After Jack and Sheila’s transformation , they were both placed in quarantine at the local Pokemon Center for the seven days it took for the Pokemorph virus to become inert. After which, they were both released and free to go back to their families.
After leaving, Jack managed to have a run-in with Ramona, Sheila’s older sister, who he seemed to have a minor crush on. Ramona, who was studying and working to become a professional Pokemon groomer, noted how Jack was struggling with his massive fluff. She offered to give Jack a trim, who was more than happy to let her do so.
Though in the process, Ramona ended up getting a little too into the groove, resulting in Jack having a type of ‘Furfrou Cut’. Despite offering to work on fixing this, Jack was actually a little too thrilled to have had a personal grooming from the girl he had a big crush on.