Comments: 117
remonpop In reply to ??? [2013-04-15 14:23:37 +0000 UTC]
Aww thank you so much! We appreciate that ♥
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remonpop In reply to Darklightx6 [2011-04-18 14:37:56 +0000 UTC]
no niinpä, ehkä pikkasen huono mielikuvitus sais kyllä olla :''D
Ja tylsiä laulujahan siitä vaa syntyis lopunperin, ei siitä pääse mihinkää -__-
No arvaa vaan oliko mulla hauskaa sillo ku toi tuli trollailemaan mulle :'D Aattelin et käyttäydyn aikuismaisesti ja yritän keskustella sen kanssa mut hitot se ite semmosta osaa ku kaikesta keksii valitettavaa XD
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remonpop In reply to Darklightx6 [2011-04-18 19:57:56 +0000 UTC]
ois pitäny laittaa jos oisin tajunnu et se trollailee XD mul on hidas sytytys :'D
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remonpop In reply to Vooron [2011-01-19 18:21:13 +0000 UTC]
joo arvaa voi vittu mite mä oon nauranu sille ja kui mulla on menny hermot sen kaa XD Pitiki sattua mun kohalle just tommone :''D
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remonpop In reply to Vooron [2011-01-19 18:30:45 +0000 UTC]
mulla toi on vissii eka nii en todellakaa osannu varautua XD Hiema savua nousi korvista ku ekan kerran luin sen kommentin :''D
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SeverSan [2011-01-19 15:44:17 +0000 UTC]
Kaunis kuvanen ja lyriikatkin on mukaisat <3
Ja tolla yhdellä on tosiaan jokunen ruuvi vähän kireellä X'D.
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remonpop In reply to SeverSan [2011-01-19 15:47:51 +0000 UTC]
no niinpä XD voi herranjestas millasia ihmisiä sitä löytyykin XD
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SeverSan In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 15:48:26 +0000 UTC]
Jep, meitä on moneksi 8''DD.
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vilima [2011-01-19 12:47:33 +0000 UTC]
aaaw, todella suloinen ja aito kuva! ;w; <3
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remonpop In reply to vilima [2011-01-19 15:04:12 +0000 UTC]
kiitosh beib >u< ♥
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remonpop In reply to speedbump07 [2011-01-19 08:28:21 +0000 UTC]
aww thanks XD <3
yeah I can't understand what's his problem o___O
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speedbump07 In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 12:14:36 +0000 UTC]
Some people just want to be critical in a mean way instead of critical in a helpful way. Just ignore stuff like that and don't respond to it.
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remonpop In reply to speedbump07 [2011-01-19 15:08:03 +0000 UTC]
It's so funny that he keeps mocking my works but the only thing he can draw himself is some pitiful stick figure :'''D
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speedbump07 In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 21:08:44 +0000 UTC]
It's best to just ignore him, starve him of the attention he wants.
I'm not a very good artist, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go around negativly critizing everyone thats better then me. Because that'd be a lot of people. And I am a nice guy.
Anyway, best to just ignore him, or if he continues bothering you, block him.
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remonpop In reply to speedbump07 [2011-01-19 21:41:12 +0000 UTC]
yeah I was intending to do that if he STILL have something to say :''D
-And you sure are a nice guy ♥ There should be more like you ♥ :3
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speedbump07 In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 21:45:52 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, you are exceedingly nice as well!
