Woops guess who's a big boy now
Basic Information
Orestes (Ore - Ess - Teez )
Greek, meaning "He who stands atop mountains" or "He who can conquer mountains"
Adult (1 1/2 Season Cycles and up )
Born in Autumn
Siberian x Somali mix
Though lanky and scruffy as an adolescent, Orestes is....well, quite scruffy still. After training to become a warrior, his mid-section and legs have thickened quite a bit, and he has gained some height. His paws no longer look large in comparison to his body, and his muzzle no longer lengthly. His fur is still thick and messy, but quite sleek to the touch, and though his mass has increased, he is still quite speedy. His coloring is how it's always been, as he is still young and with out any graying fur.
Injuries / Disabilities
- Ear nick
Sand Dollar Necklace
Tribal Information
Current Affiliation
Air Tribe
Former Affiliation
Tribe Tattoo
Green Air
(Joined when Air Tribe was Level 8)
Top Speed
Accelerator 1
Accelerator 2
Accelerator 3
Wind Field
Bunny hop 1
Bunny hop 2
Weather Forecast
Under Pressure
Current Swap
John Graduated
Personal Information
[ Positive / Forgiving / Eager/ Flexible ]
Positive - Ever since he was little, Orestes has always had a rather happy go lucky attitude. He grew up in a rather peaceful climate, away from the regular horrors of every day life, and therefore finds the world an amazingly awesome place. It's very hard to upset him, and even when he's upset, Oreo can usually find something pretty quick to laugh or smile about. This is probably the most helpful of his traits because, lets be honest. Nowadays it's rather hard to keep a smile on your face and a skip in your step, no? Shouldn't there be some one who's pretty much eternally upbeat to brighten your day? Well, Orestes is your tom if you think so. While he may not be able to speak his enthusiasm all that well, he can sure act it, and the smile he sports is practically fitted on with steel. Though, I'm sure you could find a choice few felines that experience a certain amount of annoyance at Orestes giddy disposition. He doesn't really care, he'd try to be their friend anyway. The little sweet heart.
Forgiving - It really is no surprise that some one like Orestes finds it easy to forgive others. He bounces back surprisingly well from his sparse lows, so making up with a cat that's done him wrong comes naturally. This may be seen as negative, since it gives the impression that Orestes trusts easily. He does, of course, but there's nothing like gaining having a cat you've hurt in some way wipe your slate clean and allow you to start again, right? Orestes is pretty new to the whole 'Way more cats in the world than just him and his mother'. His shut in upbringing makes him especially enthusiastic to meet and become friends with as many cats as he can. Forgiving them for wrong doings, to himself or others, is just part of the process of deepening friendships to him.
Eager - As a youth filled, ready to learn adolescent, Orestes is eager. Eager to learn, eager to play, eager to explore. Eager to anything really, that is allowed by others around him. This trait helps him with the new activities of tribe life, like learning to hunt and fight. He's always been quick to learn new things about the world around him. Given his positive attitude, most cats would be more than happy to assist him in his endevour. Orestes is especially excited about the prospect of hunting. He loves to help others, as it part of his nature, and feeding his tribe seems like the most practical way to go about it. Although sparring is fun too. Oh and helping the bone crafters retrieve supplies. And the history of the tribes. There's just so much to learn, and thanks to his age, he has plenty of time to learn all about it.
Flexible - Some cats seem to find it hard to adjust to new things and ideas. Orestes is not one of these cats. He is very in tune with the saying 'Go with the flow'. His mother taught him to always be open to new experiences, though she hid him from the tribes. Whats the point of worrying about the little things in life like a new food or nest to sleep in? Not everything's going to stay the same forever, and Orestes is a firm believer in this. There is so much more to the world than just being upset over changes, and you can only push forward to achieve true comfort. He's also great at jumping and running, if he doesn't already look like it, but that isn't really part of a personality trait is it? Well, anyway, lets just say Orestes isn't one to let the little things get him down, and because of his eager and positive attitude, he can always adjust.
[ Stubborn / Flippant / Trusting / Immature ]
Stubborn - Oh yes. Orestes is at that certain age. When he thinks his way is the best way, and everyone should follow his lead. Make no mistake, he will yield to proper authority, but that doesn't stop him from being indignant about it. Orestes has only ever had to follow his mother's orders, so the orders of others seem some what bland and weak in comparison to his own mothers iron spirit. Don't worry though; he'd give up a fight eventually, probably quicker than most others. His forgiving nature also breaks his stubbornness. So I guess that means he's....not all that....stubborn..........What ever. He's young and dumb and will do bad things cause that's what young and dumb people do and he'll think he's right to do it. Yeah.
