I had a dream about becoming a thunderbird. It was really cool, so I wanted to draw one. The dream thunderbird also had a metal slate on it’s beak, making light glimmer off it like a flash of lightening.
“I was a young boy and very sick. On my day of passing, I somehow became a weak bird, laying on the floor like a chick who had fallen out of its nest. My parents opened the large door windows, where the waning warm sunlight beckoned me. I made a feeble cry, stumbling forward on trembling legs, my human parent’s gentle hands prevented me from falling over. With each step I grew stronger, till I reached the edge of the doorway and opened my wings. Without hesitation, I jumped from the ledge, flapping my wings until the wind caught me under my new brilliantly blue and purple feathers. I was a new creature, the sky was freedom and the rumbling dark clouds behind me were mine to command.”