Final-Spike — New anime me

Published: 2007-07-20 10:16:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 3616; Favourites: 52; Downloads: 2
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Description A new anime me i quite like this one better than the other one. the last one was too realistic >_>" which i hate. plus he was'nt specifically made to be anime me he was just a character from a Ghost series i made. His character design was based off me , so i just used it.

Power: Increased strength , speed , and the ability to create and then control dark energy.

Weapon: a flexible and sharp claw , powerful enough to cut though steel .

Info: A basic Anti-Hero , ~Final-Spike also know as Spike has a symbiotic arm that was created from his hate of this world. His main goals are to Save the world......or destroy it. which ever comes first >3 . His coat gives off spirit energy exhaust when he powers up an attack and his scars drip blood of pure darkness. like for one Spike taped into the powers of darkness that reside in our universe. the story go's , Light and darkness are alive , and this is shown by the effect it has on plants , animals , humans and the world. some people can use the powers of light (people of god , buddhist , etc ) and some can use the power of darkness ( devil worshipers , evil people , etc. ) , but in all beings light and darkness exist . the character was one of those people who could use tap into this power. Ever sence he was a child he was all ways good and the power of light shined in him , but as he got older , life changing things happen to him that made he gain a hate for this world. when his hate went to it's peek, the power of darkness awoke in him and it drove him to madness. he was out of control and cause more damage than any darkness user has caused in a long time. in his subconscious , the light remand dormant , but when he went out of control it re awoke and forced all his darkness into his right arm , and all his hate was pushed deep down in his brain, to regain his sanity .
his power is based on the amount of sleep and food he's had each day

character © me *Final-Spike
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Comments: 12

Tsukasa57 [2011-11-28 18:27:24 +0000 UTC]

wow awesome

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namtaf619 [2010-07-12 18:22:54 +0000 UTC]

awesome character!

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carter-thefuture15 [2008-12-10 22:51:20 +0000 UTC]

F...ing horrible you have a lot tolearn before you post next I suspect to see better from you because it looks like you know what your doing just misguided and you can call me an asshole if you want but I'm just telling you how it is I mean that is the reason you posted it on DA was to be scrutinized by random strangers right.

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DaisukeFTW In reply to carter-thefuture15 [2009-07-05 07:44:26 +0000 UTC]

i think you try to spell criticize

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carter-thefuture15 In reply to DaisukeFTW [2009-07-07 04:02:17 +0000 UTC]

I think you should try to use correct grammar

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HentaiNeko [2007-07-21 20:36:42 +0000 UTC]

Great job XD cool clothes ^_^ maybe too heavy xD

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Final-Spike In reply to HentaiNeko [2007-07-21 21:07:11 +0000 UTC]

lol maybe. not that heavy clothes mean anything when you have powers


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HentaiNeko In reply to Final-Spike [2007-07-22 07:31:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I guess so ^_^ I need some powers ya know :S

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Final-Spike In reply to HentaiNeko [2007-07-22 11:19:32 +0000 UTC]

hey! me too >3


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Jezebel1669 [2007-07-20 10:38:00 +0000 UTC]

The internal battle with the darkness overwhelms his senses and makes him go out and buy Backstreet Boys albums...

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TBFspectre [2007-07-20 10:20:39 +0000 UTC]

awesome character! defenetly one of the better designs I have seen latley.

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Final-Spike In reply to TBFspectre [2007-07-20 10:37:14 +0000 UTC]

LOL thanks! ^_^" i guess.

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