i get praised which in this case would be an impossibility since i'm stressed and cant do anything let alone sleep.

and yes in considering going but i still have to ask my parents so its kinda iffy.

and yes I want a harem. though I don't think it'll be possible at all. xd you take me too seriously about this harem stuff bro. you do know its not possible for someone like me right? or is it?

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-19 05:43:08 +0000 UTC]

But I thought you hate the attention.

Yep, It sure is.

That why i tell you to take her nags constructively. Its not like what she says brands you who you wholly are. You dont have to take it to the extreme just because she implies/says youre a failure once or twice or countless times. Her opinion is not all that matters.

They should let you, If not, Go anyway.

Honestly though, I dont know if youre joking or not, so whatever you say, i take it seriously, more often than not, literally. so.. and yes, Its possible. See, You already have a hoard of unwanted followers.

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-19 11:06:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, doing this kind of thing in college is fairly normal. Y'know how Americans are, as long as I don't do shoot anyone they really won't give a shit. Free country, free benches.

Anyways, bro my mindset doesn't work like yours does. It's hot wired to my perfectionism, which in turn doesn't allow me to pass any kind of feedback as "just another feedback." It dissects and analyzes anything and everything there is to analyze specially those kind of comments. And besides, since I was a kid to my early teens the only opinion that mattered to me was my moms, so that's really some of the basis of why I can't dismiss any imperfection she finds.

And also, yeah I need insurance for that AND my parents permission, since I'm still a minor, unlike you old lady.

Hahaha, I should probably stop being half-serious and half-crazy at the same time! Xd But if I do, that would make me either really serious or just plain crazy, and that wouldn't be fun for any of us. And also bro, those followers that you mentioned are still "unwanted" therefore it IS ideally possible, but in practicality it is impossible, since I STILL have morals. For now... If the world turns and becomes a bitch to me, then my attention will turn to these "unwanted" followers and I'll think of making MY world. Yeah, emphasis "MY".
Now as my best friend, it's you're job to know whether I'm being half-serious or half-crazy. >:3 muhahahahaha!

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-25 10:48:19 +0000 UTC]

How i just looove this country.

Alright, fine. My point is just that, Her comments does not define you and it doesnt cancel out the chances of you changing into someone who you really want to be just because she set her unattainable standards and forces it on her child.

O-OLD LADY! *gasps indignantly* GOD. IM STILL GETTING ON TERMS WITH MY *air quote* Being 18 *close airquote* YOUNG LADY. But its not like youre not gonna pass through that age anyway. I just beat you to it.

GOOD! *applauses* VERY GOOD. Now good luck on your followers, I can do nothing bout them but i can help you (a bit) in preventing your sanity to let loose.

-and Thats quite a challenge. you big ass. XDD GO EASY ON ME.

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-25 12:37:12 +0000 UTC]

Yerp! Awesome country. Free benches and all. :3

And yeah. It doesn't define me, but it sure as hell makes me feel like shit.

And also. Congratulations old lady! You beat me to being a year closer to dying. LOL. jk! Live long and prosper brotha!

Now, I don't know what's good about being half crazy, but an applause is never wrong. (ยดใƒผ`) ...or is it?... โ—‰_โ—‰ bah. Anyway, this help you're providing, it's talking it out right? :3 Does it come with other benefits. Like a shoulder massage? Cuz I've been feeling like getting one. If not, you owe me a visit to a spa. LOL jk~~

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-29 06:29:27 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha XD

you'll get over it eventually.

IM NOT AN OLD LADY D:< I hardly look like one compared to 18 yos there. but thanks. you too.

YES. You can come here and get your spa anytime. I'll do the massage for you too! (IM A FRIGGIN TRAINEE AND IM SO PROUD!)

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-29 19:13:31 +0000 UTC]

Yerp, I'll get over it. Probably when I'm older or dead.

And, yeah! I'll take that spa vacation! But nvm the massage miss trainee. I'll go find myself a cute girl who'll go with me on that trip and massage me anytime of the day <3
Hopefully, that vacation is on our honeymoon~ kyahh~
I really need a wife... :FOREVERALONE: T^T

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-30 11:53:23 +0000 UTC]

Well, Atleast you got over it. *shrugs*

HMPH. Dont underestimate my massaging skills!!! >

I'll be your best woman!

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-05-30 17:18:36 +0000 UTC]

bahahaha yeah get over it when I'm dead.