Flippant - It's not much of a surprise to find that a cheerful cat like Orestes actually can't take many things seriously. Not that everything and everyone are jokes to him. He just can't quite figure out that the world is actually extremely dangerous and can be a threat to your life. It's possible this is only because Orestes has never experienced the death of some one he knows yet, at least that he is aware of , but it still doesn't make it any better. It's far worse to think your life is happy and dandy and perfect, and then have it come crashing down on you because of one sharp blow of a mishap. To Orestes, this is all a joke, of course. Unfortunately, it's probable that this lack of seriousness may get him severely hurt one day, and by something that he won't be able to bounce back from. Until then, Oreo's lack of responsibility is nothing more than a slight annoyance.
Trusting - You could of probably guessed that this would be part of his personality. As with any cat that is overly nice and cheerfully, Orestes is surprisingly open to cats he just meets. He's quick to please, and even quicker to gain the trust of if you respond to him nicely. But no one can really blame him for this. He hadn't seen any sort of malignant feelings from cats all his life, and as a result, sees every cat he meets as an opportunity. It's certainly thankful that he refrains from speaking, other wise he'd introduce himself using his true name to anyone who passes. Orestes is a fast learner though. He will learn to think before he acts, and to be more frugal with how much he trusts some one. But until then, anyone and everyone is believed and adored by him.
Immature - Orestes is still a blue green, so you can't really expect much in regards to maturity. Not to mention he had his mother caring for him for the most part before he joined the tribes. Its expected that he acts a bit - or a lot - younger than his real age. This immaturity can be seen in his day to day routine, his actions, the way he socialized, and his over all thinking process. You'd think he'd just stepped out of the nursery from the way he chases butterflies and scrabbles after his own tail. He'll learn, of course, but for a while he'll be pretty foolish. However, this immaturity does have a bit of good side to it. Given the ridiculous amount of kits and young cats amoung the tribes now, it's nice to have some one older and 'cooler' for them to socialize and adjust with. Especially if they're just moving into their tribe. But like in every cat, he'll grow up and out of it. UPDATE He didn't grow out of it LOL
Cat - John
Place - Serpent's Tail
Color- Yellowish Orange
Game - Flying Squirrel
Food - Prairie Dog
Season - Autum
Tribal - Impress those whom he respects
Personal - Introduce his mother to the tribes
- Actually extremely bitter over the fact that he cannot speak
What you Know - Two Door Cinema
Cameras - Matt and Kim
Mother - Unknown (That is her name) - Somali - Black water - Deceased
Father - Seymour - Siberian - Gray Light - Deceased
Brothers - N/A
Sisters - N/A
Mate - N/A
Kits - N/A
Early Kithood
Skully was a small, pathetic thing when he was born. He was undersized, scrawny, and didn't seem like much to really love. His mother would disagree, however. Approaching the end of fall, she brought the little guy into the world, the only protection she was allowed a cramped thicket of bush branches. She had no mate. He had run off to join the tribes when he'd heard of them. This didn't bother her in the slightest; since now she had a son that wouldn't leave at the first prospect of a better life. Her name was Unknown.
The two lived north of the current tribe territories, nearer to Earth tribe than water, but secret from both. Unkown liked it that way. She'd never been much for huge crowds. Though, the temperatures were not ideal for her and her baby. Especially considering his condition. Because of this, Unknown made the risky decision to move south, if only for the season. It was give her Skully more chance to grow and thrive, and they'd be warmer. However, there was no telling what would happen if the tribe cats found them.
Her mind made, the new mother carefully carried her still weak kit southward, towards the Calderas. There, they would be warm, and at least given some form of protection. There, Skully was able to feed and sleep comfortably, and grow as a proper kit should. They stayed there through out the winter, mostly undisturbed. Save for a small incident, where a blue green water had sniffed at their den while they'd been sleeping, no one knew of them.
Through out this time, Skully's personality develpted, and he quickly became quite the pawful for his poor mother. He was a regular dynamo, a ball of energy that seemed to bounce off the walls at the slightest provocation. He was always happy and grinning, showing off his impressive little fangs, and always entertained despite the lack of life besides his own mother. But he was strangely silent. Unknown was quite confuzzled by this, since she spoke to him quite a lot. His only responses were nods, head shakes, and the occassional laugh. Unknown was some what fearful of the prospect that he may be deaf, but she called her him, he responded.
