ThunderCougar — Marvel Legends Black Widow

Published: 2014-06-07 05:25:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 246; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description OP: Ratchet! We need a human medic. She's injured! 

Natasha: No. I'm fine. 

OP: But you seem to be in extra pieces. And is that an extra head? 

Natasha:  We'll talk after I get out. It's been a LONG day. 

OP: Hm. All right but mind the Kaiju protoform. I'm sure it has not had its shots. 


So I was setting up some pics of Black Widow and some other bebes. Next to her is Transformers Prime Weaponizer OP and he was a might concerned about her state. Humans aren't supposed to come in parts like that. D: 

And dang it, the Neca Knifehead Scaler thing is so doofy cute. I now a while line of Kaiju and Jaegers done the same way.  
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Comments: 2

Kagehahen [2014-06-07 12:19:23 +0000 UTC]

I was thinking about adding to my kaijus - I have godzilla and mothra - of course I don't have my favorite Gamera - but I've got pretty much a ton of their movies.  But that Black Widow toy looks alright.  Not as good as Prime but - I'm biased.

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rumblebee25 In reply to Kagehahen [2014-06-07 19:02:56 +0000 UTC]

Weaponizer OP was a nice surprise. I saw him at a yard sale for $6. He's got the backpack from hell due to his Gatling guns. Black Widow's facial expressions  are a combination both neutral and rather intense at the same time.

Her long hair head is sort of like "If you'd don't shut up I'm going to strangle you with my bare hands." Her wavy hair head is more "I'm so done right now. Waiter, where's the check?"  Very appropriate for her. If she were smiling I'd be freaked out. 

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