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Solinni [2011-01-19 06:07:23 +0000 UTC]
hitto että repesin tolle ylemmälle kommentoijalle xD
ensin pitää haukkua kuvateksti ja jos siitä ei oo moksiskaan niin sit siirrytään haukkumaan itse kuvaa, joillain on vissiin pipo vähän kireellä :'D
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remonpop In reply to Solinni [2011-01-19 08:29:01 +0000 UTC]
joo voi vittu oikeesti XD mikähän ongelma sillä tyypillä oikee on ku pitää nii tulla vinkumaan kaikesta? :'''D
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Solinni In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 14:11:35 +0000 UTC]
Se on kato kateellisten puhetta :'D
...Tulikin ihan mieleen yks meiän luokalla ollu venäläinen poika joka teki kaikki sen "taideteokset" vaaleenpunasesta paperista ja kritisoi sitten kaikkien muiden töitä ihan paskoiks, jos niissä ei ollu jotain ihan kuningas ideaa takana :'D
Sitäpaitsi tartteeko alottelijoiden ja opiskelijoiden heti osata tehdä korkealuokkaista taidetta? Ja onko sitä aina pakko tehdä ja tuskailla sen parissa? Eiks joskus vois vaan tehdä jotain ihan huvin vuoks? : D
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remonpop In reply to Solinni [2011-01-19 15:07:02 +0000 UTC]
no niinpä, tuntuu et toi tyyppi oottaa et kaikki mun jutut on jotai mestariteoksia ja paasaa jotain siitä että taide määrittelee ihmisen tulevaisuuden. Ja hitto sillä on itellää yks huonosti piirretty tikku-ukko galleriassaan XDDD Eipä tuu se jätkä kirjottaa nimeään historiaan sen kuvan turvin :''''D
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Solinni In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 15:18:58 +0000 UTC]
Haha, tikku-ukkoja :'D niillä ei menesty ellei oo joku Kris Wilson :'D
Mut suuri osa (teeskennellään, että kaikki) nykyisin arvostettuja vanhoja taiteilijoita oli elämänsä aikana epä arvostettuja u_u
Van Goghkin myi elämänsä aikana vaan yhen taulun ja tuli lopunperin mielisairaaksi ja ampui itsensä, rohkaisevaa eikö :'D
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remonpop In reply to Solinni [2011-01-19 15:31:56 +0000 UTC]
todellakin XD Arvaa nyt on semmonen fiilis et perkele tuun maailman parhaaks valokuvaajaks ja sitte noita mun "paskoja kuvia" vyöryy joku tuutista ja sitte voin rauhassa naureskella tolle tikku-ukkoilijalle : D
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Solinni In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 15:42:45 +0000 UTC]
Mulle tuli aina samanlainen fiilis murskakritiikin jälkeen : D "Jumaliste mä näytän sulle kuka täällä maalaa kuolleita lintu, mee sie sinne nurkkaas leikkimään niillä pahvilaatikoillas" xDD
Mua on nyt muuten jo muutaman päivän kaivellu se, että eiks meiän pitäny tehä se tupla-meme josku aikaa sitten? Se tais silloin vähän jäädä, mut saataiskohan me se tässä kummiskin joskus aikaseks? : D Huvittais vaan tehdä jotain ihan randomia näitten koulu juttujen lomassa :'D
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Solinni In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 15:56:26 +0000 UTC]
Löytyi [link] : D halusiks sää muuten olla vasemmalla vai oikeella puolella? ja mitä sie halusit art tradeen? : D
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remonpop In reply to Solinni [2011-01-19 16:12:14 +0000 UTC]
mä haluun olla oikeanpuolimmainen! 8D Ja ööh.. Piirrä mulle vaikka Orthilia tai muu valitsemasi hahmoni jos hän ei kelpaa XD mitäs mä sulle piirrän? : D
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Solinni In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 16:33:04 +0000 UTC]
piti käydä kattomassa kuka se Orthilia oli xD mut joo hänet piirrän.
