Filly8 β€” Architect: Bad Dog!

Published: 2013-05-05 18:15:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 864; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 4
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Description No idea what this category should be in.. Anyone?

In some ways this is a manip but the horse is actually painted with heavy referencing from a photo.. the background is just a stock image though.

This is a technique i wanted to try, I used a horse stock photo and basically painted over it; almost tracing but not quite i guess? I hand painted with no reference the mane and tail as well as all the markings etc. some of the shading is done free hand while some of it is from the ref image. Complicated weird way to do it but i really wanted to paint a mane/tail and really wanted a realistic ish Archi.

Long story short: I like how this turned out and am proud of how the coloring turned out so realistically

Also backstory: Archi is not a huge fan of dogs; especially ones that pester him in his field! (he's more of a cat-horse haha).
Archi ref here:[link]

Tell me what you think!!

Stock: [link] , [link] (BG)

Time: ~4 hours?
Tools: GIMP, bamboo tablet
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Comments: 20

AnimalsArt123 [2013-09-03 15:03:05 +0000 UTC]

e”s loock real!

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Filly8 In reply to AnimalsArt123 [2014-01-03 21:37:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you (super belatedly..) I just realized I never responded to this and I thought I did So thanks so much!

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AnimalsArt123 In reply to Filly8 [2014-01-05 20:06:03 +0000 UTC]

for nothing but seriously is loock real! is a amasing! Β 

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LeatherHearts [2013-08-09 16:39:39 +0000 UTC]

Welcome back I missed you. I hope you had fun traveling, and I hope you took a lot of pictures that you can use for stock

You did great on this project. Love the strips, and the eyes. Needs a little more fly away hair on the mane and tail, and the one hoof is a little big.

The color LOOK GREAT I love it. It looks like you just look at a reference horse and painted this one! GREAT JOB I LOVE IT!

I wish I could do this good Β 

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Filly8 In reply to LeatherHearts [2014-01-03 21:39:43 +0000 UTC]

Wow it's been forever and I thought I had replied to this previously.. oops sorry! Thanks LH! I really need to post some of my Ethiopian pictures.. and yeah I realized after I was done that the mane and tail look a little stiff I'm to lazy to go back and change it lol.

Thanks for the color comment because my goal was to make this look as real as possible while staying true to the character ^^

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JenniferAnneEsposito [2013-08-08 16:31:39 +0000 UTC]

U did a great job!. its wonderfully painted and posed and the horse looks accurate too

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JenniferAnneEsposito In reply to JenniferAnneEsposito [2013-08-08 16:36:23 +0000 UTC]

U could do some paler bits of hair on the mane and tale to make some hairs look finer, like more stray naturalΒ floaty separateΒ hairs ^-^


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Filly8 In reply to JenniferAnneEsposito [2013-08-08 16:56:29 +0000 UTC]

thanks! I agree, I need to work on my hair.. I lack the patience I need to make it look super great lolΒ  i'll have to work on that.. thanks again!

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JenniferAnneEsposito In reply to Filly8 [2013-08-10 00:15:17 +0000 UTC]

No problem

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DobbysCookieSock [2013-08-08 16:27:22 +0000 UTC]

There's absolutely nothing I would change about the picture, except for the hooves. The one in the air looks really weird, far too big and in a weird angle. But apart from that - awesome picture.

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Filly8 In reply to DobbysCookieSock [2013-08-08 16:58:31 +0000 UTC]

You are totally right.. if you look at the stock of the horse I believe that hoof was covered up so I kinda reinvented it when I painted over it,Β but I didn't get it quite right.. needs some more contrast in that area too.Β  Thanks so much for the input ^^

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DobbysCookieSock In reply to Filly8 [2013-08-08 18:07:01 +0000 UTC]

Np there

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dusty826 [2013-07-10 21:45:06 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic work!

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Filly8 In reply to dusty826 [2013-07-11 15:37:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! I'd love to hear some constructive criticism if you have any to share and feel up to it It is one of my favorite pieces but i'd love to hear what I can to to make it better!

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dusty826 In reply to Filly8 [2013-07-12 21:26:46 +0000 UTC]

I would set the opacity to the pen pressure mode when painting the mane so the individual strands of hair would fade out. Also maybe the markings could be a bit blurred or faded or something. OTHER THAN THOSE TINY THINGS THIS IS SUPER AMAZING!!!!!!

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omniaregina [2013-05-23 03:06:53 +0000 UTC]

Wow, great image. Very well done!

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Filly8 In reply to omniaregina [2013-06-23 00:44:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm very proud of this one so it means a lot :3

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Kumona12 [2013-05-08 22:46:10 +0000 UTC]

I love this.
It looks like you painted it by looking at the image and not painting over it. xD
You haven't been on Horseland for 2 months. D:

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Filly8 In reply to Kumona12 [2013-06-23 00:44:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much i am pretty proud of this one actually :3 and yeah.. just in my defense I have been making plans for overseas travel and then actually traveling lol

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Kumona12 In reply to Filly8 [2013-06-23 17:30:42 +0000 UTC]

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