br273k — Mami Blue - Ballpen

#anime #ballpen #girl #madoka #mami #witch #mamitomoe #puellamagimadokamagica
Published: 2018-12-26 05:22:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 242; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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bogatyrkhan [2021-05-09 06:53:11 +0000 UTC]

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ShroomGal [2019-03-31 17:41:04 +0000 UTC]

She's so cute. There's quite a lot going on but you've made it look super good and it really loos like she's moving! I bow to you

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-01 17:10:10 +0000 UTC]

Well, I've been practicing daily in my free time for the past six years and I still have a lot, a lot to learn. If you practice, you will train your eyes and in five years you will discover many problems in my current drawings. I really appreciate your comment, and thanks for the watch, but do not bow to anyone! Keep learning, practicing and having fun!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-01 17:49:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much😊 I've been drawing for a while too but, sometimes I find that I'm completly "dry", like my hands and eyes won't do what my brain is telling them so I have to stop for ages...but I do enjoy drawing so much, and sometimes I find that an hour or two has passdd even though it seems like a few mins. The issue is that I get impatient so a lot of my drawings are unfinished.
And, no matter what, you do deserve every watch and favourite,if not more because of how devoted (for a lack of a better word) you are to your art and how precise you are and just, brilliant job. I wish you good luck with everything😊 (sorry if this is a bit long😅)

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-02 05:50:54 +0000 UTC]

Well, in fact I rarelly draw backgrounds, so only few of my drawings are really finished... I don´t fell very comfortable to encourage anyone to take seriously drawing, because as a profession, drawing do not worth in money terms... but I remember to read an article about an english artist that kept his sanity in a japanese prision during WWII, thanks to little pieces of paper given by colleagues. That´s why I want my son to learn to draw - when you like to draw, you need only few and inexpensive things to make you happy anywhere....  There are many types of artists... some are focused on technique, some on humour, some on storytelling, some onbeauty, some on weird and shocking figures, etc... I do not think of my drawings as ´art´, but when I draw I try to focuse in expression and movement, so I practice gesture, facial expressions and... hands (no need to mention a cartoon influency). If you like to draw, you can find your ouwn way to improve... but (I know you didn´t ask) I can give you som tips.1) watch Proko videos "how to hold and control your pencil"; "how to draw gesture" and "how to draw the head" - study the Loomis´ Head!; 2) watch Sinix Design video "drawing faces for any angle" (it is another aproach); 3) watch the video"Drawing the head from different angles" from Schoolism (another aproach...); 4) sketch before draw - today we have layers in Photoshop, but the layer concept is very old and usefull! 5) study with timed poses - try www.senshistock.com/sketch/  - start with 3 minute poses til you can do 1 minute; don´t forget faces and hands: try line-of-action.com/practice-to… . 6) quantity and quality are stronged linked! Buy a pack of "printable paper" and "super cheap" mechanical pencil and have fun... (yes, I watch some Mickey Mega Mega... his tutoooorials are useful too...). 7) did I mention "don´t forget the hands??? 8) if you want a book, I´d recommend "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way", it is complete (for its purpose), cheap and funny. 9) use references! Don´t be afraid, it is not a copy! Well, I guess that´s enough for now. Sorry for the long text, and for my poor english... Thank you again for your kind words... and good luck!. Sorry for the long text, and for my poor english... Thanks again, Nicole, for your kind words... and good luck!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-02 18:07:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much and don't worry about your English, I understood everything (I'm originally from Czech Republic and my mum's not too confident with her English and I'm like nuuuuu) and you're right because, even if you draw silly squiggles, it helps relaxation and hand eye coordination, not to mention drawing characters (they're like my babies XD) but yeah, to make something beautiful, you don't need much and that's why I took up drawing instead of music because you can find paper and pencils pretty much anywhere. I should probably draw hands though...I currently draw little nuggets...Oh, and I'll check those people out (I appreciate tips from anyone more experienced than me so thank you ) and good luck to you too, may your path improvement never end

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-03 06:16:33 +0000 UTC]

Czech Republic? Cool! The dry crayons of Koh-I-Noor are pretty good, but I didn´t have a nice experience with other of its supplies...  oh, I read some Kafkas!.. well, if you don´t mind,  I´ll visit your gallery to check your evolution. I don´t allways click the "share with watchers"  button, so, if you want, check my gallery often for new stuff. You´re very welcome!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-03 20:27:14 +0000 UTC]

I think it got renamed to Czechia at some point. It's a teeny place next to Germany.

