RuushiiCZ — [OC] Coulee

#coulee #mlp #reference #ponyoc #earthponyoc #friendshipismagic
Published: 2019-09-22 19:48:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 580; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 7
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Description Finally, Coulee gets her proper redesign treatment~


Lee (doesn't like it)

25 years

She has a strong large body, fluffy hairy hooves and her light body markings are a mix of spots na freckles. She always wears her mane and tail tied up.
Also wears her red scarf, that usually covers half of her chest mark.

Place of Birth


Current place

Warehouse manager

She's the grumpy girl, who hardly ever smiles and just by one simple look at her you would guess that the entire world annoys her. She's very dedicated pony, who does her work alone. She doesn't like being around other ponies much, doesn't talk much herself neither. She's smart and knows a lot of things, but she's still a big mystery to most other creatures. As Coulee doesn't tent to follow up on daily conversations, a lot about this pony remeins unknown. Her origins, her hobbies and interests or her plain self. That's why most ponies don't know she can be really helpful, if you dare to talk to her and withstand her sarcasm and remarks. After all, she did kinda build up that scary unapproachable persona for herself. 

She was born in Appleloosa and has a lot of siblings. Eventually, she got fed up by the huge family life there and went her own way.
She joined the special night guard training program and despite being "just an earthpony", her strength was getting her through just fine. She was an occasional companion for Zinnia Fireflower and Silver Dust there, too.
It is unknown what happend during her last year in the program or how she did at the final exams, which were to make her an official guard. 
She now works as a warehouse manager in Fillydelphia.

Cutie Mark
Strength in unity, she's good when lending a helping hoof

old ref: fav.me/d9r3z1g
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Comments: 4

EqDBot [2019-10-04 04:30:03 +0000 UTC]

This Deviation was featured in the following Equestria Daily Post www.equestriadaily.com/2019/09… Thank you for providing pony material for all of us to enjoy
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CasualBrony999 [2019-09-22 20:48:36 +0000 UTC]

She's truly beautiful.
And creative.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RuushiiCZ In reply to CasualBrony999 [2019-09-23 18:57:06 +0000 UTC]

Glad you think so :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CasualBrony999 In reply to RuushiiCZ [2019-09-23 21:40:09 +0000 UTC]

I do.... i really really do.

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