HandBack β€” THEN AND NOW

Published: 2008-05-22 18:51:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1621; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 24
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Description Here's a piece I was TOLD TO DO by this chick :

She left me no options. Here's her original: [link]

I did this while I was waiting for to get up on stage today and present his film to an audience in Hertfordshire, at his university. Got out a new brush, and figured I would beef up my brush skills a little more, again. Did a little sketch before going to these drawings...

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Comments: 35

Abi-crazy [2009-02-28 03:30:41 +0000 UTC]

I'm lovin' the Tom Baker scarf.
This is a really great picture.

Nice job.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

You-Were-Snarked [2008-11-27 03:41:48 +0000 UTC]

Ooooo, I likey! Your style is very nice.

I would do this, but I'm still in high school...Maybe I could do now vs. elementry school? *thinks about it*

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HandBack In reply to You-Were-Snarked [2008-12-05 21:24:32 +0000 UTC]

You should! Don't let age stop you. Take an age range and do it.

Thanks for the note! Very nice.

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Kikhuana [2008-06-02 04:22:35 +0000 UTC]

You kind of look like you should've been in the Gorillaz... harhar.
Tweed suit = win, love your style.

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HandBack In reply to Kikhuana [2008-06-02 04:42:57 +0000 UTC]

Tweed suits are good! Glad you approve; I knew you would.

Gorillaz- lotta people have said my art looks kind of Hewlitt-ish this past year, and oddly enough I never was closely influenced by him. But, he and I were influenced by the same artists from EC comics and that era, and we use similar inking implements... we're old as ass.

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Kikhuana In reply to HandBack [2008-06-16 03:24:55 +0000 UTC]

It makes me wonder if I would look decent in a tweed suit... hmm.

Bah! And you're not old! I think your beautiful. -sparklesparkle-
Very interesting, though - it's good to reminisce on what influenced you and how you differ from them today. Thank you for the reply.

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HandBack In reply to Kikhuana [2008-09-09 01:52:27 +0000 UTC]


Ooooohh. So sparkleee.

I am discovering everyone looks good in tweed. Actually, the fatter someone is the bulkier it makes them, so maybe the obese don't work it as well, and the overweight look iffy. It's so warm, though. I started wearing tweed already up here and it's so good. Just purchased a brilliant used (barely) tweed suit in grey from England for $100. Just awesome... but sadly just a slight bit small in the shoulders at this time. If I lose 10 lbs. I would we so swanky.

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Sebbythefreak [2008-05-23 16:10:09 +0000 UTC]

Hahahaha that's great

For some reason, I can relate xD

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HandBack In reply to Sebbythefreak [2008-05-23 16:33:52 +0000 UTC]

haha I noticed I got really angry and bellicose in my 'old age'. What a shame, really, but I had to be honest. Sugar coating is nice if the subject has any ability to be believed as a sugary treat... I just couldn;t remotely pull that off.

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mystery-of-sorrow [2008-05-23 15:57:44 +0000 UTC]

I'm not familiar with any old Who, but new Who was so dreadful, I didn't make it through an episode. I'm assuming older versions must have been better as people tend to be fanatical about it.

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HandBack In reply to mystery-of-sorrow [2008-05-23 16:31:05 +0000 UTC]


Yeah... {._.};
There are naturally ridiculous fan boys who will support anything 'new' with big effects and a hype machine. Doctor Who scooped up on that damn phenomena. It. the new one, is SO BADLY WRITTEN, and many times badly filmed, that I am amazed it survives. Then again, there is so much Sci-Fi channel stuff that is even worse and I am amazed it is made at all.

Doctor Who was started as a family drama in 1963, and it was semi-educational, sci-fi for a few years before it realized that it was a 'monster of the week' type show. It was simplified for kids in the 60's, but was still a good family show. Then in 1974 they hired a 29 year old producer, and he had a seasoned 50 year old writer as his head writer, and they got Tom Baker as the new Doctor (he's the guy with the scarf and was the fourth Doctor), and the whole show became exceptional TV for the 3 years they worked together on the show. THAT TIME of Doctor Who IS Doctor Who, because they imported them to the US and it became a titanic hit. The BBC got frightened because it was a great family show that could verge into some (for the time) unusual violence, like shooting, stabbing, strangulation was a favorite, etc, and they dulled it down and made it a little silly, then by the 80's it turned into utter trash. And then it cancelled around the time you left Kuberts.

I am pissed that the new stuff doesn;t improve off the old stuff, but just runs crazy and has a lot of dumb romance and homo-sex... and none of it makes any sense. It's like some gross sci-fi fanboy fan-fic romp across a really class old sci-fi series. With cocks out and jizzin'!