I should probably get some but they're kind of expencive (or you get like 3 colours) so I'll wait a tlittle bit.

And, sure you can visit my gallery but most of the drawings aren't new (But I do have dates on most of them or I just say "I drwe this this and then") and there could be some weird things there too sooo yeah

I've looked at some of your drawings and I really like the Humph one because she's really relatable. I might stop taking requests for a while and I'll look up the things you've mentioned and "reboot" my drawing style

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-04 06:12:05 +0000 UTC]

Humph is kinda inspired (modestly) by old funny pin-ups, mixing humour and sexy touch on a common situation. Technically, I think it´s a ´charge´. I think most of women have a difficult relationship with their hair and this can be frustating. Well, you don´t have to buy expensive material to learn. My favourite mechanical pencil, for instance, is Bic#2 0.5, light, thin and plastic made; its eraser is pretty descent and you can choose the Bic in colours, wich is useful because i choose colours for 2B, 3B and 4B graphite (Pentel). I usually draw on light clipboards using printable A4 paper - probably you´ll find it in 75g, but I´d recomend 90g, specially for ink purposes. Try do use long and continuos strokes using all your arm, avoiding ´hairy´ lines; draw big (try the A3 too) and keep the eraser at minimum. Try to not waste your time finalizing a bad sketch. Draw another one, til you are satisfied. All the poses in my gallery are ´from imagination' but some are result of five or six previous sketches. Keep it funny! And thanks for the faves!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-04 16:31:59 +0000 UTC]

It's my pleasure, you deserve them. and I get it, I usually spend a while "fluffing" my hair up and then it gets whindy and it's all messed up again or it just doesn't sit right in the first place 

I usually do "hairly lines" to get a smoother curve but then I rub the "hairs" out but I don't have much experience inking. Even though, I've herd a few people say to use long strokes when it comes to digital art too (I've tried it a few times but the smoothness of the tablet (which I borrowed off a friend) was just a bit weird since I'm used to paper having a bit of resistance and roughness to it...I'll learn to ink because it makes the art seem more "put together"( I don't know how else to say it). And yeah, I usually get sketch books from family members who come and visit and I use a set of pencils (from 2H to 6B I think) that I bought for I think £2 so you're right(although, I am planning on raiding the Range (a shop that sells crafts supplies and other random stuff) to get some more supplies because my pencils are getting rather small.I'll try to draw bigger too because, when I draw smaller, I don't notice/I cover up mistakes without fixing them, where as, on a bigger canvas, mistakes are clearer...

Oh, I've found the "how to draw comics the marvel way" on ebay so, of course, I bought it. I want to slow down a bit with my drawing and "re learn" just so that I can draw more positions than just the front view (especially on bodies. I can kind of do heads).

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-05 05:59:16 +0000 UTC]

For each inked drawing in my gallery, I have dozens of pencil sketches... and half of them are really bad drawings. I do keep them, but I don´t want to show them for any one; but they were necessary, because we grow up mostly thru mistakes. This is why don´t recommend sketchbooks... people want sketchbooks to show everyone their beautiful drawings, so they keep doing the same drawings, those they are comfotable to do... they don´t risk themselves, they think "if I do a bad one, I´ll screw up my book..." and then... same drawing - I think it´s worse if the sketchbook is a family gift, because your uncle will say "show me your drawings on the book I gave you...". I think you understood... you HAVE to make drawing mistakes and you should have a free place to do it, that´s why I prefer avulse sheets of paper on a clipboard (you´ll prbably find A5 clipboard to carry in your schoolpack, to put some folded A4). But, of course, you can use anything to draw, including you sketchbook. I have to learn the digital... I think it´s essetial, pratical and economical, because you can do anything with the cheaper Wacom, while good colour material are VERY expensive. But if the smoothness of tablet bothered you, you probably will have problem with brushes, because the have almost no atrict... well, you´ll probably have problems with brushes anyway, ha, ha... some professionals say they took years to tame the brush. So I think the firsts experiences can be kinda frustanting for a starter... I don´t want to discourage you, just be prepared... and I would not spend lots of money in supplies. Some pencils, mechanical pencils, schoolar type india ink (prepare yourself for some ink accidents...), a good eraser and so, this is enough... and ballpoints pen are very good to aquire confidence. Here we have Faber Castell´s graded pencils made in Brazil at reasonable cost but we can find Stabilo´s Shwamm graded pencils (dark red ones) and they are very good! I use only the soft ones (4b to 6b or 8b), but if you want to keep the soft pencils drawings, it´s better to aply the fixative varnish (spray), which can be a problem in your house. Keep up the practice, be patient, have fun.

