VVraith — Veneration

Published: 2011-06-17 02:21:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1918; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 19
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Description This is an issue that has always angered me as a Catholic. It’s when people accuse us of being idolatrous for our veneration of Mary and the saints.

To be clear, God is the ONLY person we worship. We recognize that He and only He can grant life and death, and that only He can pass judgment on us. Only He knows when the End of the World will occur. We recognize this and we honor him in ways in which we never honor anyone else.

However, there are many people who served Him and are thus worthy of honor. Veneration is when we give the due respect to people like the Saints and Mary. Of course we do not grant Mary true adoration, but she, you know, gave birth to and raised Jesus. You’d think she’s due SOME credit. We pray to these people that’s tantamount to asking them to put a good word in for us. It’s just like asking someone else to pray for you, except that person is dead and in heaven. We believe that the Church includes all people living and dead, and you don’t stop being an active member of Christianity once you die.

Just because people express their faith through art and make pictures of what we believe in does not mean we literally worship an inaccurately Caucasian image of Jesus Christ. Such representations can be used as reminders of God’s omnipresence when we forget about him.
I mean no none complains when we build statues to people who have distinguished themselves in the secular world, so why not give the spiritual pioneers their due.
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