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mystery-of-sorrow In reply to HandBack [2008-05-24 00:24:24 +0000 UTC]

One thing that always struck me as odd about Dr. Who, having never watched it, is the number of females who seem to like it, I mean it appears to me to be the nerdiest thing possible, but I must be rong because generally anything that smells even the slightest bit nerdly becomes girl repellent.

About the only thing I've enjoyed on SciFi channel, not that I've watched SF much. is the Battlestar Galactica revamp. They took a pretty cool concept and ran with it.

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HandBack In reply to mystery-of-sorrow [2008-05-24 00:29:02 +0000 UTC]

I never thought of the female love of the show...

I was never a big sci-fi fan, not big enough to go to cons and so forth.
But, there was a lot of skirt in the old fanship.
Mostly because of the drama/relationships. Too much sci-fi used to be vapid-macho-sexy and D.Who was a lot more human. Now I find D. Who is big-gay and overly girlie. I named it THE NEW ADVENTURES OF DOCTOR WHO: EAST ENDERS LOST IN SPACE.

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Baldur89 [2008-05-23 10:17:12 +0000 UTC]

You look like a meth-Gaston

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HandBack In reply to Baldur89 [2008-05-23 12:04:41 +0000 UTC]

It happens!

Gaston is too tame these days.
He doesn;t belong in this world.

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Baldur89 In reply to HandBack [2008-05-23 21:11:49 +0000 UTC]

Gaston wasn't of this time even All I've read were his 1970-80 comics

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ragweed [2008-05-23 09:34:47 +0000 UTC]


you look like a crazy mad scientist

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HandBack In reply to ragweed [2008-05-23 12:05:07 +0000 UTC]

That's my burden.

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Tenos [2008-05-22 21:20:41 +0000 UTC]


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HandBack In reply to Tenos [2008-05-22 21:43:10 +0000 UTC]


You LIKE the new who?
That show is so fagged up, tho.
I watch every episode and it never stops upsetting me.
This season actually got better...mildly.
Then is goofed it all up again.

Could be written better by fans.
That's a sad reality.

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Tenos In reply to HandBack [2008-05-22 22:41:07 +0000 UTC]

i like it. you gots a prol'm wit dat? i also like torchwood. and not for the gayness. in fact the first episode i saw, jack and Ianto make out and i freaked a little. it looked to me like a fangirl struck, but then i saw it was cannon and was okay. i'm a cannon kid C:

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HandBack In reply to Tenos [2008-05-22 22:59:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh my.

YES. I do have a problem with that. hahaha
That series makes me SO sad. Do you watch on sci-fi or get downloads of the current stuff?
I have all the downloads as they come out in UK or I'd never see them.

One day I could write a giant book on how shitty the writing is on the series.
Also about how corporate the whole approach is to the idea/s.

They need to a) get a real producer/head writer (Steve Moffatt would be best) and b) open up time making the shows over an hour or doing constant 2 parters.

If you watch the older series from 1974-1977 it makes the new stuff seem so lame. the old stuff is slow, of course, but so much better written and put together despite having a $2 budget.

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Tenos In reply to HandBack [2008-05-23 19:54:54 +0000 UTC]

i watch it on BBC america. yeah i remember my dad telling me about there being no budget back in the day.

if you wrote that book the fanboys would kill you.

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HandBack In reply to Tenos [2008-05-23 20:23:09 +0000 UTC]

They kill me already on the forum.
I've been extremely honest about the show over there.
Back in the beginning (took a season to get onto the forums due to overload of joiners) I would map out EXACTLY what they were goofing up every week, because it was amazing that anyone with such lack of skills would be in control of such a show. The first 3 seasons were almost unwatchable, but I kept with it... I think my standards are lowering now.

Anyway, they gave me SERIOUS shit the first year.
It was bad the second year.
Now a lot of them are starting to agree with me.

I think the fanbase is wising up to the show.

If your dad grew up in the Philly area, or was there 25 years ago, he was probably part of the WHYY D.WHO revolution I took part in. Basically they showed the Tom Baker episodes from 1979-1982, then yanked it off the air because the dumb ass liberals that run and watch the station said the show was a piece of crap. So they had a fund raiser in 1983, saying 'You want it, prove it' and we all phoned in and dropped $50 or whatever. PBS never saw such a fund raiser. I think we raised $250,000 in about 2 hours, and the fund raising right after dropped off to about $10/hour again. PWNED. WHYY started showing Doctor Who 24/7. so to speak. They brought back the Baker episodes (7 years worth) then the Davison stuff being made, and then were showing all the Pertwees (5 years worth). That's how good the show was back then. If they did something like that now they might get $.50 in fund raising.