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-05 17:25:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I tend to rip pages out from my scetch book and, to be honest, I have one just because it's small and I can carry it in my school bag (which is usually full of books and other stuff) and, usually I hide it from people but I get it because my really good drawing is right next to a smudged, unfinished one and it's just very frustrating...I've also gotten used to slightly yellowy paper because I used to use a white pen for highlights etc....Oh, and The digital art is so different to regular drawings, yes I think you can get the basics down by drawing on paper ... you can be as amazing as you can on it but digital art will still trip you up   (atleast from my experiences...ohhh, it seems so easy for them on youtube) and yeah, I don't want to spend £20 on new art things, get frustrated and never use them again although, as I've probably said before, I will try inking (I'm sure I can find a good pen somewhere in my house) and I'll try to draw more dinamic characters (I can't wait for my book to arrive)

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-07 00:37:05 +0000 UTC]

You´ll probably try to ink with a type of pen... those Sakuras and Tombows can be expensive. I´ll tell you something I do here: I take my son´s used dry markers (Clayolas´ type) and recharge them with cheap  schoolar india ink. It work´s well! The advantage of india ink is that it´s water resistant, so, afater inking, you can put some colour with watercolour, or even the Crayolas markers. You´ll probably find on the market cheap watercolour pencils. They are a bit more expensive than the standard ones, but you´ll get better colours and the option of watercolour effect (using water with a brush). If you have difficult with hands, take a look at this design.tutsplus.com/series/how…    ; there´s specific lesson for cartoon hands - you can start with simple forms. Good luck!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-07 18:31:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I shall do my best (the book has arrived and, man, I thought I wasn't bad at drawing. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks after all ) and I'm pretty sure the craft shops around here have that kind of ink and crayola is everywhere soo yeah, one more time, thank you. It's nice to talk with someone more experienced than me who's happy to share advice 

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-08 15:05:21 +0000 UTC]

Old dog? You??? 'Man', I´m almost 50! Half century! As I said, I started more seriously at drawing 6 years ago, so with a brand new brain, in five years you´ll probably out run me! But I still can learn some tricks! Well, I like to share my few drawing experiences, so you are very welcome! By the way, did I mentioned Griz and Norm tuesday tips? I hope you like the book, Nicole!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-09 19:29:54 +0000 UTC]

I mean...well,I've tried to draw some of the profiles by the book and, man, I thought I was good at drawing and I was wrong   (the man I drew looks just...let's not even talk about that ) and hmm...you do still have lots more experience than me...and thanks, it is actually very nicely written and it makes me happy because I'm a big fan of Stan Lee and his work  (taliking about being old...I still can't understand that I have clear memories from 2008 when a good third of the people at my school were babies...I'm so used to being the youngest out of people but so much stuff has happened over the past decade and a half that just...I'm very curious of the future (I'm young, I souldn't be talking like this! )

You know what?It's quite nice to bump into a nice person on the internet once in a while

...And these emoticons are very fun to use 

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-10 16:32:25 +0000 UTC]

I think it´s good to be curious about the future, while most of young people are really worried about it. Things are changing at incredible rate and many proffessions simply disapear. Drawing is very good, but I believe that part of the job will be entirelly made by computers very soon... I´m not saying that drawing skills won´t be useful, but that these skills won´t be enough. That´s why digital is so important, not only Photoshop, but vetorial assistants, like Illustrator, and even the Blender. Take a look at the monster that wait for us right at the next corner: www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_89az…    and I even mentioned 'tracing' with Body Kun and Body Chan... but I don´t want to scare you... all you need now is pencil work, with fun and no tension. I don´t use emoticons, because I don´feel comfortable to it... people at my age can sound ridiculous using younger language... but your messages are funny. Don´t get disencouraged by the first results... enjoy the process!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-12 18:46:53 +0000 UTC]

oh yeah, definately...I am a bit scared of the future and how much info there is out there about various people. All it takes is to just type their name in and you know everything *shivers*(not to mention the kids posting pics of eachother in their school uniform with tracking etc (I'm not paranoid...I just like my privacy and I like being in control of what people know about me) that's why I never really use my real full name. My surname apparently is a type of mushroom so I go with "shroom" on the internet...

