Yeah, in case you're all wondering what this is about, I recently watched a fan-made musical based upon the time-traveling JRPG "Chrono Trigger" on YouTube (here's the link in case any of you are interested:… ). My interest in the game was first raised when I listened to three of its themes fan-orchestrated, again, on YouTube (namely, the main theme:… , Frog's Theme:… , and Robo's Theme:… ). Finding out fans on YouTube made it into a musical...well, the rest is history (pun not intended).
Also, I'm posting it here because I tried to post this on Facebook, but Mark Sucks-erberg and his content gestapo removed it for "promoting violence" and warning me about having my account restricted...all based on some brainless and baseless algorithm that this meme encourages violence or some bullcrap like that...
Chrono Trigger is copyright of Square
The "Change My Mind" meme was used from Imgflip.