Ever since the shrinking virus broke out, we’ve made sure to be supportive of everyone affected by it. I've donated to charities for them and since everyone in the family tested immune, I helped shrunken people out whenever I came across one. I know that there are plenty of people out there who are cruel to the shrunken people, but I thought that our family at least would be a safe haven for people who’ve caught the shrinking virus.
Recently I’ve been catching glimpses of bloodstains on my oldest daughter’s soles, and sometimes there’s a little bit of a red tint on her pants and socks whenever I load up the washing machine. Of course, I didn’t want to assume anything, especially since my daughter was so sweet and kind, she wouldn’t hurt a fly! I raised her to care about everyone, no matter whether they’re shrunken or not, and I thought that she’d taken that to heart.
However, just today I saw her out in the garden, she’d found a tiny person begging for her to help him. I thought she’d either help him out or ignore him, but instead she lifted her bare foot up, laughing as the tiny tried to run away before she stomped her foot down, turning the poor tiny into nothing but a bloodstain. I was speechless throughout all of this, I could barely believe it! My own daughter just killed an innocent person! Worst of all was how she did it so nonchalantly, she walked back into the house and casually waved to me after she’d just killed someone, I was so shocked I could hardly muster up a response.
So, I’m asking everyone here for advice. What should I do about this, how do I confront her? Do I punish her or should I try to be more understanding? Also, she’s been in a really good mood for the last few months ever since I started noticing the signs that she was killing tiny people, and she looked so happy when she stepped on that guy, maybe it’s for the best that i just let her keep doing it… she’s killing people though, I’m so conflicted!