Three moons passed, and at 4 months old Skully followed his mother back up north, to their previous home. Up there, they were free from the burden of constantly watching out for tribe intruders. Not that they were real intruders or anything. Unknown felt a lot safer back up North, thought Skully didn't particularly fancy it. It was colder, and there was more snow on the ground, which meant not a lot of running around. This was honestly a relief for Unknown.
However, due to the newfound relaxation, Unknown had a tendency to fall asleep while Skully was still awake. This wasn't really much of a problem, since her son was pretty obidient when she gave orders. Unfortunately, a certain lone moth had caught the kitten's eye while he waited for his mother to wake. Fear for what may befall him if he disobeyed his mother flew far from the little one's mind as he followed the fluttering creature, out of their thicket home and into open land. Surprisingly, the tom kit made it all the way down to just north of the Calderas, a popular resting spot during the cooler months. There were cats about down wind from him, unaware of his presence. The moth was soon forgotten, and Skully looked on in wonder.
He had never seen another cat besides his mother before. They were all so big! And all of them were unique. Skully merely sat and watched them, for however long it took for his mother to eventually wake up and find him missing. He noticed that on some of the cats, there were strange markings similar to his mother's. A swirly sort of shape on her left shoulder. He didn't have much more time to investigate, since he was quickly snatched up by his mother, who deftly punished him for going against her specific orders. Skully remained curious about the other cats.
Late Kithood
Skully grew on, passing through his first spring swimmingly. He was 8 moons old by now, and continued to be the apple of his mother's watchful eye. Although there were always times Unknown managed to slip up on her watch duty, and whenever this happened, Skully's apparently new adventuring spirit kicked in. Along the way, the tom had earned a curious gray tattoo across tattoo, resembling the bones of a bird's wing. Needless to say, Skully was enthralled with it.
It was early summer when Unknown and Skully had decided to venture into the adjacent aspen forest to their thicket. Unknown had found the perfect area to hunt, and was sound in mind that Skully was left in deep fascination of a small meadow of flowers. She left him to his hopping and smiling, and went on to find lunch. Eventually, Skully grew bored of the pretty flowers, and decided to follow after his mother, not knowing the dangers that lurked in the thin forestry. Soon, he came upon a curious sight. Up in a tree, a large, fluffy figure stood, turned away from him. From what he could see, the figure seemed to be nothing more than a ball of fur, with a long ringed tail attached.
Curious, the young tom decided to investigate further, climbing the tree with a sort of hug-clawing motion. He eventually made it to the branch just under the creature, who was still turned away from him. He pawed at the creatures tail, to no avail. The creature didn't respond. Indignant, Skully snorted, reaching up and batted the appendage. His claws were unsheathed. The creature gave out a furious screech, which scared the tom kit half to death. He lost his balance and fell, landing heavily on his back. He recovered quickly and scrabbed away from the tree. The creature had turned around to face him, and it looked far more intimidating from the front. It was a raccoon.
Skully backed up as far as he could, before meeting with a tree. The raccoon was stalking him now, with bared teeth and wild eyes. Skully screamed, but all that came out was a raspy choke and a violent cough. He tried again, even less sound, and as he coughed again, blood speckled the ground at his paws. The raccoon screeched again, and the young tom curled in on himself, readying for the strike.
It never came, and instead Skully heard the war cry of his mother. He uncurled himself, and was met with a horrific sight. His mother was fighting furiously with the racoon, terribly undersized compared to the brutis predator. His mother was trying with all her might to injure it, but the racoon just kept coming. Eventually, Unknown recieved a particularly violent blow to the shoulder, and she was thrown into a tree's trunk. Skully let out a raspy cry. Luckily for them, the raccoon had lost interest in making a meal out of Skully, and galloped away, into the darker reaches of the forest. Unknown pulled herself up, and quickly investigated her shaking son.
Save for a small nick in his ear from the fall, and the blood on his lip, he was fine. Unknown wept for him, asking him why he didn't scream. Why was he silent. Skully's only reply was a raspy and painful 'No voice'. His first attempt at speech, and he couldn't even make out a sentence. Unknown was just happy her baby was okay, and quickly escorted him back to their home, ignoring the sharp pain from her slashed shoulder.
