Abridgedfoamy — Steven Universe - Down the Cluster Hole

#alice #amethyst #steven #su #universe #aliceinwonderland #alien #aliencreature #aliengirl #alienspecies #cheshire #cheshirecat #crossdress #crossdresser #crossdressing #crossover #garnet #garnetfanart #madhatter #pearl #pink #pinkhair #pinkhairgirl #redqueen #rosequartz #whiterabbit #aliceinwonderlandcosplay #alice_in_wonderland #pinkdiamond #red_queen #aliceinwonderlandfanart #amethystcrystal #aliceinwonderlandcrossover #crossoverfanart #pearlstevenuniverse #steven_universe #stevenuniverse #amethyststevenuniverse #garnetstevenuniverse #stevenuniversefanart #amethystcrystalgem #amethystfanart #pearlcrystalgems #stevenuniversepearl #crossovercrossover #garnetcrystalgem #stevenquartzuniverse #pearl_steven_universe #rosequartzstevenuniverse #rosequartzfanart #peridotstevenuniverse #peridotsu #peridotcrystalgem #garnet_steven_universe #rose_quartz_steven_universe #peridot_steven_universe #amethyst_steven_universe #peridotfanart #peridot_su #amethyst_su #peridot_fanart #pinkdiamondstevenuniverse #pearlsonastevenuniverse #pink_diamond_steven_universe
Published: 2020-03-16 01:00:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 4683; Favourites: 52; Downloads: 0
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Description If one more customer asks me if we have toilet paper, or hand sanitizer i'm going to scream. You should be staying home not buying happy birthday napkins, and plastic flowers. What part of don't go out unless its for essentials don't people understand. Seriously every time you go out not only do you put yourself at risk, you put your family at risk, you put the other people around you at risk, and you risk the health of every person working at every location you go to. Though at this point i'm so disenfranchised with the way people have been acting as of late they deserve everything that they get. Especially all the Karen's and Dicks that have the gall to threaten, verbally abuse, and get physical with retail employees right now. WE'RE OUT OF TP!!! Stop asking for mother fucking toilet paper. You can't eat that when you're under quarantine.  
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Comments: 3

SammytheStorm [2024-08-01 02:09:27 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Negaboss2000 [2020-03-16 12:50:54 +0000 UTC]

Sweet work ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rollerbrawl895 [2020-03-16 01:12:49 +0000 UTC]

Me: When I first saw the title, I thought it said Clod hole.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0