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In another plane of reality, on a planet not too different from ours, lives Nadimi. In the temple of the snake goddess, she is assigned the task of ensuring cleanliness and order. Every day she slithers through the corridors and rooms with her simple broom.
Perhaps there is an important difference between this world and ours, Nadimi is a Naga, like a large part of the population there. However, there are numerous other sentient species in her society, centaurs, neko, gargoyle, just to name a few of the most represented. Humans are also present, but they make up only 9% of all inhabitants. Mostly harmoniously they all live together, using their special qualities for the good of all.
The annual ritual of praising the snake goddess is coming up and Nadimi is charged with cleaning thoroughly even in the holiest, especially around the altar. On the altar stands the Komotite, a perfect pure crystal, cut into a dodecahedron about the size of a head.
She is not allowed to touch the Komotite itself; only the priests are allowed to clean it. As usual, the holiest of relics is displayed under a secure glass cover. Looking at the ground, following the movements of her broom, Nadimi's attention is distracted by a glimmer of light. Startled, she looks up and sees the Komotite shining from within, a blue light that intensifies and finally penetrates the glass cover in a pulse, opening a portal directly in front of Nadimi. Without being able to react, Nadimi is pulled into this portal.
Many years before, in another reality, ours. The latest issue of ‘Theoretical Science Magazine’ contains an elaboration on parallel realities and a thought experiment to prove such. It is proposed to draw a perfect crystal and to excite it with high energy lasers, depending on whether there are realities besides ours, the measurement of the vibrations of the crystal should be different. Assumed, in the parallel reality there is also a similar crystal.
For a long time this hypothesis was not considered very much, mainly because the technological conditions did not allow to grow a sufficiently pure crystal. With the technological progress this has changed and even if the idea of other realities beside ours still plays a shadow existence in modern physics there is working group around Dr. Nadine Serpana which concerns itself with it.
The perfect crystal was grown and cut in the own laboratory over several months. After further weeks of fine tuning and first unsuccessful measurements, today the laser energy is increased again by 70%, so that the theoretical power should be reached to achieve a measurable effect.
Some of the scientists, including Dr. Nadine Serpana are sitting a few rooms away, so as not to cause any vibrations that could falsify the measurements. They can see what is happening in the lab via a camera and the connected measuring devices. Only no one is looking at the camera, since the laser operates in the not visible range. All eyes are fixed on a monitor and two oscilloscopes.
After a short countdown from 3 down, an assistant flips the switch and activates the laser. Nothing happens for a moment, then the numbers on the monitor start to change. A small cheer goes through the room before various displays fail. Hectically, the settings are checked without revealing what just went wrong. Only a look at the live camera image from the lab brings clarity. On the monitor, a young woman can be seen in the lab with a broom in her hand, bumping into various pieces of equipment.
No one can explain how she got in there, the laser is hastily switched off before some of the scientists rush to the nearby lab.
If they had looked a little more closely at the monitor, they would have noticed that this strange woman moves in an unusual way. She does not walk on two legs, but glides across the floor with her snake-like body.
When the approaching scientists open the door, they are startled by this sight and partly retreat hastily.
Nadimi, who just a moment ago had been keeping order in the temple, is also startled to find herself in a place that is completely foreign to her.
"Where am I? Who are you?" is heard softly.
"What are you?" is the only response she gets in this moment of shock.
"I, ... I am the keeper of order in the temple. How did I get here?" she says, presenting her broom.
"What kind of temple? What kind of creature are you?" is asked again.
"The temple of the snake goddess. I am a naga, can't you tell?"
Only slowly the misunderstandings are solved, it takes some time for the scientists to realize that their experiment was much more successful than hoped and even longer to make this fact understandable to the visitor from another reality.
From then on, Dr. Nadine Serpana's team works feverishly to reproduce the experiment and send Nadimi back to her homeland, but not before she reports extensively on her world and also undergoes medical examinations. The Nobel Prize is certain, both in physics for the portal to another reality, and in medicine for the discovery of another sentient species and analysis of its DNA.
After all the examinations and questioning, Nadimi finally has some time to explore this strange world for herself while she waits to return home.
To ensure her safety, whole areas are regularly closed off for her, even though she cannot fully comprehend what is so special about the sight of a Naga, she accepts that she has the beach all to herself.
Nadimi has to hold out for a little over a year until the team of scientists finally succeeds in establishing a stable connection and she can return to her world.
In the middle of the annual ritual of the snake goddess, she crosses the portal and suddenly finds herself standing in the temple with all eyes on her.
Nadimi clarifies what is initially dubbed a miracle here. And announces that her new friends from the other reality want to visit.
As agreed, the portal opens again a week later and two people enter a world that is foreign to them. Unlike Nadimi, who had no idea what had happened to her, Dr. Nadine Serpana and her assistant know exactly what they have let themselves in for. And also in contrast to Nadimi, they are welcomed with a big ceremony, it doesn't happen every day that visitors from another reality arrive, at least for now...