Asheltots — Nuffin like fishin'

Published: 2010-05-16 04:45:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1691; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 26
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Description $10 Commission from the awesome

They wanted their dwarf character, Grimer (whom I love dearly) or their troll character Mahjinga. I admit, I'm much more attached to Grimer (and dwarves in general) but I wanted to try Mahjinga! So, here he is in all of his troll-y goodness, relaxing and enjoying the day.

I have to say I love WOW characters /except/ the gnomes! UGH! Such frumpy, ugly creatures! D:< DnD gnomes are much better.... and no, I'm not being biased. They are. ;D

This counts as a simple or no background as I'll I did was paint over a screenshot: [link]

And follow a rock tutorial: [link]

Mahjinga belongs to
Commission Info: [link]

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Comments: 16

geeksart [2011-10-02 04:34:53 +0000 UTC]

Trolls are awsome

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Asheltots In reply to geeksart [2011-10-12 00:00:23 +0000 UTC]

And so fun to draw!

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arowell [2010-05-19 20:27:32 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love his expression

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Asheltots In reply to arowell [2010-05-20 01:46:21 +0000 UTC]

Ah, thanks. I'm glad I pulled it off- tusks and a lack of eyebrows are a big roadblock for expressions!

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iisjah [2010-05-17 21:34:57 +0000 UTC]

WOW troll <3 How I absolutely love yheir design D: If I wasn't such a sucker for Undead I would go with those tribal fellas

I absolutely love how this fella looks here So relaxed - I'm a little envious x)

You did a great job on those muscly arms and sideburns ~~ He's one sexy lookin troll

The only thing that bugs me is the rock-grass rasition - a grass blade or two would work wonders there xD But overal the simple background looks realy well here and adds to the peacful vacationy atmosphere :3

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Asheltots In reply to iisjah [2010-05-18 22:27:41 +0000 UTC]

Like I said- I like every species except gnomes. XD Well, and humans. Humans are boring. XD

Muscles are so hard for me to do! But kind of fun in a way too. Challenging fun?

Y'know, that bugs me too! I tried to go back and fix it but it doesn't look right now that I've flattened it! Bah humbug, wisdom for next time I guess.

I'm almost done with the sketch for you! I'm pleased with it but I may start over for something a bit more... dynamic? The pose is kind of... meh, compared to your awesome scenes!

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iisjah In reply to Asheltots [2010-05-19 07:27:19 +0000 UTC]

Yyyh gnomes D: I don't like their little obnoxous sexual sense of humor and behaviour D:

Muscle fun

Yeah - it's effin hard to get things to look good when youre painting over a flatten pic D: Some colour changes, sharpness changes and so on D:

If you think you'll be able to drama it abit more I'll be happy to wait

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Asheltots In reply to iisjah [2010-05-20 12:51:26 +0000 UTC]

I'm being superficial here and going purely on asthetics. I don't play the game so I don't know their attitude. XD;;

I think I will. Just one more sketch! Because nothing ever looks good enough to me when I draw your characters (I DON'T KNOW WHY D: ) so, if I'm not happy with the second sketch I'll color the first.

This is why I ask for payment AFTER the art is done. |D I'm a perfectionist.

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LovgrenO [2010-05-17 16:05:16 +0000 UTC]

You caught that relaxed coolness that is typical for WoW trolls.
If I commission you again Grimer will probably be my choice.

Yeah the WoW style is realy a bit too cartoony for my taste, and I think I have a high tolerance for things like that. But the trolls are realy awesome.

DnD seems a lot like WoW but less exhagerated in every way. Gnomes should be a bit extreme but it works better in DnD I think. Did anything of that make any sense?

This would make a good wallpaper. I will give it a try.

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Asheltots In reply to LovgrenO [2010-05-18 22:25:06 +0000 UTC]

If you'd rather have had Grimer I'd love an excuse to draw a dwarf! I relish at the idea of practice- they're anatomy is so darn tough! Free of charge, of course!

