Belazikkal — Obliterator 2

Published: 2013-01-08 15:56:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 2749; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 21
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Description The brother of the other one.

This was painted in a few days time, and I've been very sloppy in places. On the other hand, this is a table top miniature, not a display one.

Head is from the plastic Possessed set. Model is in FineCast and my god was it wonderful to work with. Some minor greenstuff jobs had to be done, but it took me about one third of the time to clean up compared to the metal one. Bless plesin, I say! Fuck the naysayers.

Marine head on the ground is supposed to be a beheaded Shadow of Sanguinius, an open challenge to my b/f and his army.

Come and get some, lapdogs!

Chaos Space Marines and Warhammer 40000 is copyright to Games Workshop Ltd.
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Comments: 22

rohansoldier [2013-10-22 11:44:31 +0000 UTC]

Thats fair enough. Like you said, the possessed head goes a long way towards making it bearable.

It seems that finecase was actually a benefit to the mutilators/obliterators. A friend of mine has 3 metal oblits and those things weigh a ton!

I would also like to see plastic obliterators/mutilators. It only makes sense to do it as the oblits are such a popular unit.

I bet they would charge the same price as the centurions (and make them look as goofy) if they did it though.

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Belazikkal In reply to rohansoldier [2013-10-25 08:26:15 +0000 UTC]

Possessed and Terminator heads work really well with Oblits. I think Termie heads are even more awesome on Mutilators and would probably save the entire mini. Those sculpts are awful and most it is because of the horrid heads.

There is the very real risk they'd charge the same price for plastic dual kits of Oblits/Muties as with the Centurions. On the other hand, plastic Raptors/warptalons are cheaper than the finecast Raptors were. I use SEK (Swedish currency), but the Finecast Raptors were nearly 300 SEK and the new kit is 250 SEK and has more bits and versatility.

So, one can hope GW does a smart thing with plastic Oblits if they happen.

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rohansoldier [2013-09-18 07:31:13 +0000 UTC]

I really like the paintjob (especially as it is Iron Warriors) but the Obliterator minis are horrible.

I have personally gone for hi tech miniatures terrorizers as my obliterators. Much better minis imo and only slightly more expensive (£5 for 3 more than GW).

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Belazikkal In reply to rohansoldier [2013-09-18 17:17:36 +0000 UTC]

I know about the terrorizers from hi tech. 

I stuck with the Oblits because a) I already had one when the switch to Finecast came and b) head swaps do a lot for these alongs with some other fiddling. 

If one can wish for things, I'd want a combi-box of Mutilators and Obliterators in plastic. You know, like the centurions of the loyalists! 

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razzminis [2013-01-29 10:41:41 +0000 UTC]

COol work man Iron warriors for the win . I like that you change him the head the original head is really bad

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Belazikkal In reply to razzminis [2013-01-29 17:10:21 +0000 UTC]

I really don't like the original heads, so I scrounged through my bits and found this unused Possessed head. Worked really well with Obliterators.

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annemarie [2013-01-09 10:15:19 +0000 UTC]

That's some heavy fire power he's walking around with. Wouldn't want to be caught out in the open or under light cover facing off against him. I really like the back of his power armour - a cool melding of organic and mechanical bits.

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Belazikkal In reply to annemarie [2013-01-09 11:03:12 +0000 UTC]

Not power armour: Fleshmetal.

But yeah, I am sort of proud of that back. It's melting together.

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annemarie In reply to Belazikkal [2013-01-09 12:27:23 +0000 UTC]

Fleshmetal. I do like the sound of that.

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SpectorKnight [2013-01-08 19:22:32 +0000 UTC]

Very impressive and very intimidating. I particularily like your choice of a helmed head. Makes it that much more inhuman and frightening.

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Belazikkal In reply to SpectorKnight [2013-01-08 19:53:33 +0000 UTC]

To be honest: I hate the vanilla Obliterator heads. They are ugly and not in a good way. They look misshapen, as if there was a miscast, though they are fine.
Why GW gave those heads a pass is a mystery to me. The Mutilators are even worse.

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SpectorKnight In reply to Belazikkal [2013-01-08 22:17:46 +0000 UTC]

Agreed. There's good ugly and bad ugly. Those guys were really bad ugly. I'd go the same course as you if I get any.

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veritas117 [2013-01-08 16:34:17 +0000 UTC]

Bah! Lucky you and your finecost; it's exceedingly difficult to find any good ones on this side of the pond.

Like: The daemon flesh. It isn't too obvious, and fits right in with the color scheme.

Dislike: The basing. Just seems too chunky for my tastes, even for urban environments, but it still looks decent.

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Belazikkal In reply to veritas117 [2013-01-08 16:43:45 +0000 UTC]

Funny thing with Obliterators: They are actually CHEAPER in Finecast than they were in pewter, as then you had to buy them one by one. Now, I think you have a 11€ reduction in price or something to that effect. Finecast was awesome for Oblits.
As for bad casts across in 'Merica: I have no idea what the casters in Maryland are up to. The chaps in Nottingham are great.

I started using rubble for the bases and now I sort of stick with it for consistency's sake. I have bought a tub of modelling sand and will use that for my Cultists.

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veritas117 In reply to Belazikkal [2013-01-08 19:21:51 +0000 UTC]

The main production facility has been in Tennessee for a while now...maybe that's why?

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Belazikkal In reply to veritas117 [2013-01-08 19:52:32 +0000 UTC]

Could be! But by that logic, we'd have fantastic and faultless miniatures if they decided to move the European production facilities to Munich, Germany.

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veritas117 In reply to Belazikkal [2013-01-08 21:10:21 +0000 UTC]

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Nightbringer24 [2013-01-08 16:05:49 +0000 UTC]

Okay, I'd rather stay in the strongest bunker I could find if I was one of these guys. And commissars be damned!!
The wash on his skin is a nice. Looks suitably corrupted.

Also, I think 'bless plesin' should be 'bless resin'.

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Belazikkal In reply to Nightbringer24 [2013-01-08 16:38:42 +0000 UTC]

I you were? Were or were up against?

The was on the skin is a mix of washes, really, overlayered to create a nice, bruised and painful effect.

Actually: plesin. Finecast is a mix between plastic and resin, rather than straight up resin. At least taht's what I have been able to scrounge up in terms of information starting with this: [link]

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Nightbringer24 In reply to Belazikkal [2013-01-08 16:42:36 +0000 UTC]

Up against... now it's quite funny looking over the comment I made and seeing all the spelling mistakes I made. XD

Huh. Interesting. Now I'm wondering if that's the same stuff that FW uses or whether it's plesin as well. I know the basing kits use actual resin.

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Belazikkal In reply to Nightbringer24 [2013-01-08 16:45:52 +0000 UTC]

ForgeWorld apparently doesn't use Finecast and never will. Finecast was designed for spin-casting, the method usually employed when casting plastic and metal models en masse. Forge World caters to a smaller audience, so can use a different casting process that is more time consuming, and thus more expensive than Citadel Miniatures' one.

It's fun scrumping around the Net for this kind of stuff.

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Nightbringer24 In reply to Belazikkal [2013-01-08 16:47:40 +0000 UTC]

That does make sense. Especially since I read somewhere that when they make the models, they have to destroy the molds they used for that particular batch and then remake the mold in full.

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