The Bagn Balstvo clan, located in the southern swamps, was renowned for its secret knowledge of the forces of Chaos. It was for this reason that Chernobog chose a little-known bagnmen named Phaat as the first guardian of the black stone. As a guardian, Phaat gained incredible power and intellect, which he used to create a clan of wizards and began to conquer new lands. The first lands under Phaat's rule were to the south of the ruined Dorna. Gradually suppressing and enslaving the peoples, the Bagnmens moved further north. Upon reaching the Hvanchur Mountains, Phaat stopped to strengthen the influence of his clan within the new empire. By this time, many swamp dwellers considered Phaat a god, which allowed him to become the ruler of all Bagnmens.
Many years into Phaat's reign, a swamp dweller named Kres was born into the clan, who was destined to become a wizard from birth. Indeed, young Kres easily mastered the art of magic, he excelled so much in magic that he became the youngest contender in history for the role of the stone's guardian. All contenders underwent the initiation rite - a battle with Phaat, because only the strongest is worthy to possess the Black Stone.
There are two ways to become the guardian of the stone: if the previous guardian willingly gives it up, or to take the stone by force, killing the previous guardian. Chernobog chose the second path, and Phaat carefully preserved this tradition. All previous candidates for the guardianship of the Black Stone were brutally killed by the supreme sorcerer. This was expected of Kres - no one believed in the victory of the young wizard.
However, the outcome of the battle was different. Kres defeated Phaat and became the new guardian of the Black Stone, but along with great power, he learned a terrible secret - in fact, the death of the old guardian gave Chernobog power to enslave the soul of the new one. Thus, Chernobog, being in Chaos, was actually incarnated in Yav and remained the sole and eternal owner of the Black Stone.
Becoming the guardian of the Black Stone, Kres absorbs Chernobog's desire for complete domination over the world and begins to eagerly seek other guardians in order to get to the other stones. Centuries pass before Kres finds the most coveted stone - the Purple one, but its guardian Volemir turns out to be wiser and presents Kres with an unexpected surprise.