First off, I wanna thank all the Deviants who wished me a Happy Birthday. :} (If you missed my birthday, it's ok I guess ) You guys are awesome, and I hope you will keep supporting me in my art.
This month, 4 of you guys voted for me to draw FLAREON, so here it is!! I am unsure if this is the correct colour scheme for Flareon, and the blue highlight in its eyes and ears made it a bit "cooler" (in some sense?). Oh yeah, did I mention the EYES? I CAN'T DRAW FLAREON'S EYES. You may not think so, but they look awkward.
I'm quite excited for next month's drawing. :3 Please remember to vote!! (details below)
I will list 3 randomly generated Pokémon and YOU are to vote which 1 of the 3 Pokémon you would love most for me to draw next. Voting closes on the second Saturday of the month (I'll write in the comments saying "votes beyond this comment will not be counted"). The drawing will be done and submitted into my "Drawings of Pokémon " folder somewhere on the 4th week of the month. In order to vote, PROCEED TO MY MOST RECENT JOURNAL ENTRY . Thank you!!
#136 Flareon
Give credit! :1
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