WhispKit-017 .:: Basic Information ::.
Owner: NA
Collects: Rings
Ears Rarity: Flopped
Tail Rarity: Uncurled
Wing Rarity: Bird
Additional Trait Rarity: 3-Horn
Flat sale: 10$ (OPEN)
for 15$ You will get another image of them <3
When purchased you will recieve a flat colored version
In owning a Whispkit you have agreed to the terms and
conditions set by oCrystal and FluffleBear These terms and
conditions may change any time without warning and must be obided
by you, the buyer, and any party involved. If you do not agree with
the terms and conditions do not buy.
Please be sure to read the information and facts about the species, group, and rules located here .
Thank you for buying and enjoying our little community! Please bare with us as we begin to grow and blossom into something promising.
Art and species © to oCrystal FluffleBear
Do not upload offsite unless its in a toyhouse/ and properly credited. You may upload to your own deviantart account if you have purchased said Whispkit.