And, about the link...The guy must have talent and prior experience with drawing but I still think that just copying and pasting models is kind of cheating...like, I look at speedpaints on youtube and they draw half a face then they just mirror it to get a perfect head...call me traditional but I think that completly takes the charm away...and oof, I've seen tracing...but have you seen bases? People just take them, use MS paint to draw some hair etc. on them, call them OCs and they hardly ever credit the base maker...I used to trace and use bases when I was younder (a lot younger) but I didn't really call it my own work or use it to feed some fetish or something (vore and...you know what? I'm not going to kink shame...there's a lot of vore and inflation on this website and I don't want to be beaten  )

The only thing that I can say about tracing is that it can improve coordination of hands for smaller children who are learning how to draw or maybe proportions or somehting but that's literally just for practice reasons and nothing more...tracing and stealing bases is not an excuse for lazyness

And thanks, I guess...I try to be approchable because people can't see my body language and face via text so I'm kind of trying to compensate for that (?)...I just don't want to sound like a robot  and it's fine, I've grown up mostly with adults anyway (I'm scared of hanging out with my young relatives in czech republic because the only czech that I get is from films and my parents so I'm worried that I might not usnderstand some of their references...also you also get people saying a sentence in portuguese only to slip in a few English words just to sound cool? Most Czech Youtubers do that and it's just so painful...Czech is such a beautiful language, why would anyone want to ruin it? (despite living in England, I'm a strong patriot ))

Sorry for the rant 

Anyways, I've started using watercolours again (I'm using them to colour in a character that someone asked me to draw...I'll upload her soon ) and it's really fun to mess around with lighting and shadows etc...also, why not add a bit of colour into a balck and white, gloomy world?

Anyhow, I do apologise for how late I responded. I was away from home...I hope you have a lovely day and, once more, sorry for the rant...I swear, I'm a teenager who sometimes talks and thinks like an elder...oh well! 

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-16 16:13:25 +0000 UTC]

You are totally right about not exposing yourself on the web. It's not a paranoid, there's no safety area here, and DA is not an exception at all! And it's not only about safety, it's about privacy and self preservation. There are people been judge today for comments and opinions of ten, twenty years ago! You probably will change a lot in next years and you have to preserve your right to change and simply close this profile, if you want so... you young people of course not even think about it, but most of you will have children, they may have questions of your old opinions, and (oh, no!), they will turn to teenagers... About the link, i think the 3d app there is the Blender, and the guy is a professional artist who sells packs of pattern models. My first reaction was the same of yours, "its a cheating!". But, summarizing his argumments, professional drawing is a high stressing job, you have to meet deadlines and if don't get a bunch of work, you won't pay your bills, and clients are not worried about the process, they just want the results (and, historically, the artists were bad treated by the comic industry,  for instance, specially DC on its firsts years), so I can't judge him... I found this yesterday images-na.ssl-images-amazon.co…   She is Tally Nourigat (I Moved to Los Angeles to Work in Animation), a succesful artist, so I think the history will ends well, but it's not always true... one of Superman creators, I think, ended his life on misery. Body Kun and Body Chun are male and female articulated and realistic (anime style) manequins intended for pose drawing, but some people just take photos of them and... trace above it... about inflatation, I know the web and I'm not a saint... there are mature things in my gallery and actually I drew an inflatation scene. It was by request (I think the guy wanted something different than what I drew and he did not like the result...). I classified the drawing as 'mature', because of the theme, but I tried to smoth it and it doesn't contain nudity. After that I closed the requests. I liked the requests experience, it was challengeable and I felt as a professional... but the requests were going more and more weird... I respect personal tastes, but I think I was attracting only a specific kind of attention. You write very well! I don't think you need the emoticons to be perfectly understood, but of course you can use them, because it is a code of your generation...  I didn't try watercolour... I like Shibasaki and Chris Hong on Youtube. I love colours, but I think I have to uderstand forms,  shadings and textures before colours, but its not a rule at all, so go colours! Well you don´t have to apologise about the 'late'... you don´t have to answer me in so regular basis and, actualy, I´m not sure you should ... I´ve been thinking...I am a father, and in place of your parents, I would be very worried if my daughter were writing so much to a middle aged man who make drawings of women coiled by snakes... you are a pleasant person, don´t waste so much of your precious time here in DA. You have to practice, to study your school lessons, to read good books and, most important of all, you have to enjoy your time with real people of your family and real people of your age, doing things of your age. Just say OK! I saw your last drawing,you are improving. Keep up the good work! Have a nice day!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-17 21:14:47 +0000 UTC]

