...which is what I am not, and thankfully never will be! ....... I am sure you understand the irony of that.
In both a Psalm and later in Romans 3, God's word states that there is "None good, no, not one". Yet, we often get this prideful feeling of superiority over others; putting ourselves in the judgement seat of God. Ignoring our own faults but spotlighting the faults, wrongs and mistakes of others. Such as the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax-Collector. The "godly' man thanked God for not being as bad as others, or dirty or stupid as the low, or even in one translation I think- thanked God for not being a woman (very sexist really, prideful and sexist).
Matthew 5:7, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks about how wrong it is to examine a spec of dust in your brother or sister's eye but oblivious to the long plank of wood in your own.. (by the way, pastors I listen to on KWAVE-107.9 have stated that this is Jewish humor, same for a Camel going through an eye of a needle.... just for those who think every pastor should be more serious than an edgy early-2000s R-Rated movie and never be funny)
We can have these attitudes not just on strangers but also out loved ones. In this case of both, unforgivness is actually a big form of pride. Both a verse in Ephesians and Colossians talk about forgiving eahc other just as God/Christ forgave us. Back in Matthew, chapter 18, Jesus tells the story of the Unmerciful Servant, who begged to be forgiven an unpayable debt that no amount of lifetimes could ever repay. Yet, after he was pardoned of that amount, he refused to let go of a debt his friend owed, a debt that in comparison is only 5 bucks. This doesn't condone bad behavior or mistreatment from others. This isn't taking away the seriousness of assault or rape, or a loved one being mistreated or murdered, or being wrongfully accused or evicted from a home.... awful things that many of you may have experienced and my heart goes out to you. Still, God calls us to be like Jesus, and Jesus forgave all of us! Our sins and the sins of others against us, the sins that He had to die for... painfully. Even when things out unfair, remember, the most unfairest thing ever was God himself dying for a crime, and other crimes, He never committed. ROmans 8:1 proclaims that there is no condemnation for those in Christ; that includes fellow Christians who wrong us once in a while or are struggling with something.
Pride and self-perfection can ruin relationships. 1 Corinthians 13 states in it's passage of love that love does not "Seek it's own...put down...envy....or behavior rudely". These self-righteous attributes as well as seeing the worst in others can cause equal amount of damage to a relationship as cheating and unfaithfulness can.... okay, technically I don't know the statistics at all, but you get the idea.And if it's not out relationship with others that's ruined, it could be out relationship with God. James 4:6 writes "God resists the proud but gives Grace to the humble". I may not know everything, but I can guess that God doesn't feel appreciated when we pridefully elevate ourselves in his position.
If you struggle with these attributes, repent of them and run to Jesus, who is faithful and just to Forgive us (1 John 1) and by His grace you can overcome this, because He has already overcome it for you; by His strength and power, not of yours.
And yes, this is also fan art of Archibald Asparagus as Jonah in "Jonah a Veggie Tales Movie" (2002). Jonah's refusal to go to Ninivah to preach was due in fear of them actually being saved, and how he didn't want that for them because of his animosity toward them.