— DC Remake Goldstar
2021-10-25 13:08:22 +0000 UTC
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Reporter Clark Kent is known to have fled from the future to the past, fleeing the invasion of the Crime Syndicate. Having found the costume of Booster Gold, a hero of the past in the Museum of the Justice Legion, he activated the time shift mechanism and moved into the 21st century, thereby becoming Booster Gold and thus creating a time anomaly. But few know the circumstances of such an escape. What made Clark Kent run from the future to the past? He was a brave reporter and went through many "hot spots"! The answer to this could be given by Lana Lang, the superheroine nicknamed "Goldstar", with whom Booster was in love. The legendary Booster Gold was for Lana a real example of courage and dedication - she knew his biography by heart, she could tell for a long time how Booster Gold heroically confronted Doomsday, how he descended into Hell after Sargon's soul, single-handedly defused Rannian Zeta-Bomb and helped destroy Brainiac's recon probe. And Kent was in love with the Goldstar. Seeing that he had no chance of becoming her life companion, Kent traveled back in time - not only to escape the Syndicate, but also to become a hero admired by the Goldstar.
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