Presently, I picture Onyx being on Steven’s team and trying to prove she can be trusted. Right now you could consider her as sort of the anti-hero. Since she has been evil in the past and will end up finding peace with herself and becoming good in the future (but still keeping the devil-may-care attitude we know and love), I decided to create a drawing showing both sides.
If you guys have been keeping up with the bits and pieces of her back story, you should have a rough idea of what she was like when she turned evil and why. Later on, when she becomes a hero, I see her not using the claws as much and wielding a shield (in honor of Steven and Rose, assuming Rose’s weapon was also a shield) and a sword, making her look more knightly. The white cloth draped across good!Onyx’s waist is a piece of Rose’s old dress she accidentally tore off during the big battle at the strawberry field.
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