it's been a while since the last time I posted something again
Broke my the pen of my tablet because somebody sat on it by accident orz;
but a saint :iconkurukurimoshon: lended me one of hers ;v; ) <3 remains in debt forever lol
I tried my best to find the novel design for Undine Asuna but those type of things are rare these days.
I have to flip my way back to Gun Gale to get the design right for her ;////;
Title & Illustration was inspired by Haruna Luna's song: Startear
oh~ sorry for the colossal watermark. There was this Facebook Fanpage before, were they posted my illustration w/o permission or credits. Because of that, people started modifying, editing, putting quotations etc and claiming it was made by "them".
Characters (c) Sword Art Online | Illustration (c) chellyshou - Deviantart