You're right...I actually used to have facebook where I was in contact with some people from my school but then this kid found out and started pretty much bullying me that my facebook name ended with "Chan" (I was 13...) so yeah, lesson learned. I follow a bunch of people from school on insta and only the people that I tell know that it's me...a bit sneeky but, on the other hand, do I really want some random kid from my school knowing what I do and what I draw etc.

And yeah, I get what you mean about the professional artists. It's like homework but a lot harder because everything you draw is an original peace that you can't just google or "parrot" off some text book so I understand why they might need models. I mean, most people are anatomically the same and have the same ratios (arm length vs torso etc.) and if the person puts a lot of effort, love and time into their art then why not...I just still find it a bit stressful when people use the mirror tool whilst I'm here spending an hour trying to get my eyes to look symmetrical.I guess it just depends on who's doing it and why...Either way, I look up to animators and comic book artists because I tried animation a few times in school and flip-booking and it was just...It takes so much time and work! The old Disney films...they look so good and just...creating something beautiful that makes people happy is the best thing anyone could possibly do, no matter what it is (aslong as it doesn't cause any harm to anything, of course...)

And yeah...I have gotten a few slightly strange requests...I think liking vore, inflation, feet or whatever is cool just...I don't know anymore...it gets a bit weird when like a 12yr old whats you to draw this kind of stuff soooooo yeah...

I don't usually colour too much but sometimes when a character is very colourful or the colours they wear reflect something about their personality etc. I colour but I really enjoy drawing hair that's fluffy in black and white...it's kind of theraputic...

And I guess you're right...it is kind of "strange" for a teen to be talking to an adult but I mean, there are plenty of weird Teenagers and Pre-Teenagers on the internat that are just toxic...and I've actually shown some of your drawings to my father and he quite liked them  (maybe not the lady with the snakes but Raven and the "Humph" lady I think...the one with the hairbrush)   oh well...thanks for everything and you too have a lovely day! (I mean, it's night here as I'm writing this but ya know...) It was nice talking to you 

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-20 22:48:12 +0000 UTC]

I don´t understand the thing about "chan",  but it´s not necessary to explain... teenagers tend to be cruel, mostly by their own insecurity and lack of attention. I never had a facebook or any other social network accont, until DA. Actually I didn´t know tha DA was a social network... I just wanted a channel to post my first inktober, last year and, suddenly, I had those Lhamas to feed and take care for... I´m still learning to behave in this enviroment.
The importance of Disney is undeniable, but Even Disney can offend people some times... "Song of The South" is an example...  Today, there are many ways to make animations and I think drawing frame-by-frame is not so usual anymore; there are many aid apps and stuff, however I think it´s still a hard process and people work a lot for few seconds. There is a very interesting docummentary on Netflix (at least in Brazil...): Floyd Norman an Animated Life. It is a tribute to Floyd, who worked for Disney, H&B, Pixar and others. There are many testimonies of other animators, includding Ralph Bakshi. Bakshi filmed Lord of Rings I think 25 years before the succesful movie trilogy and he is knowed by extensive use of rotoscopy animation... basically you film people actuating and then you make the animation... by tracing. There´s a cool brazilian superheroes parody animated series on Youtube: Society of Virtue; it´s in 'motion comic', a techinque used by Marvel on it´s 60s animations - the english version is dubbed on US. Well, it was nice talking to you too... really. Have a nice Easter! Take care!

