This series is a collaboration with bobascher , who developed the concept with me and wrote the story.
Using the knife in her cargo pocket, Leia slit the glue holding the Alderaan Leia's tank together. It took much more effort than her own tank. This made Leia curious if there was something wrong with her tank, as she should have still been in stasis like the others.
She pressed this thought from her mind and made quick work of the transparent shell, tossing it off the catwalk as she had done hers. Releasing the restraints, the Alderaan Leia collapsed forward into Leia's arms.
“Where am I?” Alderaan Leia asked.
“It’s okay. I am not sure where we are, but we will make it out together,” said Leia reassuringly.
“Oh my father will be upset if I don’t get back in time for the Kashyyyk delegation. They are arriving at midday tomorrow.”
“The Kashyyyk delegation?” Leia’s mind went back pushing through all the memories of war that had been her life for the past several years. That Kashyyyk delegation was one of her first official ambassador activities. This woman was hardly twenty years old and many years away from the event which really made her a woman. “We’ll do our best to get you back in time for that event. Oh, just don’t try to impress them with your Wookie, use the translator.”
Alderaan Leia smiled and looked up into the older woman’s face. She covered her mouth. “What kind of trick is this?”
“Leia, calm down. It will be okay, honey. You can handle this and more. Just breathe,” Leia said reassuringly.
“You’re me?” Alderaan Leia asked.
“I think we are each other. Though I made it to that Kashyyyk delegation without ending up wherever this is. So we aren’t quite the same.” Leia stated.
“So you are from my future, please tell me about it,” Alderaan asked.
Leia grabbed her younger self’s face, “Leia, there isn’t time for that. Plus, you know how they say ignorance is bliss, embrace it. There is no benefit for me to give you spoilers on your life.”
Alderaan stood up and pointed at the third tank, “Is she us too?”
Leia nodded, “I believe so, but she is from my future. So it will be a real unknown what happens when we get her out of there.”
Go To Part Six