Me and Ake want to wish you all fabulous 2014!
By the way I wanted to show you some information about his name which can be found online:
in Hawaii verb ''ake'' means - to desire ♥
Swedish Meaning:
The name Ake is a Swedish baby name . In Swedish the meaning of the name Ake is: Ancient.
SoulUrge Number: 6
People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated.
This one is from urban dictionary and made me laugh, it's about a girl but suits him so much!:
An Ake is a young, intellegent, humerous, sensitive, stylish, WAY TOO GORGEOUS person who knows everything about her Best Friends and knows how to play along and how to act cool around anyone she likes. She's a Real, not a Fake. Someone who hates an Ake is clearly blind. Ake is a beloved friend who ALWAYS there for you. She will walk beside you and be your friend. Not behind you to follow, or infront for she may not lead. Ake has many guys trippin for her. She likes single, but will always have a Lover for Life(: We all love an Ake<3
There is also - Ake and His World , children's fiction book by Swedish poet Bertil Malmberg, published in 1924. it was made into the movie (available on YT but without subs :< )
Anyway, I realized that my first drawing in 2013 was also Ake...
so you can see how did my style change.
I wish I could have more time to practice drawing ehhh
Love you all, thanks for everything : )