Description Writer is the proper way
To dictate words you want to say.
It saves a draft or two or three,
Allowing time to think fully.
Easily alter, add or subtract, will keep the thought intact.
Write for awhile it will auto-save
In case you'd rather wait a day.
Post now or post later it's quite okay,
Since with Writer you cannot stray.
If you decide later you are discontent,
The option to edit eases any lament.
So give it a try, just what can it hurt?
Use options unlimited, to know stay alert.
A smart phone, an iPad, a desktop for sure,
A laptop or tablet, there could be much more.
The point is to open, the option to write.
The words save quickly, available on site.
No need for a paper, a pencil or pen,
Get started now! Writer's a Win!