Comments: 73
AnneCat In reply to Starlene [2012-05-22 21:56:11 +0000 UTC]
Also -- AAAH! AAH!! AAAAAAH! I finally found some clips of other parts of the Spanish performance!!! OMG OMG OMG. Must... download... for... posterity...
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AnneCat In reply to AnneCat [2012-05-22 22:07:20 +0000 UTC]
[link] (I WISH they'd managed to show more of the interaction; they only catch about half the center stage, but you can still see an eensy bit of the Grantaire/Enjolras/Gavroche interactions.)
[link] <-- which leads to this sadness...
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Starlene In reply to Katsumii [2012-05-15 18:58:28 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, I don't know if Enjolras is my favourite character, actually - but he's certainly the funniest to draw, for whatever reason!
Aww, too bad you don't have a good Enjy (or a good audio/video of him, for that matter!)... Well, then again - the ÅST ones weren't my national Enjolrati, per se, since they sung in Swedish and I'm Finnish... But they're the closest thing I have (I don't count the audio of one of the actual Finnish guys from 2000, the quality is too bad), and luckily they were all good!
Eek, can't wait to see that!
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Katsumii In reply to Starlene [2012-05-27 03:24:24 +0000 UTC]
Hahahaha, I think I do not belong to any team ... but you can count me on the Les Mis team anyway! I think all characters have had their part, even if I might happen to have favourites. Everyone's important in the end. I also like Javert very much, because of his complex personality. And I think it's terrible for the Law itself to find out the enemy is not so enemy-like as he thought in the end. It's just a terrific moment! Full of emotion and despair! Enjolras also got moving moments, but Javert's end is just pure gorgeousness. Of course it helps if the performer actually...acts LOL and makes us believe he really doesn't know what the hell to do. It's right the point. I hope Russell Crowe's Javert makes it work, too. If not, it'd be "Oh,lookie, I'm dying, I'm falling, yeah... look, a bird! Look how I reach that note. Pretty, huh? Ah? yeah, I practiced, see? my singing's pretty. Ah?...that I seem pretty alive and not in despair?...well..details" LOL
SRSBSNSJolras for the win. But he'd been pretty much HAPPYN'HIGHJolras when he heard Lamarque died. "I can has revolution PLZ!!! 8D"
Did you see and hear worse? hahahahaha That'd be fun to hear. Anyway, like I told you...crappy video and audio is crappy. Horrible quality OTL... I so hope they actually film upcoming revival e__e
I shall say Karimloo is my favourite because the very first time I heard him in the role I thought "Oh, wow, I believe it!". He has a recognizable voice and I liked that you could guess who Enjolras was just closing your eyes and no matter if you really knew when his part came, just because his voice has some kind of different touch. I liked that about the 25° Anniversary... that all barricade boys seemed to have voice with a touch, so they didn't seem "all the same". Anyway, I still stay with the "I believe it!" of my first time watching the 25° Aniv, so I guess I can say Karimloo is my favourite And his 'who cares about your lonely soul' face to Jonas was priceless. Ah yeah... I guess we better do not start with the Jonas subject lol. But there are so many wonderful Enjolras out there!! It's just my national one is not so wonderful for me XD...hope the new one will be better or at least recognizable (since he's the barricade leader, duh lol
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Starlene In reply to Katsumii [2012-05-27 17:36:33 +0000 UTC]
True that!
Also, true, Javert's Suicide is one of the easiest Les Mis songs to mess. It's so easy to make it pretty singing but nothing else. I think I've only seen one or two Javerts who have fully convinced me with their Suicide... It's an amazing, hard scene.
Haha, yeah... Lamarque is dead, THIS IS BETTER THAN CHRISTMAS MORNING!
I've certainly seen worse Enjolrati... The one I saw in Malmö, Sweden comes to mind. In the first act, their Enjolras had less chemistry and leader qualities than Grantaire. In the second act, he went all nuts: shouted and paced around, totally not a calm leader! He seemed to be the most afraid of them all. (Maybe luckily, no video exists.) So yeah, after that, seeing an Enjolras who's a little bland doesn't really bother me that much...
I've seen Karimloo live twice, in Phantom and then in Love Never Dies... He was pretty good at both, and true, his voice is lovely! His Enjy is not my favourite though, but that's maybe just because I'm so fixated on Rune!Enjolras from ÅST... Anyway, Ramin's way better than the 10th Ann. Enjy, he's just silly...
Here's to hoping your new Enjolras will be better than the previous one!