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ShroomGal In reply to br273k [2019-04-22 19:11:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I hope you've had a nice Easter too and I'll try and dig through Netflix...I hope it's on the British server (I don't really know if it makes a big difference or not. Hopefully it's just the language but not the contents that are changed) and yeah...gotta love those llamas...I try to approach people online asif I were to approach them on the street except that I can't see their faces and you can't really "read" people too wel through text so I do have some padding on me just in case. And about Disney, I think that their creations match the views of society at the time of their creation. The song of the south was made in the 40s when it was apparently okay to discriminate people just because of the colour of their skin...I think that people should still appreciate their old works because of the amount of work that went into it (see it as a history text book but animated) but, of ourse also understand that times have changed and that the colour of anyone's skin doesn't matter what so ever...I've seen some of their "original" war propaganda stuff and, man, that was quite a...I don't know how to describe it. It's interesting and I can kind of respect what they were going for sine the Germans and Japanese were their enemies etc...oh well, I'm kind of glad that things like this exist (hear me out) because it helps us understand the relationships that people had with eachother and how they saw eachother back in the day. And yeah it was a silly thing I used to call myself...I'm looking forward to leaving all of those mean people behind (The bullying stopped but it's kind of hard to look them in the eye and pretend to have forgotten, ya know?) and have a new, fresh start somewhere else, far away (sorry, that was a little tangent).

And, about the rotoscopy animation, I think that it's also been used in a bunch of videogames too... it can look a bit weird sometimes but, if done well it's amazing, honestly, even if something is bad, to think of how many hours were spent doing it...I wouldn't have the patience to animate

(Sorry for the little "rant" thingy)

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br273k In reply to ShroomGal [2019-04-25 16:45:50 +0000 UTC]

At 13 yo people just add 'teen' to the age, but they are essentially a children. You can't punish yourself for a behavior which was appropriate for your age, when people actually do silly things for a lifetime ( look at my drawings!)... I know bullyng is hard to deal with... but soon all of these things will be totally in the past. You have to enjoy your school, but that microcosm will be part of the past too... you'll learn that even in a little town, the world is much greater and... well, people are not really looking at you all the time! They have their ouwn lives and smartphones to care about. And, even not necessary to say, always count with your parents, never hide your anguishes from them. I can understand your point about Song of The South, however, people protested about it even in the time of it´s release. The main problem is that the movie is intended to be viewed by children. Of course you can watch the movie from a critical historical perspective and analyse the technical aspects... but could you imagine the uncunfortable situation of a black woman watching the movie with her kids? I don´t know much about games animation. I guess there are movements algorithms they call 'engine' an they kind of 'wear' the engine with characters, so you´ll find the same engine in diferent games. I don´t know if they use rotoscopy, at least in traditional way. Rotoscopy and CGI animation are still weird to me, but I liked American Pop (some rotoscopy from Bakshi) and Appleseed Alpha (CGI). In fact I do prefer cartoon style animation and good stories, dialogues and screenplay are always in the center of the work. In this kind of discussion I frequently mention Peppa Pig. Nowadays we have advanced 3D CGI animation but at the same time we can observe the tremendous success of a three fingers cartoon you can´t even call 2D (you can´t see the back of any character!). I think the great thing about Peppa is that the parents can enjoy it, because of it´s several levels of understanding. Peppa is also extremelly well planned and done in graphic therms; the choice of colours, for example, the few use of black... did you notice that Zoe Zebra stripes are not really black? I can also mention Sarah & Duck and Ben & Holly´s Little Kingdom as sophisticated productions despite the apparent simplicity of the drawings – they are all british, I think... oh, and the amazing Chalie & Lola!!! (In the other side, adult themes, we have South Park...). And what can I conclude from my 'rant'? I think that what makes people happy is the creation, the storytelling – and you told me this when you elected my 'hairdresser girl' as your favourite of my drawings because that one tells a story (not original at all!), when most of the rest are basically cute girls on cute poses... I think the creation, the concept is the most important (which is true also in a advertising piece) - so there´re no good or bad drawings but drawings that fit the goal – and here I criticize young people who focuse only in manga/anime style (very limiting) or even in realism – the technique itself is almost empty of meaning. I like the lhamas... but I prefer to leave comments, I think it´s more personal... have a nice day, Nic!

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alvaro84 [2018-12-26 18:06:05 +0000 UTC]

Very dynamic and in quite a different style than the anime - I like it!

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br273k In reply to alvaro84 [2018-12-27 04:28:12 +0000 UTC]

Yes, different ... I prefer a Tinkerbell-style nose and thicker legs. Other differences are not entirely intentional ... but it's just a tribute to this great anime. Thanks for the comment!!!

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10blaze [2018-12-26 05:29:40 +0000 UTC]

love it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

br273k In reply to 10blaze [2018-12-26 14:09:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fav and for your kind comment! This drawing took more time than I expected... I wanted to keep the original ballpoint colour, but soon I'll put some brush ink on it and maybe colored pencils, just for fun. Madoka is a great anime!

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