ou8nrtist2 — Bifurcated Organic Form

Published: 2008-10-03 04:26:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 2054; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 28
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Description This is a maquette or model of another organic form destined (hopefully),to be a larger sculpture. Within the context of the sphere and assuming the space between them is uniform throughout,these two elliptical surface shapes have a "Relational Symmetry". Like two twins in a womb their relative shape is designated by each other, thus describing a "spatial intimacy",a fitting theme I think for abstract sculpture.
Welded ,cold formed stainless steel with heat patina in the interstices. Diameter is 2 inch nominal.

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Comments: 13

fractalhead [2013-04-05 15:04:42 +0000 UTC]

lovely work

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LotusBunnyMN [2010-04-06 07:23:36 +0000 UTC]

This is good stuff! Did it ever become a larger sculpture?

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ou8nrtist2 In reply to LotusBunnyMN [2010-04-06 07:34:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Christopher.
It's a model for a larger work I hope to build someday...
I did a whole series of these small models inspired by the Megalithic carved stone balls from Scotland.

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quarkenzyme [2008-10-07 13:38:58 +0000 UTC]

you know, i dont think ive ever seen such significant meaning in pure shapes before. not in what they represent, for they dont represent anything other than the shapes themselves. but its so interesting to see shapes that are in and of themselves... well, significant.

very interesting to me.

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ou8nrtist2 In reply to quarkenzyme [2008-10-07 16:29:24 +0000 UTC]

I think we're hardwired to respond in a sympathetic way to these shapes and at least for myself, I feel a certain level of comfort. The rigid boxes and angular spaces that most architecture presents to us to live in seems alien and sterile by comparison... There has always been a relationship between sculpture and architecture. In our own time I think it has often been the job of the sculptor by his work or piece to soften the severity of forms in many large scale architectural spaces(like high rise commercial buildings)so that we may remain grounded upon entering the "devouring "structure.

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quarkenzyme In reply to ou8nrtist2 [2008-10-08 11:02:37 +0000 UTC]

wow. i love the way you think. while everyone may be hardwired in that area, i think more people should be as consciously aware of it as you are. it definitely needs to be incorporated more in the modern world...

im usually more of a 'beauty-in-fuctionality' person when i comes to design, but these objects are more than just ornamental embellishments...

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ou8nrtist2 In reply to quarkenzyme [2008-10-08 16:21:22 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Bro,
Much of the ugliness of current buildings actually has to do with economics and the efficiency of standard units of building materials.
Rectangular units (like plywood)and dimensional lumber sort of insinuate a linear rectangular use.
It's more expensive in a number of ways to make a sinuous curvilinear wall than a flat straight rectangular one.
But we pay a price later on by living in square boxes that cramp our sense of space and alienate our true aesthetic...

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quarkenzyme In reply to ou8nrtist2 [2008-10-08 16:57:36 +0000 UTC]

yeah, i guess so... :-T hehe too bad.
anyway, keep up the good work. c:

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Feybles [2008-10-05 13:25:15 +0000 UTC]

Looks like it is in the process of forming itself into something else.

Oh, and i love the splash of colour!

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ou8nrtist2 In reply to Feybles [2008-10-05 15:47:56 +0000 UTC]

Me too,
Stainless is a most curious metal to work with.
It looks almost as if the inner section was made from bronze.
I still think it needs to be mounted on a little rotating turntable and shot in a 10 sec video to get the full visual disclosure of the shape.
Not sure if DA can download that kind of thing but I know my camera can shoot in that mode,and tiny little battery operated display turntables are readily available...I may just have to experiment.
I'm thinking this whole series of organic forms in various sphere shapes could be the most marvelous doorknobs...I mean they're sooo incredible tactile...

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Feybles In reply to ou8nrtist2 [2008-10-06 00:24:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, doorknobs like that would be spectacular!

Good luck with the experimenting, I look forward to checking out the results if you can get it all to work out.

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razzigyrl [2008-10-03 13:18:14 +0000 UTC]

Is this a variation on your take on those ancient stones? It's interesting...


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ou8nrtist2 In reply to razzigyrl [2008-10-03 16:00:33 +0000 UTC]

It started from that Courtney,
but my interest in the stones stemmed from an association with Sacred Geometry,and because they resembled organic forms to me,seed pods,flower buds etc. So it's more accurate to say that my greater interest is in bio-morphic design and it's application for abstract sculpture.

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