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EntirelyInsane [2012-03-30 01:35:01 +0000 UTC]
al sdkfj asd;lkjf ;asldkjf ;lst this is beautiful and I want every single one of their outfits and this is beautiful and awwwww so beautiful ♥
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EntirelyInsane In reply to Starlene [2012-04-04 00:34:10 +0000 UTC]
And the Liberty shirt! I'd kill for a Liberty shirt, man.
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FlammableWolf [2012-03-03 14:10:20 +0000 UTC]
I love this! Haha, seeing the different costumes together really points out how silly the original vest is... ah well!
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Starlene In reply to Arrendry [2012-03-03 10:45:10 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, I guess there's a bit of similarity there! Aww, too bad I can't see the Spanish version, I've heard so many good things about it (and the CD's nice)!
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Starlene In reply to Arrendry [2012-03-03 11:10:02 +0000 UTC]
Maybe you'll see it one day - it doesn't seem like it's closing anytime soon!
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PiippaB In reply to Starlene [2012-03-03 10:27:20 +0000 UTC]
Näin kuuluuki!
And you're right. Vaik Samueljolras oli se seriousbusiness, niin... XD
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Voikkuinen [2012-03-02 13:33:26 +0000 UTC]
Koska syistä x ja y, päätin olla pitämättä lupaustani himputin pitkästä kommentista seuraavaan työhösi (voin antaa siitä Herbert-kuvasta pitkän arvioinnin kunhan sekin musikaali on nähty!), tehdään se nyt.
Neljä ensimmäistä Enjyä saavat minulta lämpimän halauksen. Ihan vain koska A) Tuukka Enjyksi ja as soon as possible! B) RUNE. C) Samuel on ääneltään mahtava, ja se takkikin taidettiin kaventaa ennen vikaa esitystä (kun se silloin istui, toisin kuin 21.1.). Oikeastaan Samuelista o jäänyt ristiriitainen kuva, mutta omalla tavallaan hänenkin Enjynsä oli loistava. D) Richard on Richard, ja koska ÅST oli loistava, annan kaiken ÅST-rakkauteni hänellekin.
Thaxton on minulle ristiriitaisempi Enjy kuin kukaan muu. Ihan vain, koska minua ärsyttää se kuinka paljon ihmiset vouhottavat Tahxtonin loistavuudesta. Varmasti oli hyvä, muttei paras aina ja ikuisesti. Toisaalta, en ole nähnyt, joten en tiedä millainen loppujen lopuksi oli. Ja en pidä Thaxton-viiksistä, vaikkeivat ne liity mitenkään Enjyyn.
Liamilla on hyvä ääni, mutten oikeastaan tiedä hänen nejystään. Johtuneekohan siitä, ettei tyyppi ollut huono muttei loistavakaan-
Ja Malmö on aina Malmö. Kaikki kunnia Fred Johansonille ja Glennille, siitä että heissä oli ainesta.
Väritys toimii ja on noista erotettaviss ketä tarkoitetaan. Paitsi ehkä Richardissa, mutta Richard onkin aika unfamous. Ja Samuelkin on tarpeeksi pallopää.
Pitäisiköhän sanoa muuta... Samuel on ihanan muodollisesti pukeutunut, rusetit kireellä ja kaikki.
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Starlene In reply to Voikkuinen [2012-03-02 15:08:45 +0000 UTC]
Et olis sanonu, mä en muistanu koko lupausta tässä vaiheessa enää...
A) Vapauttakaa Tuukka, jne!
C) Olen varmaan ainoa, joka ei niinkään kiinnittänyt siihen takkiin huomiota, mutta hyvä, jos näin! Samuel, hmm... Kelpo Enjy, mutta minun kirjoissani ei (muuta kuin ääneltään) nouse loistavan kirjoihin. Ehkä, jos sillä olisi ollut enemmän aikaa roolissa, kehitys oli ylöspäin!
D) yessss
Ei Thaxtonissa vikaa, mutta se sen fanikerho toisinaan... Thaxton-viikset Enjylle, kyllä kiitos!
En muista Liamin äänestä mitään, en ole tarpeeksi kiinnostunut ottaakseni selvää... Uskon siis mukisematta!
Fred!Javert! Oikeesti, kyllä! Ja Glenn noin niinku ylipäätään. Söpöin Granttis ikinä!
Sit kuule ku Richard on famous ni voidaan sanoo et me piirrettiin siit fanarttia ennenku se oli mainstream! Haha, kiitos! Vallankumoukseen pitää pukeutua asianmukaisella vakavuudella!
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