No no, I did not forget that people wanted to see WIPs from me...
Normally I finish my pictures in one day, So I barely have WIPs to show. But since I won´t finish this piece today, I thought I upload it for the ones that are interested.
And, to answer a few questions before they are even asked:
- The circles in the left upper corner are my shadow and lightning colors. (mostly I only use the shadow color, except for event pictures)
- Backround lines and shadows are extracted from a 3D model I did myself in Google Sketchup
- The 3D Models are from ClipStudio Paint, humans are standardly provided, the horse and the horsehead you can download from a database of 3D models CSP provides. And by the way, yes, the shadows are this way on purpose. You can change the shadows at the 3D models, a HUGE help in drawing later on.
Finished Art