Colej-uk — Pepsi Cola

Published: 2011-01-18 15:05:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 622; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 15
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Description Speed painting.
45 mins.

I wanted to do something really fast, so I did this of the Pepsi Cola sign in New York.

The sign is a bit wonky, but I prefer hand drawn lines to vector so it shall stay that way

Oddly enough, I find working in colour to be much faster. I guess it's easier to suggest detail with quick strokes in colour than it is in black and white, where more detail is required. Either that or I'm getting faster, hopefully a bit of both

Please note the original photograph source was by Joergen Geerds ([link] ) so I take absolutely no credit for the composition. But I liked his photo so much that I thought I'd have a go at painting it as a study/practice. If the original author of the photo wishes me to remove this piece then I shall.
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