*Rainbow, Soarin, and their two daughters walking to Scootaloo's house*
Snow: Pfff... Why can't we come with you and Daddy, Mama?
Sora: Yeah. Why do we have to stay at Aunt Scootaloo's house?
Rainbow: We're just going to go to the doctors quick. We'll come back.
Soarin: Your mother's right. She just feels sick and we're going there to make her better.
Rainbow: And your Aunt Scootalo wants to hang out with you two. She hasn't seen you since you were in diapers.
Sora: *blushes in embarrassment* Good thing we're not in public to talk about that.
Soarin: *rings doorbell*
Scootaloo: *answers door* Oh! *smiles* Hello Rainbow. Hello Soarin *hugs them*
Rainbow: Nice seeing you again, Squirt.
Soarin: Yep.
Scootaloo: *looks down at two fillies* Awww.. My lil munchkins! *hugs them tight*
Sora and Snow: *getting squished by hug and turning blue*
Scootaloo: *lets them go* I haven't seen you two since you were in diapers.
Snow: *blushes in embarrassment and mutters* Again with the diapers...
Rainbow: Scoots. Can you take care of the girls for a bit? We gotta go to the doctors. Unless you have any plans for today...
Scootaloo: Boss, it's ok. I can take care of them. The least I can do for you, captain.
Rainbow: Thanks, squirt. *rubs hair* We'll be back in a few.
Soarin: Bye girls. Be good.
Sora and Snow: Bye! *hugs their parents*
*Rainbow and Soarin fly off*
Scootaloo: So what do you girls want to do today?
Sora: We were hoping if you would tell us about being a Wonderbolt.
Snow: Yeah! I want to be a Wonderbolt someday.
Sora: Pfff... *rolls eyes* Yeah right.
Snow: *angry* I can!!
Scootaloo: *chuckles* Girls, calm down. Being a Wonderbolt means responsibility and pride.
Sora: Like you, Daddy, and Mama.
Scootaloo: Yes. Like us. *boops Sora's snout*
Snow: So who's your favorite, Auntie?
Scootaloo: *confused* Favorite what?
Snow: You know, favorite niece? Me or Sora? Cause you know... *smirks* I'm probably your favorite one.
Sora: You're not her favorite! *pouts*
Snow: Yeah I am!
Sora: Well I'm older than you!
Snow: By an hour!!
*Snow and Sora arguing*
Scootaloo: *pulls each other away* Hey knock it off. I don't have a favorite. Yet...
(In my head canon, Rainbow Dash would be Captain of the Wonderbolts and Scootaloo would be a Wonderbolt.)
Mlp belongs to Hasbro