I drew Tatsuo with the idea of someone forcing him to dress up as a vampire and him being confused why the whole time. I just wanted to draw a stereotypical costume and Tatsuo seemed like the perfect option. I did go for shades of green instead of red to go for his aesthethic.
Tatsuo is owned by Triskata
Pose traced over from Young Justice S1E01
Please note for the Dream Team Treats, future drawings may be a group of people or a singular character and possibly in different styles. I will be trying to respect the values of the characters depicted and to not draw a character in any demeaning/offensive/rude costumes. There may also be some days where I double post to ensure I am completed this month or I may not post if I am occupied with my schooling. Please do not pester me about your character/when they will be drawn since I am doing this for fun