Is this really an improvement...?
So, why's this thing rearing its ugly head again? Well, looking back on the original version of this edit , I thought I could do a little bit better with some details. My issue with the original was that it looked sort of... Basic? Flat? Weird? I'm not entirely sure, something about it just didn't sit well with me.
My goal was to fix the numerous problems I had with the old edit and to hopefully make it look a little less 'basic'. Since I didn't have a whole lot of time, I just reworked the old one. While I definitely improved some areas, I think I also dropped the ball in other departments. I'm not too sure if I'm just being overly critical here, but I don't really like how this turned out either.
I was debating whether or not I should even go about releasing this, actually. I'm only doing it now because I don't want to waste the time and effort I put into this somewhat failed edit. Ah well, I doubt anyone but me actually cares about this anyways.
Best to bite your tongue and pull through, when things stink.