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Tenos In reply to HandBack [2008-05-24 02:55:50 +0000 UTC]

my dad has lived in the area his whole life. i doubt he was a hardcore enough fan to do that though.

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HandBack In reply to Tenos [2008-05-24 04:06:18 +0000 UTC]

You sure?

That show did funny things to people.
I was a hard fan from 1979-1986, then drifted off completely until 2001 when the DVDs came out.
Once they publish the Hinchcliffe-Holmes stories all the fun will die down forever.

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Tenos In reply to HandBack [2008-05-26 22:23:35 +0000 UTC]

yeah i'm sure

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HandBack In reply to Tenos [2008-05-27 18:52:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh, coinky-dinky - Steve Moffatt was made the head writer/producer something of the next series of Doctor Who! Just happened.


He's the guy that wrote coupling and the best new D.Who episodes. My favorite/only decent episode of the new series is 'Girl in the Fireplace', and he wrote that. The only sucky part was the denouement when the Doctor comes through the mirror and walks around the robots in front of everyone and talks while the robots do nothing... oh, and he did that in the spaceship too, which was utter crap. I suspect those scenes were written by the retard in charge of the show, not Moffatt.

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Tenos In reply to HandBack [2008-05-27 21:38:19 +0000 UTC]

i saw some of that one. i liked the blink episode. the commercial made it seem scarier though.

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HandBack In reply to Tenos [2008-05-27 23:56:51 +0000 UTC]

Blink was his too.
Commercial made which one scarier? Blink?

Girl in Fireplace wasn't that scary, and they diffused so much good stuff with utter kiddie-grade crap, but the strong story persisted despite the head writer being a dick. Just as the show was getting the game on they would interject some utter nonsense to foul it all up. Best scene of the series is Doctor rescuing the small girl from the monster under the bed.

I am seriously hoping the next rung of Who shows boost up all the good and get rid of the kiddie-crappie and homosexual/relationship garbage that is stuck in like a dildo up a fag ass.

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Tenos In reply to HandBack [2008-07-13 20:37:11 +0000 UTC]

yeah, blink.

i just saw one on friday i don't know the name of the episode but it was so mindblowingly good my head exploded. it was the one were the doctor is stuck on the tour ship and everyone is freaking out. loved it.

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HandBack In reply to Tenos [2008-07-13 22:43:40 +0000 UTC]

Ohzors NOXORZ!

The 'bus to nowhere' thing called MIDNIGHT?

-_-; Nothing made sense in the story. It was arbitrary. Everyone's personalities changed all the time, and none of them made sense as the people they were, the antagonist had no actual purpose, there was no resolution or anything. It was just some fan fic done as a tv show. ;O; I CRY FOR THE WORLD!!!!!!

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Tenos In reply to HandBack [2008-07-14 20:20:44 +0000 UTC]

i saw it more as a lord of the flies, isolation freakout. the fact is people really act like that in those situations.

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HandBack In reply to Tenos [2008-07-16 12:47:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh, TEHnoez.

He could have used that story as a core idea. As a core idea it was good enough - terror in a tiny space. That was something I was suggesting for years on the DW forum Moffat hangs out on, and comments on. It's been a mantra of mine for a decade - an excellent story can be 3 characters in a closet . But then RTD bkew it and left it in 'fanfic' mode.

He lost out in story structure (the 3 act structure that was semi-existent but unpronounced).
He lost out in logical characterization.
He lost out in reason for the story (aside from the production reason - no money).
He lost out on making a greater arc of characters in relation to the terror.

If he was truly adept he would have structured the characters as ideals, and then had them shift. The professor logical, the assistant emotional, the son arrogance or idealism, the mom protective, the father aggressive. Then as the story goes there are events which pervert their characters into the complete opposite by the end as they deal with each other. It could have been a very interesting character study/event, but it was just 6 people screaming and getting angry and not being interesting in any way. And then top it off with this event being some one off unexpected, unexplained thing that sucked. David Tennant's acting was great throughout; he makes a very good hyper-nerd Doctor, and I hope he stays on for 5 more years.

I loved how the fans on the forum thought the monster was The Master, or Rose, or whatever. Everyone wants to see something in this show, and that events tie together. OH THEY TIE THEM TOGETHER by the end of the season, but god it was bad.

Please, Steven Moffat, use your powers to elevate this show back from mindlessness.

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Tenos In reply to HandBack [2008-07-19 02:20:00 +0000 UTC]

no fans are more delusional and terrifying than the zuktarians. they are a terrifying breed. sadly i'm a kataanger which puts my in their line of fire.

honestly i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE senarios like that one (probably why i hated lord of the flies). it just makes me so mad that i want to beat them all to death or somesuch.

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