Was a quick but devastating war waged from 1964 to 1965 MDS. The war was fought between the Kingdom of East Hagorya and the Allied Nations versus the Byudin and the Free State of West Hagorya. It ends with an explosive victory for King Rheek and his AN allies. West Hagoryan cities were flattened by bombers that flew in from the island nation of Linya. A year later the Allied Nations would come together and come up with the Gedzeym Conventions Treaty. This allowed the formation of the Allied Nations Armed Forces.
Seen above are a pair of MBT-00 “Myuro or Mule” Main Battle Tanks. They were built in East Hagoyra under Linyan license, It is the hagoryan version of the linyan MBT, Tagia. It is armed with a 120mm rifled main gun and dual machineguns. It has a crew of 4. The Mule MBTs have issues with engine power, slower than its peers. However East Hagoryan Brass didn't mind this because they were supposedly better than any tank their western counterparts could produce. The deployment of Cho Hao-55 heavy tanks by the west hagoryans was a deadly surprise.
At the far end, is a silhouette of a east hagoryan Verglas transport helicopter.
SAG/ Raven Sol