Part of the Kingdom Crown Universe
When the Metal Virus first started going out of control, & the Freedom Fighters failed to save many, Sonic began to develop stress...
'What if I'm not good enough...'
When the Zeti took control of the virus, and things got worse, Sonic's stress grew to a bigger irritation that was noticed by his Friends.
'What if I can't save them...'
When news of a possible Cure was found, Antoine led a team to retrieve it. Everything seemed to ge getting better...
Until contact was lost.
'I can't lose them. I can't...I have to stop this...'
Sonic raced to their location, intent of saving Antoine & his Team...Only to be greeted by Zavok, infecting Antoine before his very eyes...
'No more...NO MORE! I'll stop this. I'l Stop YOU. I'll...I'll...I'll...'
And something finally broke.
Dark Sonic; 'I'll KILL YOU!'
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