Reine de Coeur (meaning 'Queen of Hearts' in French)
12 years old
Strawberry Roan
Selle Français
Handler: Alyssa Edmunds Disciplines: Show jumping and dressage
Behavior - Handling: Reine is a gentle and sensitive horse, and needs to be treated with a soft hand and energy. She often enjoys spending time by herself, rather than in the company of people or other horses.
Behavior - Riding: Reine doesn't always pick up new concepts very quickly, and will often need to be showed things many times before she learns. However, she is always eager to please her handler and give everything her best shot. As long as her rider keeps their instructions simple and clear, she will obey eagerly. She has pleasing gaits and good power for jumping, making her excel at both jumping and dressage.
Adopted from Classyhorse , originally designed by StableOfAres