Full Moon..
Date: 29th May 2018
Location: Bengaluru
Camera: Sony alpha 57
Exposure: 1/250s
ISO: 100
956 individual photos stacked together
956 frames -> PIPP -> AutoStakkert! -> Gimp
Through Skywatcher BKP2001 on HEQ5 Pro mount
The colour hues seen are real, but, exaggerated.. these enhanced lunar colors indicate the mineralogy of the Moon’s surface, and the chemical composition of the lunar rocks.
'Colors on the Moon are dominantly controlled by variations in iron and titanium content. The mare regions have low reflectance because they contain relatively high amounts of iron oxide (FeO). Some mare basalts contain unusually high amounts of titanium oxide (TiO2) in addition to iron oxide, making for even lower reflectance. TiO2 also shifts the color of the mare from red to blue. The distinct boundary between Mare Tranquillitatis (darker and bluer) and Mare Serenitatis (lighter brown) is clearly visible and results from high TiO2 in the Tranquillitatis basalts.'
Information Source:…/lroima…