And I'm not underestimating your massaging skills. Just that I don't like the idea of any people I know touch mah awesomely sexy bod >:3

Also about that "best woman" thing. I don't know if thats a joke or what. but no, cuz y'know, for me the best woman is the one whom can and will match me in bed. And I don't think any of us, us meaning your gf, me and you, would agree for you to have a misleading title. and also eewww...
Anyways Best Friend is your title! Not Best Woman. That ish reserved for mah future waifu, who most likely will dominate over me in bed~ cuz i actually like being submissive~ kyahh~ >w<

...yeah... that last bit is kind of WTF?! but meh... I'm weird in that way.. Nah, I'm weird in a lot of ways, but you knew that.

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Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-06-01 06:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Nah, You just dont want me to feel your bulging zoidberg curves. >:I

Uh.. Awkward. I meant, Best woman in the wedding. Cant i be a best woman like other guys being best men for their buds just female version? cuz Im not fit for a flower girl. That i know. But- Yep! Best friend sure sounds best.

I see.. So youre into Dom/sub huh. YOURE A SUB? NO WAY. Youre pretty DOM to me.

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sayuri1018 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-06-01 06:27:32 +0000 UTC]

Yes, you can not touch mah bulge. LOL!

Yerp, and btw, that's called a Bridesmaid.

And also I "am" a sub~ at least in bed. My behavior has got nothing to do with what turns me on. >~< Besides lesbians don't actually have a permanent role. We are more flexible, in a lot of ways.

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sayuri1018 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-12 04:50:22 +0000 UTC]

the her is referring to mom. sorry drunken mistake.

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TheNamesIggyKirkland [2013-04-25 04:06:38 +0000 UTC]

Happy Seventh Monthsary darling~

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ixbranna16 [2013-04-18 11:39:29 +0000 UTC]


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Xhaey17 In reply to ixbranna16 [2013-04-18 17:32:51 +0000 UTC]

(narcissism taken to another level, lol)

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ixbranna16 In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-04-18 23:44:42 +0000 UTC]

WE ARE AWESOME BADASS MOTH-- crap, my Iggy is calling me, later dude!

((Oh yes lol))

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Xhaey17 In reply to ixbranna16 [2013-04-19 21:50:23 +0000 UTC]

Alright, Thank you! *waves*

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Shijou4U [2013-04-18 07:25:15 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday! I hope that your day will go well and your art fuse won't waver! Please keep up the lovely work!

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Xhaey17 In reply to Shijou4U [2013-04-18 16:58:09 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much!!

Hahaha, silly, that'll never happen. I missed you shijou, Lets chat sometime? :3

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Shijou4U In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-04-19 00:08:40 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! That's good to know. Lately this pollen and stuff has been decreasing the drawing skills in people. And sure, I'd love it if we could chat sometime.

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Xhaey17 In reply to Shijou4U [2013-04-19 21:50:50 +0000 UTC]

Pollen, you mean school? Hahaha

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Shijou4U In reply to Xhaey17 [2013-04-21 15:09:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I mean pollen by the actual pollen that plants make.
Not that school isn't getting in the way either, but I know a lot of people that are allergic to pollen. It's the curse of spring time...

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TheNamesIggyKirkland [2013-04-18 05:23:34 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday lovely! It's the 18th here, I don't think it is over there but whatever! It can be your birthday tomorrow as well! I hope you have a great day, indulge in all that you can! I can't believe that you're 18... Wow... You'd be able to drink in my country. Have fun!

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Xhaey17 In reply to TheNamesIggyKirkland [2013-04-18 16:55:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you dear!

And I did! My family and I went to Shangri-la and had a meal there, we went swimming too of course! And the cake was delicious. We had games too so it was SUPER FUN!
But hey! I reserved you my 18 roses so won't you dance with me? You still have 18 to go ;3

(I prefer chocolate milk to alcohol. It tastes better and it doesn't make me do stupid things. ;D)

Once again, Thank you! Love you, snookums!

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sayuri1018 [2013-04-18 03:42:02 +0000 UTC]

here have a "You're old as fuck" cake! XDDD
lol jk!!
what are you now 17? 18? i forgot.. o.o
seriously though bro we're getting old!
i'll bet when we see each other again we'll have gray hair
or ...WRINKLES!!! D:

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 2

sayuri1018 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-05-10 16:44:45 +0000 UTC]

hahahahhaa zoidberg?! da fuq. we should just say were gonna look like a whales hairy ass! pfft~

btw sorry for the reps. shits going down. that, and my gpa. -.- fck college!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 0

Xhaey17 In reply to sayuri1018 [2013-04-18 16:44:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh Fuck You bro. Hahaha! *brohug*
I'm 18! NEW ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! I can do what now.. Hm.. Drink? Never.

Leave home and get a job.
....woohoo. ;n;

And wings, Don't forget the flobby arm fat wings!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

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