Campanella Fhruling from Dogs: Bullets and Carnage I dont own her, just love her. Copyrights belong to people who can be found here:…
For those of you who have been waiting a while to see something from me, a small gift: my personal favorite image that i propped up
To say the least, i was so proud way back in November when the local anime club at my university asked me to be a featured artist at a convention they were holding on campus. . Considering that i showed up considerably late, when most of the traffic had died off, and with only four images (eight if you count the black and white version)( also note that being a primarily female muscle artist at this point i had very little to bring to the bag that i believed most would enjoy)i believe i did well. This image was done in preparation for the con, and again, was unarguably my favorite.
I love the soft colors, with sharp pink highlights in purple hair....its also such a strong representation of where ive gone as a artist. Here… is the original image, and frankly it is one of the oldest works in my arsonal, way back when i could spend hours trying to fix a single eye.
Please judge this one for me guys, i would love a critique on this.