TheIronClown — Escape

Published: 2006-02-26 07:38:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 2007; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 17
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Description HORROR CORE- "Escape"
Next match up! Vampire vs Werewolf. We all saw Underworld, we were all dissapointed and we would all like to see a sweet ass Werewolf shaman and a Nosferatu style vampire screw each other up. I personally think werewolves are more hard assed cause they are HUGE beasts, and have one weakness,silver. Instead of like a million random weakness like vampires do. And so, here is a vamp bursting into a bunch of bats to escape a big ass werewolf.

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Comments: 15

DemonWolf14 [2008-06-21 15:37:30 +0000 UTC]

the werewolf is so much cooler than the vampire

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TheIronClown In reply to DemonWolf14 [2008-06-21 23:06:35 +0000 UTC]

damn straight!

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DemonWolf14 In reply to TheIronClown [2008-06-22 23:16:56 +0000 UTC]

hell yeah!!!

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CrazedShitakes [2007-11-30 18:08:17 +0000 UTC]

Vamps vs Werewolves......true dat!

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TheIronClown In reply to CrazedShitakes [2007-12-01 01:33:51 +0000 UTC]

werewolves would totally win...it's just how it is.

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CrazedShitakes In reply to TheIronClown [2007-12-01 01:38:57 +0000 UTC]

Of course.....Vamps are wimps who run away a lot(or fly I should say)They are cowards who cant even walk in daylight...well...neither can the wolves but still,vampires have waaaaay too many weaknesses.Can I ask wether you ink with a brush or pen?Just curious

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TheIronClown In reply to CrazedShitakes [2007-12-01 01:45:02 +0000 UTC]

a little of both if it calls for it but mostly pen. I use a "pilot drawing pen" the rest is in japanese. My brother usually gets them for me for my birthday or xmas.

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CrazedShitakes In reply to TheIronClown [2007-12-01 01:48:58 +0000 UTC]

Thats nice....Im a bit of a Japan-a-maniac myself.Really hope to go there.They have a fantastic culture.I do a lot of traditional bruch paintings but can never find a good pen for other drawings

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Raggatron [2007-01-13 15:42:57 +0000 UTC]

good stuff

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TheIronClown In reply to Raggatron [2007-01-15 02:40:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, it's much appreciated.

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Snergel [2006-08-24 00:22:22 +0000 UTC]

this is just awsome! i got speachless...

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TheIronClown In reply to Snergel [2006-08-24 22:29:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks A whole lot, I'm glad yah like it. It is one of my favorite match-ups.


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SteelCoyoteMaikeira [2006-04-12 01:14:30 +0000 UTC]


>>...My dog's "Birthday" is Saturday...Short story long, I went to 4-h the day before easter a couple years back...& there were these 2 puppies there...& I picked 1 up & didn't put her down until we had to leave...& mom stopped at the store...So I used the payphone...& called Dad...& begged for 3 more quarters...& then we drove back to Dawn's(dawn being the ladywho's house the 4-H meeting & puppy were at)...& got the puppy...& took her home...& I named her...& now...We celebrate her "Birthday"...The day before Easter...So...Yeah...

I just thought of that cuz of the canine in the picture...Shutting up now...

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TheIronClown In reply to SteelCoyoteMaikeira [2006-04-12 01:50:00 +0000 UTC]

if your dog changes into a human every full moon, I would worry.

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SteelCoyoteMaikeira In reply to TheIronClown [2006-04-12 03:03:24 +0000 UTC]

o0...I wish she did, that'd be cool...>>...But alas, she merely turns hyper every few seconds...

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