OldmanJaay — To Be Free 33

Published: 2018-10-15 01:28:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 5057; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 99
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Description Michelle arrives and brings Katie and Sarah to the hospital where they will both be checked out by Doctors. Katie might have to stay the night because of the large amounts of gas she inhaled. I woke up on Riley's beach after the girls had been abducted as I was running to Riley's house the FBI arrived. They explained everything that happened and how Jessie was pardoned. I was furious with them but I did not have time to yell at them. Following a set of clues left by The Clownman we arrived here. Me and Jessie are watching the FBI check the scene when I finally speak. "Do you hate me Jessie" I ask her. "No I think there is full story here that in the next few days you are going to tell us about" I nod my head. "I will" I tell her. She than looks at me and asks if I she can stay at my place until she can find a place of her own. I smile at her and tell her that she can stay with me as long as she wants to. We than leave........
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Comments: 1

Malasorte504 [2018-10-15 08:47:09 +0000 UTC]

At least the older sister is wise enough to let Kristin defend herself. And she wants to stay with Kristin. Maybe this family can be saved after all.

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