Emosummer — Prodigious Frenzy chapter 1 [NSFW]

Published: 2010-04-26 05:43:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 201; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description "When are we getting some fresh meat around here?!" Hunter growled as he kicked a trash can and watched it topple over, a seemingly harmless rat emerged from the trash with a half-eaten pizza in its mouth.

Hunter gasped, "FRESH MEAT!" he pounced doing his signature growl and caught the rat in his mouth. He spat out the pizza and a few bones here and there.

"Pfff!!! That rat obviously ate something disgusting today" Hunter mumbled and crawled his way to Smoker and Boomer who were searching for their own food.

"You guys found something now?" the hooded infected asked them "I ain't got anythin' here" Smoker told him closing the lid of one can "Hey! I found this old doughnut box!" Boomer exclaimed happily opening the said box in front of the other two.

As soon as the box opened Hunter leaped up to the roofs for safety. "Shit! Close it! It stinks more than old socks!" he growled at Boomer "Geez your nose gets sensitive everyday" Smoker muttered moving to lean on a wall and light his cigarette.

Boomer excitedly ate up the expired, parasitic-looking things he called food. "It's no wonder Boomer feels sick always" Hunter grumbled while jumping down to sit beside a dumpster.

All of a sudden they felt the ground trembling everyone including the common infected panicked. "EVERYONE IT'S THE-" before Hunter got to finish his sentence the dumpster beside him instantly flew from its place and crashed into him, Smoker and Boomer.


"Aw man! I just washed this sweatshirt!" Hunter growled fiercely "Get this thing off first!" Smoker grumbled and the dumpster was successfully kicked off from all three of them. "Oh boy I think I spilled everything I ate" Boomer said covering his mouth to prevent more of the vomit.

"Oh shit here comes the horde" Smoker said dropping his cigarette on the ground. Hunter crouched on the ground ready to pounce and get some action. The horde appeared at the entrance of the alley attracted by the smell of Boomer's bile.

Abruptly something or someone landed in front of the trio. The figure stood up and let out a shriek that could outwit the Witch, the whole horde stopped and retreated immediately.
"Damn now talk about vocal chords" Smoker said scratching his cheek, Hunter growled deeply in his throat and approached the figure.

It turned around without delay to face Hunter with glowing gold eyes and sharp teeth. Their savior turned out to be a she! Her long wavy red hair ended just above her waist, she wore a pink tank top, denim miniskirt, black over-the-knee boots and a grey hoodie.

"Hey Hunter I think you've met your match" Boomer giggled behind the infected "Shut the fuck up!" Hunter roared in anger and faced the new infected "Who are you?!" he demanded. The female infected slowly backed away in defense snarling at the Hunter "I say she's your long-lost cousin maybe?" Smoker coughed emitting more of his green gas "So what do they call you exactly?" Boomer asked her, the new infected sat up straight.

"They actually call me Hellion because of my ability" she replied quietly calming down a bit "Which is?" Hellion suddenly twitched like she was going to vomit like Boomer then fire came out of her mouth. Hunter jumped to the side in time, "Oh hey look she cooked up that old pizza!" Boomer exclaimed munching the old thing.

Hellion giggled and sat on the ground like a dog. "Yeah but how come you sit like that?" Smoker asked her this time "Because I pounce on my victim and spit out fire in their faces" she said showing rows of sharp teeth "No offense really but you still look human except for the grayish skin though…" Hellion shrugged "I really don't mind, I still got these claws and teeth for ripping things apart" she motioned for her hands which where indeed sharp claws.

"By the way what happened to that Tank earlier?" Hunter said mostly to himself actually "Oh you mean Tankie? It's alright he went down to Mercy Hospital with some survivors he looked so happy" Hellion answered with a little sniffle.  

Soon the group left to find more food for them to eat. Once they entered a grocery store, Hellion pounced on some frozen products "Oh come on you have to cook-" A blast of her power made the frozen chicken into a roast dinner. "Whoa" Boomer said, Hunter was the first to grab the chicken from her hands until the others wrestled in for the meat.

"Hey! Let me have some of that!" Smoker said

"NO! MINE! MINE! MINE!" Hunter growled

"Gimme that!" Boomer joined in

Smoker used his tongue to grab some of their dinner unfortunately his tongue got tangled in the wrestle of Boomer and Hunter. They rolled on the floor whilst Hellion searched the grocery for any more food, she was getting hungry herself.

She rummaged in the fridge and found some Pepsi left "Oh cool!" she opened the bottle and drank it in one gulp, she started coughing out some smoke as she walked to the three.

Smoker paused from strangling Hunter, "Uh Hellion you okay?" "Huh? Oh yeah I'm alri-" she coughed twice before she spat out tiny fireballs. "Hey! Hey! Get your fiery balls away from me!" Hunter growled but he was stuck to Boomer by Smoker's tongue "Sorry!  I can't help it, I'm really thirsty" she coughed again and she burped out flames.

Boomer and Hunter were safe on the floor except for poor Smoker. "It's a bitch being tall" Smoker sighed after the blast his face half-burnt with a tiny spark of fire on the tip of his hair.


After finally getting their share of food the special infected headed off to where Tank was playing with the survivors. "PLAY HOP SKOTCH WITH ME!!!" Tank roared throughout the street and threw one car at the survivors who were trying (hint: TRYING) to shoot him down.

Hellion finished drinking her can of soda and intentionally burped out fire to a gas station.

The four watched sparks fly high into the sky and the four survivors being roasted.
"Oops…" Hellion muttered "They're gonna have to restart again" "Peh. Whoever is playing right now is a real newbie" Hunter grumbled and pounced on an unsuspecting Francis.

Tank attempted to lift a car but with all the chaos he sat down and did a tantrum flailing his massive arms everywhere. "Oh hush, hush little one we'll find more playmates soon!" Hellion said cooing the Tank as much as possible "Weally?" Tank sobbed "Oh yes! We will right after you help the rest of the family"

"YAYZ!!!" Insert happy Tank face here…
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Comments: 4

mom1995577 [2010-04-26 21:16:36 +0000 UTC]

HAHAHA! this great! *rembers fanfiction.net* you know, ive never seen this on there, was it called "Prodigious Frenzy" there too?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Emosummer In reply to mom1995577 [2010-04-28 02:37:54 +0000 UTC]

YEP!!! dats the one too bad no one comments it much >:T

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

soryaseroth [2010-04-26 15:23:08 +0000 UTC]

*Is laughing her ass off*


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Emosummer In reply to soryaseroth [2010-04-28 02:48:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0