Hitto kun mää en keksi mitään D: mä oon onnistunu hävittämään sen oc memenkin jonnekkin, että ny en voi pyytää ketään niistä hahmoista kun et saa mallia niihin mistään xD tai sit pitää tehä joku nopee mallikuva sulle
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remonpop In reply to Solinni [2011-01-19 16:40:17 +0000 UTC]
joo tee nopee mallikuva! :33
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Solinni In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 23:22:26 +0000 UTC]
Hitto kun on päässyt ruostumaan kun ei oo pitkään aikaan piirtäny ihmisiä :'D
...mutta kuitenkin valkkaa vapaasti noista [link] : D
Mää ratkaisin myös miksi tämä törppö trollaa sua : D Sillä on selkeesti jotain ongelmia lesbojen kanssa, se nimittäin näyttää yrittäneen iskeä kaikkia vähänkään nätimpiä tyttöjä joiden kuvia se on täällä kommentoinu :'D
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remonpop In reply to Solinni [2011-01-20 18:01:00 +0000 UTC]
whoo minäpä yllätän sinut jollain noista hahmoista sitten :3
mäki muute aattelin et se kuitenki vaa masentu ku olin lesbo eikä se voinu saada mua ja alko sitte kiusaamaan XD
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Solinni In reply to remonpop [2011-01-20 21:55:18 +0000 UTC]
Jee \o/
Haha, mut nyt se tais jo vihdoin luovuttaa :'D noi trollit osaa kyllä välillä olla hauskoja, kun ne kieltäytyy olemasta väärässä ja vääntää hirveitä selityksiä puolustuksekseen. Ja sitten niille voi vaan naureskella ja upottaa yhä syvemmälle suohon ja katsella kun niiltä palaa viimeinenkin hermo. xDD
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remonpop In reply to Solinni [2011-01-21 12:36:19 +0000 UTC]
no niinpä! ne vetää valituksen aihetta iha mistä tahansa ja toiki alko puhuu nii syvällisiä asioita ja joitai ihme sanoja kute zetgeist mistä mulla ei oo mitää hajua et uskon et toi jaksais vääntää kättä tosta asiasta vaikka kuinka pitkään XDD
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remonpop In reply to Theaitetos [2011-01-18 20:29:07 +0000 UTC]
well, I think that's only a matter of opinion : D
I don't know what kind of poetry you like to read, but that song means a lot to me and the lyrics (I don't mean only this song's lyrics) are best poetry there is. -For me of course, this is just my opinion : )
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Theaitetos In reply to remonpop [2011-01-18 22:55:42 +0000 UTC]
Metaphors mean to "carry over" something, and relate two ideas with each other.
"You're the sky that I fell through"
What is falling through the sky? Doesn't exist.
Who has fallen through the sky? Nobody.
If you stretch it a lot you can take a parachutist for that, though note that the actual term then would be "sky diving".
"The sun hung from a string"
... ah... yes... sun... hanging... from a string...
It's obvious that whoever composed the lyrics just wanted to connect "the sun" with "warming everything" in a rhyme. So you look up anthing that rhymes to "everything" and end up with string.
You know, after people like Percy Bysshe Shelley has put the benchmark of good poetry up, it's not a good sign if people limbo so easily underneath it.
Not judging on the actual music your group makes, but you would probably love the song if the lyrics were in russian and you wouldnt even understand it.
At least I REALLY hope that you dont love a song for the lyrics, because they just suck really bad.
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remonpop In reply to Theaitetos [2011-01-18 23:27:24 +0000 UTC]
duuude, you need to chill out o___o
I love the lyrics BECAUSE they are quite random, in a cute way. Why does everything have to make sense? Haven't you seen the movie Spirited Away, where the characters fell from the sky? It was really touching scene, though it could never happen in real life.
I understand if you don't personally like the lyrics or any surreal texts or whatever, but do you really have to come complain about it to me? Cause it's something that I personally really like. -But yes I would probably love it too even if it were in Russian or any other language, because the music is good. -But I always love the songs more when I know what they sing about, especially when they sing about something that I like or something that touches me.
And anyway I hope people would comment more the photograph itself than the couple sentences I put in the description...
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Theaitetos In reply to remonpop [2011-01-18 23:51:31 +0000 UTC]
The photograph is... well, it's not art, and it's definitely not made by a skilled photographer either.
It looks just like an ordinary pic that people - especially girls - make these days. So there is not really any substance to comment on, really. What could one say?
It's average at best. Like the lyrics: without any specific idea, thoughtless, mindless, just trying to express feelings like everyone does all the time everywhere.
I have a suggestion: Translate the lyrics into Finnish (you're in Finland, right?), don't try to adapt them, just a literal translation, and then show them to some people who don't know the song. You will see how ridiculous and lousy those lyrics are.