I love every other race but the gnomes! They're just so... bleh. Cartoony is a good word for it.

It's true, they're very similar. Though I can't say for sure as I've only played DnD. XD

Oh, I'm so pleased! I... probably still have the bigger file if you'd want it?

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LovgrenO In reply to Asheltots [2010-05-19 10:07:43 +0000 UTC]

Of course you can draw Grimer as much as you like. That would be great.

Not necesarily anything wrong with cartoony things, your style for example. I just don't think it's my thing, generaly speaking.

Even though I have only played the PC game Neverwinter Nights (wich is DnD) I think DnD is more my thing. I realy got to try the pen and paper thing sometime.

It works just fine! No thanks, this is good as it is.

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Innuo [2010-05-16 04:56:00 +0000 UTC]

Trolls are awesome.
And so is this picture. =3
But, is that his hand, under his ear? I'm drawn to it, because I don't know what it is, but it looks like his hand is going through his head.
*hides* sorry, other than that its really gorgeous. xD
I'm glad you did the background (and changed it a bit) Because it really sets the piece in place.

Gnomes seem like a joke race to me.. those hair/beard styles and colours ...ick.
The girls are kinda semi cutish, but only a little.
But, I like to stomp them under my giant foot. >|
*stomp* lol

For the horde! *brick*

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Asheltots In reply to Innuo [2010-05-16 05:01:38 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I'm starting to agree! I'm used to DnD trolls, a dumb, brutish and scary race. But WOW trolls seem funny and, well, still brutish but in a less scary way. XD

Hm, It's supposed to be his hand, sort of cradling his head. It's not going through his head but through his hair. It's difficult for me to master hands- especially ones with only three fingers!

I thought the slightly altered screenshot suited it, I'm glad I got some feedback on that. I was worried it'd be considered cheap or something... even though it was. XD

I play a gnome in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign so the stupidness of WOW gnomes really irritates me. I think it's the disproportions that upset me the most. They're so frumpy! D<

Um, is there any neutral ground with WOW. I like the horde and the alliance? *is a fence sitter*

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Innuo In reply to Asheltots [2010-05-16 16:21:55 +0000 UTC]

Trolls often are. xD When I first started playing, I looked at all of the races, and for the life of me couldn't pick a single one cause I didn't like any of them. xD Then the Undead and the trolls started growing on me, a lot.

Ahh, I see now. =0 Yeah, I imagined it would, its hard enough to draw hands already, let alone bulky ones with fat three fingers. xD

Its not cheap, and it looks nice. xD Blank backgrounds wouldn't suit. >3

Yeah, they are. D: The look like garden gnomes without those stupid hats. xD (I never much liked those garden gnomes either) that drank a chibi potion.

Lol, there is, don't worry, I kinda am to. xD
I feel more at home with the horde though, mainly the people that play them..

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Asheltots In reply to Innuo [2010-05-17 02:43:05 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I'm rather fond of the trolls and the dwarves. (I'm a dwarf fangirl in almost any incarnation. XD )

I fixed it- I didn't like it much anyway so I just got rid of it.

Ah, thank you for saying so!

LOL- Garden gnomes that drank a chibi potion. That really made me giggle.

Like I said- I love dwarves (and they're for the alliance, right?) but trolls are awesome too! I don't actually play WOW. I gave it a try once and didn't become instantly addicted... which is weird for me. I think it's because I didn't have any friends addicted at the time. XD

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Innuo In reply to Asheltots [2010-05-17 07:36:32 +0000 UTC]

haha, yeah, I don't think I'd play as one, but i don't mind them. :3

I think it looks a lot better now. :3

You're welcome. :3

Well, its true. xD
You're welcome for the giggle.

Ahh, I see. xD
Yeah, I don't play much if I don't have friend around.
Mostly do reputation grinding and seeing if they come on, and if not, then wait a few hours and see again.
But it being the end of school year, well...

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