This Mez! He is One Of my very first ocs. Mez is going to be in one of my comics, but i planning to create 3 comics so its going to take little bit time. Now little bit of stuff about Mez
Name: Mez Cooper
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Subilicretor -Water creature- Human/Jellyfish
Hair color: Pink
Eye color: Pink And light Yellow
Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: Electricity and He And Axl haves the same promblem with their mouths thats why they have mask. Mez Is Also One Of The Water Subilicretors.
Weapon(s): Guns And another Military weapons.
Birth town: The Vector Aquarium
Previous towns: The Vector Aquarium
Current town: VsC -VectoryStaener City-
History: ???
Personality: Mez is Calm and Silly. When Mez is in School or with strangers he tries to stay "cool". But when he is with friends he can be Nice, Funny and Little bit Mysterios. But When Mez is With Axl He is very carefull, over protective and little bit weird maybe little bit pervy
Strengths:Shooting, singing, dancing, swimming,remembering all the awkward thing,protecting and technology. Math, physics,geography,biology,Health Information and music in school.
Weaknesses: Earth and ice Subilicretors. exercise and crafts in school. Axl`s puppy dog eyes
Family: ???
Partner: He`s friends and Axl
Friends/relationships: Good Friends with Forte, William, Edward and their all new friend Axl. Was in relationship but broke up after meeting hes friends.
Likes: Friends,snow,bread,computers,music and colors (will add more)
Dislikes: breathing,water,Forte`s ships and max (will add more)
Fears: Human testing,if axl begins to fear him, dentist and chainsaws (+will add more)
Sayings: "He Can Use His Cuteness on Them"