Time passed, and Skully was able to forget about the terrifying ordeal. He continued to grow and thrive, and his first year of life quickly came to an end. Though there was something wrong with his mother. The scratch she recieved was bad, and she wasn't quick to clean it due to the pain. Because of this, it grew infected. She became some what ill, which Skully was worried about. His mother merely waved it off, saying he should practice his voice more. Skully, though still concerned for his mother, complied. They never ventured to the Aspen forest again.
Skully was beginning to stand over his mother in height, but his kitten playfulness never disappeared. He continued to thrive under his mother's guidance, and never seemed to have a frown on his face. But he wouldn't have Unknown's constant presence to keep him protected for very long.
Winter approached, and with it came a distinct drop in activity from Unknown. She hunted less, ate less, and coughed more as the season progressed. Though no snow had fallen, she was looking worse and worse every day. Skully, still a relatively tender 14 moons at the time, was greatly concerned once again. Her shoulder, though partially healed, was beginning to act up again. Eventually, Unknown took her son aside, one day as the wind moaned around them.
She asked him to go to the cats south of their home, to join them and live. She couldn't take care of him anymore, and he should be able to protec himself. Skully, naturally, was not very fond of the idea, but obeyed his mother's wishes. He promised, in as few words he could muster and a few gestures, that he would come back for her one day. That night, he left, and his mother died peacefully within their thicket home. Alone.
The next day, Skully trekked on, some what apprehensive of finding the new cats. Eventually, he came accross a group of cats, sporting a large gray and white tom, a smaller gray tabby tome, a large pointed she cat, and a small pale blond tabby she cat. They all sported the same tattoo as he, thought their's were colored with green, orange, and pink. They spotted him, and quickly asked who he was. Though they weren't aggressive, they were suspicious. Skully none the less smiled, and touched a paw to his chest. The gray tabby was closest, and he touched his paw to him next. "With you." he said in his raspy voice, grinning.
Suddenly, he felt a warmth on his back, and peaked over his shoulder. In utter amazement, he watched as the previously gray tattoo transitioned into a pretty blue and green, allowing to be seen more easily. Between his ears, he heard a welcoming whisper, new to him, but almost familiar. 'Orestes' it spoke. 'Your new name is Orestes. And you are Air Tribe.'
Extra Facts
- There is a large possibilty that he is sterile
- Because he was born premature, his larynx is underdeveloped, making it incredibly hard for him to speak. His mews are extremely raspy and sickly sounding
- He will eat grass when his throat begins to burn
- He is unaware that he can't talk because his throat is under developed. He just thinks he's not meant to talk
RP Example
[ Yellow-Fire / Castail / The Fallen Birch ]
Brush. Thumb. Brush. Thumb. Brush. Thumb. The steady beat of heavy paws against grass made the blue tabby smile in content. He closes his eyes, merely listening to his own paw steps as he broke away from the bustling body that was Fire tribe camp. Tzurai had given him the opportunity to leave camp for whatever purposes he may have, which he'd accepted with gratitude. Finally, a few hours away from Arcis's violence and the possibility of visiting Vendetta. Opening his dark red eyes, the yellow fire looked over the grassy plain before him, quiet on the surface. It may be Autumn, but the creatures that teamed under paw during the Summer hadn't quite left, which he was thankful for. Castail mused briefly if he should hunt, then pushed the suggestion away. This afternoon was for him to enjoy himself, and hunting was becoming more of a chore than hobby every day that passed.
Thought, it wasn't long before a rumble of dull thunder stole the former guard's attention. Looking up, he found the sky darker, and far less inviting for a short afternoon of freedom. Castail's muzzle wrinkled in annoyance. 'Of course.' Luckily for him, he wasn't too far from the Fallen Birch. If he was truly caught out in the storm, at least he'd have a place to protect him from the rains. The deputy began his stride again, which soon turned into a gallop. Really, who wouldn't want to run free through a field with storm clouds chasing them, barely a care in the world?...Probably not most, but at least he'd be given this simple pleasure with out the scrutiny of others. Landing heavily, a lone grasshopper, an insect straggler from the warmer moons of summer hopped up, catching Castail's attention. Pupils dialated, the Blue gray tom grinned and leaped, following after the hopping bug. In his glee, he didn't notice the birman she cat not to far from him, taking a quiet drink. Either way, it wouldn't of mattered to him.
Leaping one last time, the yellow fire clapped his paws over the tiny creature, catching one of its legs in his digits. He slammed to the ground, paws still together. It was sloppy, but he was still on his feet. Castail wagged his tail victoriously, though the prize wasn't really all that extravagant.
Character and Art belongs to me
Belongs to Sycophantism