(Note: this was not drawn by me. while the character IS my OC, it was drawn by a tumblr artist during a small one day contest where we could submit an OC and he would draw it. This character was the last one he drew before the day was over.)
As harpies have begun slowly integrating into the rest of Echidnaean society, the Praetoriani has begun recruiting the more adventurous ones into an exclusive air-corps known as the Harpy Scout Centuriae. Among the first recruits to this new unit was the harpy Celaeno. A member of the naturally intelligent Raven sub-species, Celaeno was an ideal candidate for the Centuriae, and soon made a quick rise through the ranks all the way to Flight Leader of the entire air corps. Unusually ambitious for a harpy, Celaeno is constantly seeking Cyclops Captain of the Guaud Agrippa’s approval by eagerly accepting his most hazardous missions, perhaps to the dismay of her subordinates. She is also a very brash and pushy harpy, bossing around her other scouts and constantly screeching or cawwing. Still, she looks out for her less capable comrades, and makes sure all of her harpies make it home safe at the end of the day.