People love music independent from lyrics. Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and Schumann all composed in German or Latin and yet they're loved. Although their lyrics were actually great. Nonetheless, nowadays people like songs in French, Spanish, Russian, or other things - remember Dragostea din tei or Ya soshla s uma? - so you need to dissociate between the music and the lyrics. If you hear the music while reading those lyrics your mind is too clouded to make proper judgement. Be critical. Try to see through the veil and think what is really there.
Have fun
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monkeymaestro In reply to Theaitetos [2011-01-19 11:32:15 +0000 UTC]
Man, get over yourself.
First of all, quality of lyrics is a matter of personal opinion, and your particular complaints aren't even very bad examples. Even the "great" poets have cases of some dodgy metaphors and awkward imagery.
But clearly, you believe there is an objective idea of what is true art, because then you go on to complain about the photograph too. Your opinion is no better than anybody else's.
And astoundingly, you managed to slot in a sexist comment. "Especially girls"? Why is that relevant to your argument? As far as I can tell, you just said that to inflate your own ego that little bit more.
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remonpop In reply to Theaitetos [2011-01-19 09:20:11 +0000 UTC]
Have fun? I sure do after reading your reply XD
For fuck's sake, that's exactly what I do, express feelings TROUGH photographing. So you say that art isn't expressing feelings?
And who are you to say what's art or not? You clearly don't have eye for photography which is completely a world of it's own. -Believe me, I study photography.
That, for example, is also considered art. Not all like it, but it's still claimed to be art. So you can't really say what's art because it's not something that you can easily define.
And by the way, your little stick figure in your gallery isn't that arty to me, it looks just like an ordinary pic that people - especially boys - make these days. So please.. Before you start critisicing others, learn to draw/photograph/make art in any other way so you wouldn't seem like some jealous kid who picks on people just because he's not that good himself. And just like you said; If you think that there is not really any substance to comment on, please shut the fuck up. Because no one's really interested if you think some lyrics suck, especially when they're not really part of the photograph I took and NOT something that I wrote.
I don't know why we're even talking about the lyrics here anymore? Do you have that big problem with them that you still have to whine about them? -And yes, they would sound ridiculous in finnish because EVERYTHING sounds ridiculous in finnish. Finns are sulky and reticent people so we don't really talk that sweet and everything romantic sounds mostly just corny or stupid.
I don't understand why we're fighting over this? It's a matter of opinion, not fact, if some art (in this case lyrics) are bad or not. You've made clear what you think and so have I. You can't say something's not good just because you don't like it. It's like fighting over which color's better; red or blue.
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Theaitetos In reply to remonpop [2011-01-19 13:37:45 +0000 UTC]
Monkeys can express feelings. They are able to make photos as well. They also sling feces at people.
If you do not raise your standards of art, there won't be any difference between the two of you. Definitely not something I personally would enjoy, do you?
Any why the lyrics are important to your "art"? Because art is not an expression of feelings - hell, my penis can express feelings and does so frequently -, it is something that stems from your human soul, and gets refined by the knowledge of your mind. And a mind that considers these lyrics to be great clearly turns any artful impulses in its soul into profane garbage.
I'm not a monkey slinging poo at you, but at this moment you're nothing but a man of your time. There is nothing individual of yours in your pictures, nothing but the common and omnipresent Zeitgeist - most clearly expressed in those lyrics. Just talk to people and ask them what they consider art to be, and 99% will tell you that you "can't really define art". They don't say or think that because they know it to be true, they think it because it's Zeitgeist, because everyone thinks that way. Of course it is attractive to be non-different, ordinary, not sticking out, since that requires little to none courage or creativity, but you should make that decision if you want to be that way or grow to become an actual artist consciously. Right now that is something you're oblivious of, that's why I'm inviting you to change, understand that looking through a lens and pressing a button is as far from art as the (pussy)cat is from calculus.
Maybe it's a good idea to consider this last metaphor - as it is an actual metaphor - and think: If art is meant to remain an important part in the future of man, then your standards for art shouldn't be any lower than those for science.
By the way, if you know a lot about the problems of Finland and its people, you would do a great service to your country helping it develop and progress, probably a better service than defending feces-grade poetry.
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