Been a while since I posted a proper picture. (Thanks 'Yooka-Laylee and The Impossible Layer' for causing angry gamer grip nerve compression!) Had a few pictures pre-staged in my documents folder, and one of them was of course more Mewblade + way too much "Beat of the Rising Sun" again, because I like super bad Engrish music. Go fav song for the win. In particular, this image is inspired after the march segment of the song (and yes, it is a march, the parapara moves for this song are that). So have I wanted to do this image for like ever? Yes, yes I have. But it also requires drawing tons of fire, and I'm not a fan of drawing fire. It's hard!!! Sometimes I'm lazy and don't want to work my butt off and use my brain muscles. Got over some trepidations, so here we have it... the "woah" part of Beat of the Rising Sun song, because I love the $hit out of that song and I utterly adore MB, so yes, yes, yes. Done.
Under lighting is hard. And I wasn't going to do much more than that since frankly if I actually obeyed lighting logic here, this would look so bizarre, well, more bizarre than it already is. Fire is well, it looks like fire. Not the best rendered on the planet but it's there. Mewblade looks so pissed and scary looking, but drawing her makes me super happy. I love it when I can do bad ass images of her (or sweet, or sexy, or...). Too bad I didn't make this more in a wallpaper size, then again, I am strongly against not black for my desktops and sometimes I like to play with my dimensions and not make everything HD widescreen compatible... Sorry that there is so much of that lately.
(And while I can draw other things than my personal favorite Mewthree Fakemon... meh!)
Photoshop CS4